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[PbP] [AGoT: TBG] A Game of Thrones: The Board Game #2 - Game Over - Greyjoy is King!

stever777stever777 AFK most SaturdaysRegistered User regular
edited July 2015 in Critical Failures

“There is ice and there is fire. Hate and love. Bitter and sweet. [...]
Winter and summer. Evil and good."
She took a step toward him.
"Death and life. Everywhere, opposites. Everywhere, the war."

Welcome to A Game of Thrones: The Board Game. AGoT: tBG is Fantasy Flight Games' game of intrigue, diplomacy, and strategy for 6 players. King Robert Baratheon is dead, and the lands of Westeros brace for battle. In the second edition of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game, three to six players take on the roles of the great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, as they vie for control of the Iron Throne through the use of diplomacy and warfare. Based on the best-selling A Song of Ice and Fire series of fantasy novels by George R.R. Martin, A Game of Thrones is an epic board game in which it will take more than military might to win. Will you take power through force, use honeyed words to coerce your way onto the throne, or rally the townsfolk to your side? Through strategic planning, masterful diplomacy, and clever card play, spread your influence over Westeros!

"Power resides where men believe it resides. No more and no less."
-Lord Varys

A Game of Thrones allows the players to take on the roles of several of the Great Houses vying for control of the Seven Kingdoms, including House Stark, House Lannister, House Baratheon, House Greyjoy, House Tyrell, and House Martell. Players maneuver armies to secure support in the various regions that comprise the Seven Kingdoms, with the goal of capturing enough support to claim the Iron Throne.

This will be a Play-By-Post Game of A Game of Thrones: The Board Game for 6 players, participants determined from sign-ups.
We will NOT be using Tides of Battle.

Please sign-up in limegreen.
You may also post which House you may wish to play or not.
(See image in next post.)

Participants will be determined randomly.

No PM's are allowed between players.
All discussion must be done in the thread.
Game questions to the host are allowed.


Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
stever777 on


  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited April 2015

    “The man who passes the sentence should swing the sword." - Eddard Stark


    The Board

    -The Turn Phases-
    1. The Westeros Phase
    1. Advance Game Round Marker
    Skip this phase during the first game round.
    Advance the Game Round marker.
    2. Draw Westeros Cards
    Reveal the top card of all 3 Westeros decks.
    3. Advance Wildlings Track
    Count the number of Wildling icons on the 3 revealed Westeros cards (if any) and move the Wildling Threat token that many spaces on the Wildlings track. If the Wildling Threat token reaches position ‘12’, immediately resolve a Wildling attack.
    4. Resolve Westeros Cards
    In order of deck number (starting with I), resolve each revealed Westeros Card.

    2. The Planning Phase
    1. Assign Orders
    Each player must place 1 Order token facedown on each area he controls that contains at least one of his units (Footman, Knight, Ship, or Siege Engine). You may use any of your regular Order tokens, but may only use a number of Special Order tokens equal to the number of stars printed next to his position on the King’s Court Influence track.
    2. Reveal Orders
    All orders assigned to the board are simultaneously flipped faceup, revealing their order types.
    3. Use Messenger Raven
    The player holding the Messenger Raven token may perform one of these actions (he may decide to perform neither):
    • Replace an Order Token:
      Swap one of his Order tokens on the board for one of his unused Order tokens.
    • Look at the Top Wildling Card:
      Look at the top card of the Wildling deck, then either return it facedown to the top of the deck, or place it facedown at the bottom. He may share the card information with others, but may not show it to them.
    3. The Action Phase
    1. Resolve Raid Orders
    Repeatedly cycling through the turn order, each player resolves one of his Raid Orders, until none remain. Choose one enemy Support, Raid, or Consolidate Power Order adjacent to the Raid Order. The chosen order and the resolved Raid Order are both removed from the board.

    A player using a Raid Order to remove an opponent’s Consolidate Power Order token is pillaging. He receives 1 Power token from the Power Pool and the opponent discards one of his available power tokens to the Power Pool, if able.

    2. Resolve March Orders
    Repeatedly cycling through the turn order, each player resolves one of his March Orders, until none remain.
    You may move all, some, or none of your units from the area assigned the March Order.
    Units may move together or separately into several adjacent (unless using ship transport) areas, and/or remain in the area assigned the March Order.
    Footmen, Knights, and Siege Engine units may never move into sea areas or ports.
    Ship units may move into friendly connected port areas or adjacent sea areas, but may never move into a land area.
    For each March Order, you may move units into only one area containing units of another House. When you move one or more units into an area containing units from another house, you start a combat as the attacker. Before resolving combat, all other non-combat movement from the area assigned the March Order must be completed. The number on each March Order token is the Combat Strength modifier provided to the attacking player when a combat is initiated with that Order.

