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What we can do to cut down on ticket scalpers.

QueenulhuQueenulhu Registered User regular
edited November 2014 in PAX East
I'm one of the poor fools who always seems to get stuck buying scalped tickets. It's enraging. I propose that others who are forced to do the same on eBay check to see if the seller put up three other tickets, obviously making them a scalper. If so take caps of this evidence (Show Only > Completed Listings on the seller's Items for Sale page) & take caps of the Paypal back-end with the seller's real name on them once you've paid, & send them to an appropriate PAX admin/rep. The scalpers should be moved to the back of the queue for all purchases of future event tickets, or only allowed to purchase one ticket.

That's just my idea. Something needs to be done. If anyone has a better idea let's hear it. I'm tired of this crap.

Queenulhu on


  • Onslaught7Onslaught7 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    Personally, I would like to see PAX requiring names to be added to each pass. And I think changing the name on the pass, for whatever reason, should be a bit of a pain. I know that things happen, and situations change, so I do think that it should be possible to reassign a pass. But I really think it should be difficult to do it so as to deter scalpers from putting random names and then changing them once they've sold the pass.

    On a related note, many concerts that offer VIP tickets require a name at time of purchase, and those tickets seem to be available for more than 0.2 seconds after they've gone on sale. So maybe this works?

    Scalpers make me very VERY angry, and I would love for the perfect solution to end their reign too! I feel your pain.

  • QueenulhuQueenulhu Registered User regular
    If there were an official channel to go thru for pass reassignment, scalpers could immediately be identified.

  • Streetlight345Streetlight345 Seekonk, MARegistered User regular
    IMO, People like to call out scalpers as the problem for tickets selling so fast but the real "problem" is the fact that there is X amount of tickets and 10X amount of people trying to buy those tickets. I believe someone has already stated that scalpers are .5% of the people that buy tickets, which I could definitely be wrong about. What I am trying to say is, If you are not trying as hard as the people that do get PAX tickets, then you might not be trying hard enough.

    PAX East 2019!
    Badges [X] Hotel [X] Time off request [X]
  • QueenulhuQueenulhu Registered User regular
    edited November 2014
    My problem isn't the lack of tickets, it's people profiting off something they should not & is illegal. Scalping should not be condoned, whether you think I tried hard enough or not.

    If i had to give 275$ to PAX (what i just paid for my scalped pass) that would be fine because it'd go to making the convention better!!!!!! Not into someone's pocket for something they don't deserve.

    Queenulhu on
  • schussschuss Registered User regular
    IMO, People like to call out scalpers as the problem for tickets selling so fast but the real "problem" is the fact that there is X amount of tickets and 10X amount of people trying to buy those tickets. I believe someone has already stated that scalpers are .5% of the people that buy tickets, which I could definitely be wrong about. What I am trying to say is, If you are not trying as hard as the people that do get PAX tickets, then you might not be trying hard enough.

    Yeah, I really don't see there being that many scalpers. It's not like concerts where you get a quick payback, and the professional ticket agencies etc. haven't typically had any stock of the tickets. You have a large group of people who are on the internet compulsively with disposable income and a limited group of tickets. No kidding it's going to sell out.
    Are there people who put up ebay auctions etc. ? Yes, but how many are fake? How many are actually going to get the tickets? My guess is not a ton.

    It reminds me of when the Red Sox played the Colorado Rockies a while back - People from Colorado thought someone hacked their website for tickets, when really it was the standard level of demand for Red Sox tickets in the postseason (which few other teams see).

    TLDR - there are a ton of people who want tickets, and it's likely just those people that bought stuff up. From past stats Khoo stated only 2% of orders are for more than 2 tickets.

  • QueenulhuQueenulhu Registered User regular
    So... because "there aren't that many scalpers" according to you, those who do it should get away with it....????

  • QueenulhuQueenulhu Registered User regular
    Also to cut down on the sale of fake tickets, if names & official pass transfer channels were instituted, you could get official notification from PAX that you have had a ticket transferred into your name.

  • tvethiopiatvethiopia Salem MARegistered User regular
    i think the point here is that scalping happens for every kind of show everywhere. while obviously no one is saying they condone it, it's also naive to think it can be eliminated entirely. a lot of the suggestions you're making would require a LOT more time & effort for pax staff to implement and would still only partially mitigate something that is a relatively small problem. what's more, it could potentially create a lot more problems and confusion for legitimate customers to have these kinds of systems in place. overall, it would be an awful lot more trouble than it's worth.

    also, while i'm sorry you weren't able to get legit badges and i understand it's not always possible for people to get online and buy them the day they go on sale, buying badges from an ebay scalper right now is kind of a crazy thing to do. there are still fri and sun badges available through pax, and as the show date gets closer there will be plenty of people legitimately reselling face-value badges they can no longer use. plus, since no one actually has badges in hand yet, there's no way to know if you're even paying for anything real. to be honest, i would say it's ebay that needs to crack down on these kinds of scalpers, not pax. they could be selling a fake, or just scamming you and taking your money, and pax really has nothing to do with that.

    <3 Daintier. Smarter. Better dressed. <3
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited November 2014
    We've had these discussions before and PAX has addressed these points over the past couple of years. If you aren't satisfied with their answers, that's your prerogative. I don't think a thread dedicated to your particular issues with the process is particularly useful discussion. There's a registration discussion thread already anyhow.

    Geth, close this thread.

    zerzhul on
  • GethGeth Legion Perseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
    Affirmative zerzhul. Closing thread...

This discussion has been closed.