First of all, that word is itself an abomination. But that's what we're calling this omnibus spending bill that passed the House yesterday and the Senate is considering.
Second of all, holy shit is this deal awful for everyone who isn't fabulously wealthy. Elizabeth Warren is trying to kill it, but probably doesn't have the votes, between the Democratic leadership and the White House supporting it.
Terrible things it does:
- Raises caps to annual contributions to the RNC/DNC from $32,400 to $324,000
- Removes the provision that banned the taxpayer from insuring high risk trading (re-socializing risk while keeping profits private)
- Removed risk corridors from the ACA, which probably means rate hikes for consumers
- Pension benefits can be cut, even from current retirees. Pensions are earned soooo that's goosey as all hell
- DC is not allowed to implement the marijuana decriminalization they passed by referendum
- Lessened restrictions on hours trucking companies can make their truckers work. Now up to 82 hours (just short of half the week).
- Pell grant cuts. That money rerouted to private student loan companies
- More funding for coal power plants
- Edits to medical loss ratio calculations to benefit insurers
- Eliminates restrictions on NSA backdoor searches of Americans
- Blocks the EPA from regulation water sources for farmers
- Makes sure we can keep funding the new Egyptian dictatorship
- Reduces nutrition standards in school lunches
- No more new species can be added to the endangered species list
- De-regulates lead use
- Limits foreign aid for countries climate change fucks over
- Once again takes any money that might be used to close Gitmo away and bans the transfer of those prisoners to sites in the US proper
- The stupid GOP obsession with light bulb standards is validated, money for enforcing that is taken away
That's just some of the amazing bullshit they stuck in here. Remember: nominally the Democrats still control parts of the government. But this is what they gave away now. This is not encouraging for the next two years.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
That was a surprisingly easy problem to solve.
but I have a really terrible feeling
White House was whipping support for it yesterday and is probably the only reason it passed.
Senator Professor Warren is our best hope, probably.
Time to see if the lead-crime hypothesis is correct!
"Orkses never lose a battle. If we win we win, if we die we die fightin so it don't count. If we runs for it we don't die neither, cos we can come back for annuver go, see!".
Why the fuck, obama?
Like, even counting Obama as a centrist this is waaaaaaay to his right.
fuck up once and you break your thumb / if you're happy at all then you're god damn dumb
that's right we're on a fucked up cruise / God is dead but at least we have booze
bad things happen, no one knows why / the sun burns out and everyone dies
Reading further, I think it's for ammunition and fishing stuff? So not society wide.
I mean...
How does that work at all? That makes no sense.
Jesus Christ, America.
Why the fuck is Obama supporting this? What's the logic?
Is he just afraid of another shutdown?
This explains it
Fuck you, oil interests.
I say that as an Albertan.
Fuck. You.
Before you say that, you may want to GiS the Gunnison sage grouse.
Cause I am firmly on team "Kill them all with fire"
it's a bird with boobs
J hates boobs everyone
With fire.
because the first picture you posted is bird pron J
the NSA is controlling your browser already.
2) Yeah, probably.
This is the GOP compromise with the Dems in the Senate.
The Dems would not propose this kind of bill on their own. The GOP would propose a worse one if they didn't have to float it past the Senate and a veto.
So yeah, your whole "both parties are the same" thing still doesn't make sense.
That is p. sweet.
I think he's more afraid of what a GoP lead Congress still miffed about the immigration action he did would try to pass in February, cause I think the result of this not passing would be a straight CR.
At least in Sep 2015, you have the presidential hopefuls worrying about how what they say/do will affect their chances in the primaries, but early in a non-election year? There is no telling what kind of derp they'll try to push through.
The funding for DHS (Which includes immigration) ends in March when the new republicans are in office.
So they're already doing that anyway.
True, but they will only have that part of the government to hold hostage, not to mention the trouble trying to explain to people why shutting down the department responsible for border security and deporting illegals is the best way to pass legislation for enforcing border security and deporting illegals.
I am sure they will find a way.
I don't know why anyone would expect them to have to try any harder than that.
Yeah, that bill is fucking moronic. The pensioms thing is particularly bad - though it also runs way afoul of the constitution imo, exceeding the powers granted congress (by fucking with private contracts), and violating the prohibition on government taking proprty without due process and compensation (as this clearly damages the property rights of pensioners).
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy
You're relying on accurate reporting from the American media. While I would love to live in that world...
instead - pure moustache-twirling evil. just what the fuck? have they at least hidden those amongst some more benevolent clauses?
Other than funding the government and letting them head off for their normal extended holiday break? Not really. It is the essence of the poison pill. How much do they think they can fit in with the leverage they got from the mid terms? Well some pretty large provisions actually. Man those mid terms were depressing.
Yeah, the government doesnt shut down. I think fear of January buckled the dems here, instead of them rallying.behind the veto to know they had negotiating.power.
Of course, with so much of the population taking Republican talking.points on Fox as fact...
3DS: 0473-8507-2652
Switch: SW-5185-4991-5118
PSN: AbEntropy