    3. Resolve Consolidate Power Orders
    Repeatedly cycling through the turn order, each player resolves one of his Consolidate Power Orders until none remain. Remove the Consolidate Power token to gain 1 Power token from the Power Pool, plus 1 additional token for each Power icon printed on the area.

    4. Clean Up
    Remove all remaining Support and Defense Orders from the board. Stand all routed units upright. Flip the Messenger Raven and the Valyrian Steel Blade tokens to their available (non-faded) side. If this was the end of game round 10, the game is over; determine a winner.

    1. The Westeros Phase
    1. Call For Support
    Both attacker and defender may plead for support from areas adjacent to the embattled area that contain a Support Order. A player controlling such an order may grant (or refuse) his supporting Combat Strength (the combined Combat Strength of all units in the supporting area) to either attacker or defender (who may refuse support). Support may be given to any adjacent combat, even if the supporting player’s own forces are in it. If there are multiple adjacent Support Orders, declare/refuse support in turn order. When you grant support, your Support Order token is not removed after the combat. A Support Order may support any number of adjacent combats in the same round. A Support Order gives no defensive benefit to attacks against its own area (the units in its area will defend normally).
    Ship units may support adjacent combat in a sea area or a land area. Footmen, Knights, or Siege Engine units may never provide support to combat in a sea area. Supporting Siege Engine units only provide supporting Combat Strength when supporting the attacker in an embattled area containing either a Castle or Stronghold. A supporting player must contribute an area’s full supporting Combat Strength, or none at all. A player may never support an opponent in combat against his own units.

    2. Calculate Initial Combat Strength
    Both sides total and announce their Initial Combat Strength:
    • Attacking/defending units
    • Defense order bonus (defender only)
    • March order bonus/penalty (attacker only)
    • Supporting units and Special Support Order bonuses
    • Garrison token
    3. Choose and Reveal House Cards
    The attacker and defender must secretly select 1 House card from their hands and reveal and resolve them simultaneously.

    4. Use Valyrian Steel Blade
    If the attacker or the defender holds the Valyrian Steel Blade token, he may now use its ability to add +1 to his total Combat Strength.
    If used, flip the token to its faded side.

    5. Calculate Final Combat Strength
    Both sides combine their initial Combat Strength with any subsequent modifiers to find their final Combat Strength:
    • Initial Combat Strength (Some House card text abilities may cause the initial Combat Strength to be recalculated)
    • Combat Strength + applicable abilities of House card
    • Valyrian Steel Blade +1 Combat Strength (if used)
    6. Combat Resolution
    • 1. Determine Victor
      The player with the highest final Combat Strength wins the combat; his opponent is defeated. On a tied result, the player with the higher position on the Fiefdoms track wins.
    • 2. Casualties
      Only the defeated player takes casualties in combat.
      1. Victor’s Sword Icon:

      Count the number of Swords icons on the victor’s House card.
      2. Defeated Player’s Fortification Icons:
      Count the number of Fortification icons on the defeated player’s House card.
      3. Defeated Player Suffers Casualties:
      The defeated player must destroy 1 unit in the area for each Sword icon of the victorious player minus the number of Fortification icons of the defeated player (0 or less, no casualties). A player decides which of his units are removed as casualties (unless stated otherwise by a played House card). Supporting units can never be taken as casualties in combat. Each casualty suffered destroys a single unit, regardless of Combat Strength.
    • 3.Retreats & Routing
      The losing army must then retreat from the embattled area (supporting units do not retreat). If there is no legal area in which to retreat, all retreating units are destroyed.
      If the attacker lost, his surviving units must retreat back to the area from which they marched.
      If the defender lost, all his surviving units must retreat to one empty adjacent area (no enemy units or enemy Power tokens) or to a friendly area (with friendly units, and/or a friendly Power token). The units may never retreat to the area the attacking units marched from, even if it is empty.
      You may not retreat your defending units to an area containing friendly units if this would cause you to exceed your Supply limit. If your only option is to do so, you must first destroy as many retreating units as necessary to be compliant with your Supply limit after retreating to the area.
      Footmen or Knight units may not retreat to a sea area or a port. Ship units may never retreat to a land area. You may use ship transport to retreat your units. Siege Engine units cannot retreat, and are destroyed if forced to retreat.
      After retreating, all retreated units are placed on their sides and are routed. Routed units provide no Combat Strength, but still count towards a player’s supply limit. A routed unit forced to retreat is destroyed. Routed units may never be chosen as casualties in combat and may not move, even if a March Order token is resolved in their new area.
    • 4. Clean Up
      After combat is completed, remove the attacking player’s March Order token from the game board.
      If the combat was won by the attacker, remove any Order token the defender assigned to the embattled area (if one remains) as well as any Power token in the area.
      If the combat was won by the defender, the defending player’s Power and Order tokens (if any) in the area are unaffected.
      Both played House cards are discarded to their respective player’s discard piles.
      The Resolve March Orders step of the Action Phase now continues.

