So, I'm having a new issue with TWC and my internet.
So I finally harassed them enough to stablize my connection and get the 45+ Mbps I'm paying for at a consistent rate, but now I have a new problem with this router which is now becoming a much bigger pain.
My NAT settings are always strict or moderate and never open. I currently have my systems with a wired connection along with static IPs, I tried port forwarding all the Xbox One/360 ports listed, turned on UPnP, even DMZed the boxes and I STILL get restricted NAT.
I don't have the exact model number but I have an Arris modem/router combo. There is a setting for routing with NAT (which I'm using), routing without NAT (which causes the DNS to no longer work this preventing me from accessing the Internet), and bridged (which will pass through and let me use a dedicated router, but essentially shuts off my modem. Also setting up a router in addition to this combo unit would probably be beyond my abilities without a step by step guide).
Doing some research it looks like that it might either by a "feature" of this unit to always be restricted NAT, since most answers I've found so far are "buy a new router" (possible), and "ditch TWC" (not possible, due to apartment living).
Anyone have any other possible suggestions? Maybe call up TWC again on a daily basis till its fixed/give me a modem that does what I want?
Right... Yeah, guess I'll start calling over the weekend then. Thanks Grislo
What usually happens with modern cable modems is that they have their own inbuilt router, which would use it's own NAT and Security filter that you'd have to do DMZ/port forward with. But if it's bridged right to your router, it'll act as a dummy modem instead.
It's very frustrating though because I just stayed the night at her place and everything was great; constant mp games in both AssCreed (which wonteven attempt matchmaking) and CoD:AW (which forces me to change lobbies every game), my AssCreed stuff synced up and working (stuff I've unlocked on the companion apps can't be collected in game). Now that I'm back home back to shit Internet.