I'm off to pirate more music, steal software, and knock down little old ladies, then later I'm going to cover my self in Yak's blood, and lay in a pentagram, while reading some Marxist literature and praying to a heathen god.
It's hard to say since we haven't seen a lot of automata besides Carl, but given how unnecessarily human these robots act (colloquialisms, organic movement, the hug in panel 6), might "human emotion and behavior" be the "what she's got" that the Foundry doesn't like?
No, I figure most automata (with sufficient "lumes") have such, whether humans acknowledge them or not. Heck, not liking something is an emotional preference.
I think she's referring to the soft squishy bits she wears/has installed that the meatbags like to do their disgusting meaty things with.
To jump fantastic genres (and point up some of the power dynamics involved), imagine how we'd react to someone who goes to the trouble of being fitted with IV taps so that vampires can more conveniently feed off them.
Regal continues to be a genuine class act. I'm dreading seeing how he gets to bleeding out in the snow (maybe someone gave him that 'tour'), and hoping that he survives it somehow.
I think she's referring to the soft squishy bits she wears/has installed that the meatbags like to do their disgusting meaty things with.
To jump fantastic genres (and point up some of the power dynamics involved), imagine how we'd react to someone who goes to the trouble of being fitted with IV taps so that vampires can more conveniently feed off them.
Regal continues to be a genuine class act. I'm dreading seeing how he gets to bleeding out in the snow (maybe someone gave him that 'tour'), and hoping that he survives it somehow.