    At the end of the 10th game round, the player with the highest position on the Victory track wins the game. If a House, at any time, reaches the seventh position on the Victory Track, the game immediately ends and he wins.

    -House Cards-

    -Westeros Cards-
    Westeros Deck I
    3 x Supply (adjust supply)
    3 x Mustering (muster units)
    2 x Thrones of Blades* (Iron Throne holder chooses Mustering or Supply or none)
    1 x Last Days of Summer* (nothing happens)
    1 x Winter is Coming (reshuffle)
    * = Wildlings increase in power

    Westeros Deck II
    3 x Clash of Kings (bid power tokens on influence tracks)
    3 x Game of Thrones (gain power tokens)
    2 x Dark Wings, Dark Words* (Messenger Raven holder chooses COK or GOT or none)
    1 x Last Days of Summer* (nothing happens)
    1 x Winter is Coming (reshuffle)
    * = Wildlings increase in power

    Westeros Deck III
    3 x Wilding Attack (bid power tokens to fend off Wildling Attack)
    1 x Sea of Storms* (no raid orders)
    1 x Rains of Autumn* (no +1 march orders)
    1 x Feast for Crows* (no consolidate power orders)
    1 x Web of Lies* (no support orders)
    1 x Storm of Swords* (no defence orders)
    2 x Put to the Sword (Valyrian Steel holder chooses ROA or StOSw or none)
    * = Wildlings increase in power

    -Wildling Attack Cards-

    -Strategy Tips & Info-


    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    In the game of thrones...

  • JPantsJPants Registered User regular
    By the blood of the first men, sign me up!

  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    A Lannister always pays his debts

    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Game #1?


    I'll give it another whirl

    MrBody on
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Oh, I know.
    Just counting my games.
    (Aren't they the only ones that count?)

    Changed to #2, M'Lord.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    The winter is coming!

  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Damn, too late! Put me in reserve please

    Edit: Oh, we're selected Randomly. In that case, yay, sign me up. I would like to NOT be Greyjoys, if at all possible (because every time I have played as them I have been AWFUL).

    The Brayster on
    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • Dis'Dis' Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Sign me up for the reserves then :)

    Edit: Or to play if we're having random selections :)

    Dis' on
  • PhyphorPhyphor Building Planet Busters Tasting FruitRegistered User regular
    Reserve up!

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    My preemptive sympathies for the Lannister player.

  • BertezBertezBertezBertez Registered User regular
    I am down if there is room

    ...but I would say that

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    I will be taking 6 players from all sign-ups, so, if you really only want to reserve up, let me know.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular

    Geth, roll 1d1000 for jdarksun
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for JPants
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for NotoriusBEN
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for MrBody
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for Preda
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for The Brayster
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for Dis'
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for Phyphor
    Geth, roll 1d1000 for BertezBertez

    1d1000 961 [1d1000=961]
    1d1000 894 [1d1000=894]
    1d1000 816 [1d1000=816]
    1d1000 874 [1d1000=874]
    1d1000 1000 [1d1000=1000]
    The Brayster:
    1d1000 440 [1d1000=440]
    1d1000 12 [1d1000=12]
    1d1000 130 [1d1000=130]
    1d1000 763 [1d1000=763]

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014

    Houses in Iron Throne Order B,L,S,M,G,T

    That gives us:
    Preda as Baratheon
    The Brayster as Lannister (switched w/Greyjoy)
    JPants as Stark
    BertezBertez as Martell (switched w/Tyrell)
    jdarksun as Greyjoy (switched w/Lannister)
    MrBody as Tyrell (switched w/Martell)

    Sorry, Phyphor & Dis'.

    If anyone wants to switch houses you may ask the other lords, otherwise please Private Message me your orders.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    We will be using some of the format that is used on BGG for this game.

    1. Bold for in-game moves and actions.
    2. Normal text for discussions.
    3. Politics and Roleplaying are highly encouraged. ITALICIZE all of them.
    4. If possible, don't edit game related stuff (actions, politics), but if you must, highlight that you edited that particular text by leaving the old text struck-through. This is to clear up confusion. Someone may read your original post only once, then when you change it, he may not notice what's wrong later.
    5. To make things easier, we will address each other by our House names. You may address me as moderator or just as mod. (or even Lord Mod!)
    6. All players will use banner images when posting, instead of coloring texts. Copy them and place them at the beginning of every post.


