Sunset Overdrive is slated to hit the Xbox One on Oct. 28 which is like...7 days from now.
It looks pretty damn awesome and fun and woo. I know I've got it preordered.
From the Wiki
"Sunset Overdrive is a open world, third-person shooter video game developed by Insomniac Games and published by Microsoft Studios exclusively for the Xbox One. Set in the fictional open world metropolis Sunset City in 2027, players control a fully customizable FizzCo employee who fights the OD'd, humans transformed into monsters after consuming an energy drink. Players wall-run and use zip-lines and grind rails to swiftly navigate Sunset City, and have a large weapon arsenal to use in action."
It's going to be fun as hell and the multiplayer looks to be a good time as well.
I'll keep a player list here if people want on it just like @ me in a post or PM me. If you @ me don't forget to put quotes around my name because there is a space in it.
So who is getting this shit next week?
buuuuuuut i don't have gold
I might eventually check it out, dependent on reviews, but my gaming budget for this whole year is pretty much spent
Also my Xbox One is currently in the closet due to space concerns and the fact that I haven't played anything on it since June. I don't want to sell it, because it was a gift from my girlfriend, but even she was like "you should probably sell this thing" once she got a feel of the controller and experienced the UI for herself (she's a 360 player and hadn't tried a One prior to buying mine)
Anyways, open-world shooter seems like the logical progression for Insomniac, though if I'm being honest I miss the heyday of Spyro on the PS1. This looks a lot better than Fuse
I'm Lasbrook on Xbox btw.
It seems pretty ace to me!
But what do I know I own neither of the next gen consoles.
This game looks fly though.
Satans..... hints.....
Also Forza Horizon 2.
Same reason I do!
It just doesn't feel right in the hand, a little bit smaller than the 360 pad, the bumpers are somehow even more garbage than the 360's were, there's not enough resistance in the triggers, the D-pad is more functional but makes an annoying clicky noise whenever you press each direction
It'd be really great if they could patch something in to let you use a wired 360 pad, that would be aces, but as it stands I can't stand playing on the thing
It's pretty hard to go back to anything else after the DualShock 4, but even the Wii U Game Pad is more comfortable to use
put a god damn trailer
or a screenshot or something in the op Raijin, jesus
Need some stuff designed or printed? I can help with that.
It's hard!
Its been giving me Jet Set Radio vibes.
Except the soundtrack will probably be nowhere as awesome.
I'm waiting to hear some actual gameplay impressions, though.
Steam ID XBL: JohnnyChopsocky PSN:Stud_Beefpile WiiU:JohnnyChopsocky
I mean, they aren't the best games ever made but I found fun in all of them.
The city was just really dark, there was a lot of angst and it was just so by the numbers.
Satans..... hints.....
Ugh. That actually turns me off a bit.
I can't say I cared for Infamous either and thought it was kind of dull. One of the main reasons being that I thought most of the characters were boring/uninteresting/annoying. Hell, Cole was such a non-person that I never understood why they didn't just let you customize your character.
But you can customize your character in this one...and gameplay-wise I did rather enjoy Infamous even if I thought they could have mixed it up more.
So, I guess it depends on what they found dull exactly.
I thought it was coming out for PC as well for some reason? I'm not sure why, since now I can't find any mention of that at all anywhere.
Now reviews are out
Eurogamer - 8/10 "Beneath the glorious tech, and once the writing relaxes a little, Sunset Overdrive's wonderfully lurid and heartfelt"
Game Informer - 9.25/10 "It’s a colorful return to form for Insomniac games, and a hell of an exclusive for Xbox One"
IGN - 9/10 "Never has getting from point A to point B in an open-world game provided so much enjoyment"
Joystiq - 5/5 "To see fireworks, flames, acid, bullets and more all fly across the colorful cityscape, decimating enemies too numerous to count, all without so much as a hiccup in framerate, is the definition of spectacle"
Polygon - 9/10 "But the best thing about Sunset Overdrive is how it's unabashedly enthusiastic about what it is, in just about every way. That enthusiasm, and the freedom behind it, is contagious"
i can see Infamous, but i played a lot more of Saints Row 3, which matches well, tonally. i haven't played 4, but it seems to be more similar to Sunset Overdrive. plus Dead Rising. even the "Digital Trip" bits of WatchDoge. these are positive comparisons! anyway.
but it wouldn't be for a good while and there's no guarantee they'd do it
Just get an Xbox One. Problem solved!
I realize not everyone wants or has the capability of getting an Xbox One.
who knows, really
Sadly, I have to start getting ready for work in 3 hours so even if it gets here before then I won't have much time to play.
Look at that player
And I don't think I've even unlocked the crazy shit yet.