    And i will use this banner for moderatorial text:

    Combat calculation example for copy and paste, modify it according to the current battle:

    Initial Strength = 3 (1 KN, 1 FM)
    Order = -1
    Support = 0
    Card = Send to mod
    Total = 2++

    Initial Strength = 1 (1 FM)
    Order = +1
    Support = 1 (1 SH)
    Card = ??
    Total = 3++

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    I actually got 1000 on a d1000? Bad sign...

    I'm fine with Baratheon but if anyone want to change I'm game.

    Preda on
  • BertezBertezBertezBertez Registered User regular
    I'd kind of like to be the Martell's if MrBody is okay with switching. Otherwise no biggie

    ...but I would say that

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    I'd kind of like to be the Martell's if MrBody is okay with switching. Otherwise no biggie

    I'm fine with taking Tyrell. Mace, Queen Thorn, and Lorias are rocking cards!

    Has everyone here caught up with all the TV episodes?

    MrBody on
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    If anyone's crazy enough to want the Lannister's position, let me know. ;D

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    jdarksun wrote: »
    If anyone's crazy enough to want the Lannister's position, let me know. ;D


  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    MrBody wrote: »
    jdarksun wrote: »
    If anyone's crazy enough to want the Lannister's position, let me know. ;D
    Exactly what I would expect from a Tyrell.

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    Is the Martel-Tyrell switch LORD MOD approved?

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular


    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    jdarksun wrote: »
    If anyone's crazy enough to want the Lannister's position, let me know. ;D

    Lannister House still available.

    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • NotoriusBENNotoriusBEN Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    I would totes try for a Lannister victory, but I am way *way* distracted by Dragon Age 3 atm.

    edit** actually, I think it'd be better that I back out. I'm reading over rules and strategy and I am getting distracted by DA3.
    I don't like flaking out of a game and usually try to commit, but I know I'm gonna be a detriment here and better to just get it out now.
    @stever777 roll again for Brayster, Phyphor and Dis to take my place.

    NotoriusBEN on
    Steam - NotoriusBEN | Uplay - notoriusben | Xbox,Windows Live - ThatBEN
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    Like they say in the Big Leagues - Next Man Up!
    Which by roll is @The Brayster as Greyjoy
    (or Lannister, if you want to switch Houses with jdarksun)

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    Huh, it never did notify me of that tag, weird.

    I'm happy to take Lannister if you're still willing to swap @jdarksun‌ . I can't do all that much worse than the last time I played Greyjoy (I got pretty heavily steamrolled).

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    @The Brayster‌ Up to you dude, I'm good with Lannister if you wanna give Greyjoy another shot. Or we can switch, up to you.

  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular
    I'll dive into the deep end and take Lannister then. It's the only one besides Martell I haven't played before.

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    I think we're ready then.

    Houses in Iron Throne Order B,L,S,M,G,T

    Preda as Baratheon
    The Brayster as Lannister (switched w/Greyjoy)
    JPants as Stark
    BertezBertez as Martell (switched w/Tyrell)
    jdarksun as Greyjoy (switched w/Lannister)
    MrBody as Tyrell (switched w/Martell)


    And i will use this banner for moderatorial text:

    Private Message me your orders, if you haven't already.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014

    I currently have orders from Baratheon, Stark, & Martell.
    Others can indicate your orders have been sent with a post in this thread with appropriate banner.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular
    I'll get mine in tonight.

  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular

    Orders are sent.

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular
    I am suuuper rusty, getting up to speed now.

  • jdarksunjdarksun Struggler CORegistered User regular

    The Kraken stirs (and has its orders in).

  • MrBodyMrBody Registered User regular

    Orders sent

  • stever777stever777 AFK most Saturdays Registered User regular
    edited November 2014


    First Round Orders placed.

    @The Brayster
    Lord Lannister, do you wish to change an order or to look at the Wildlings card?

    There are no Raid Orders to resolve.

    Lord Baratheon gets to resolve a march order first.

    stever777 on
    Hosting Android: Netrunner - Thread 2: The Revenge

    The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
  • The BraysterThe Brayster UKRegistered User regular

    I would like to look at the wildling card, Lord Mod

    Steam: TheBrayster
    PSN: TheBrayster_92
  • PredaPreda Registered User regular

    One of the Baratheon ship will move from Shipbreaker Bay to Blackwater Bay.

    @The Brayster‌
    Lord Lannister, your time to move next.

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