Questions for the PAX Veterans! (first timer advice thread)

MidanMidan Registered User regular
edited January 2015 in PAX South
Alright with pax getting ever closer I was trying to make a list of helpful items that will make Pax and the weekend as a whole easier and less stressful. But since this is my first Pax and my first con alltogether, I really have no idea what to bring. So Calling all Pax vets or con vets of any sort to let us noobs in on any tips or tricks you guys have that will help us get through our first Pax! :)

zerzhul on


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Is this your first time at PAX? READ THE MAIN FAQ STICKY FIRST, a lot of valuable information is there!

    After that, here's a bunch of first timer specific advice that isn't really FAQ material.

    How you travel to and from the convention is up to you, but if you do not have a car with you, you have the option of using public transportation and Taxis. After hours is something you must think about if you go to PAX. It's not just the concerts which last up to around midnight, many other events such as free board game rooms may take up your time as well. And then there are the other events, be them official or not, that will be organized around the city. Look up the public transportation times and cab services for San Antonio and plan accordingly!

    Get yourself some form of mobile data access!!! Many events and meetings will be discussed on the forums, but good deal of new, secret and last minute stuff will be added as well and will only be available to you if you have a readily available connection to the internet. I cannot stress this point enough - there is much more to PAX than just the official schedule! This is how you will get to know about potential twitter meetups, special events held by companies, last minute city events, special contests, you name it.

    There may or may not be free wifi at the convention center. Word to the wise: convention center wifi sucks during paxes. SO MANY DEVICES!

    There are some pre-pax events organized by the community, so you may want to arrive a couple of days early. You likely won't have time to be toursity during PAX proper, so that is important to consider as well when planning your PAX trip.

    Making Friends -
    A great way to stay in touch with the new friends you will make is to get some cheap business/contact cards. Stick your email address, gamertag, forum name, whatever on them. Hand them out to all the awesome people you will most certainly meet.

    Carrying Your Stuff -
    If you are carrying a lot of stuff, come Friday night, your one shoulder will be KILLING you. Trust me, you want to evenly distribute the weight. Go for something that you know will be comfortable over the course of a long day. I personally prefer a backpack, not a messenger bag. Many people prefer messenger bags, but it's generally my opinion that this is because they haven't tried a really comfy backpack ;). LABEL YOUR IMPORTANT STUFF. either get a label maker, or some sharpies and stickers - I highly recommend putting your phone number on them. You never know when you may accidentally leave something behind. Hopefully you won't need it, but a phone number will go a long way towards recovering lost items.

    Recharging your devices: Plan ahead. Recharge everything overnight, and perhaps find a compact charging solution to carry with you. There are many charging solutions out there. I personally recommend limefuel. Be considerate of outlet use and try not to use more than one at a time (bringing a small power strip can make you a lot of friends).

    Reposting The @CatBoy List. One should not underestimate its importance
    What should I bring with me to PAX?
    CatBoy wrote:
    I better get this in just so everyone is kinda prepared and in the know of what to bring to PAX or any con that may come their way. (I'm sorry for the huge post, but a lot of people don't know what to bring.)

    The Top Twenty Items Forgotten by Convention Attendees Checklist

    1. Personal Towel (We know the hotel provides them, but if you're sharing a room with several people, this guarantees you your very own towel. Also, if you plan on using a lot of makeup for a costume or dying your hair *and* use hotel towels, you will be charged a hefty fee for damaging hotel property. Please bring your own towels if you plan to do this.) You may also dip the ends in liquid vitamins and suck on the corners when needed.

    * A pretty cool tip involving this is bringing a small clothespin with your name on it to attach to your towel so people can differentiate between yours and theirs. In fact, bring a couple, so you can share with people.

    2. Shampoo and Conditioner (Again, the hotel provides these, but the bottles are quite small. Bringing your own ensures you will have some, especially if you use a lot of shampoo or have long hair.)

    3. Toothbrush and Toothpaste (You'd be amazed at what going three days without brushing tastes like. Gross.)

    4. Deodorant

    5. Razor and Shaving Cream/Gel

    6. Comb and/or Hairbrush (some people do use both. You'd be surprised.)

    7. One shirt for each day of the convention, plus an extra. (3 days = 4 shirts)

    8. Pants (Same number as shirts.)

    9. Underwear (3 sets, plus an extra.)

    10. Socks (One pair per day plus an extra pair.)

    11. Swimsuit (You never know.)

    12. Jacket or warm sweater

    13. Shoes (If you plan on spending a lot of time dancing or on your feet, make sure you have comfortable shoes with you. Your feet will hurt if you don't have comfy shoes to at least change into.)

    14. Any prescribed medication (Make sure to tell your traveling companions/roommates about any medical needs you may have.)

    15. Tylenol/Aspirin/etc

    16. Photo ID / Driver's License / Checkbook / Car keys

    17. A phone card (Not only is this cheaper than having calls charged to your hotel room, but having several people using one phone can lead to billing confusion with long distance calls. Bring a phone card so you can let your parents/significant other know you made it to the con safely.) - this has probably outlived its usefulness, it's an old list!

    18. An extra pillow and blanket if several people are staying in your room.

    19. Some non-perishable food from a supermarket (Like peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, chips, pretzels and bottled water or juice. While there are a lot of restaurants close by, this is an easy way to save money. In addition, you'll be able to have your midnight snack without leaving your room.)

    20. Your best public manners. (You'd be surprised how many people forget to bring these along.)

    The exhibition hall is full of awesome. There are upcoming games, and hardware showcased as well as things for sale from games, to guides, to t-shirts, to dice. Prices are comparable with standard retail pricing, or a little cheaper, even. Also, there's tons of free shirts and other swag being handed out by various companies *cough*nVidia*cough*

    the spoiler is for the REALLY well prepared
    A List For The Well Prepared

    * Small tube of super glue
    * 3 straight pins
    * 3 safety pins: 1 small and 2 medium
    * Hair pins: 3 medium and 3 heavy
    * Small sewing kit (small enough to fit into the palm of your hand)
    * Safety matches (1 pack)
    * Disposable plastic razor
    * Small emery board
    * Tylenol/Aspirin (travel sized container)
    * 6 chewable Vitamin C tablets (at least 500 mg each)
    * 2 Vitamin B complex tabs, stress formula
    * 1 pack Tums/Rolaids
    * 6 bandaids (or a travel sized pack)
    * 6 antihistamine tablets
    * 1 travel pack of tissues
    * Tube of chapstick or other lip balm
    * 6 cough drops or throat lozenges
    * Smallest size of tiger balm or camphophenique oil
    * Travel size tube of spot remover
    * Spare car and house keys
    * Breath freshener
    * 6 moist towelettes (for cleaning hands)
    * Small pencil sharpener
    * Small pen
    * 1 small pack of post-it-notes (the square ones work fine)
    * Clear nail polish
    * Small amount of masking tape wrapped around a short pencil
    * 6 rubber bands
    * 3 unlubricated condoms
    * Small penknife
    * Small tube of neosporin
    * 3 garbage bag twist ties
    * Mustache scissors (small pair of scissors will work as well)
    * Styptic pencil or qwik stop
    * Hand lotion (travel size)
    * Aloe vera gel (travel size)
    * 3 nail polish remover pad
    * Tampons or pads if you are the type to bleed occasionally

    The next section is taken from @sary from previous years, with some modifications
    sary wrote:

    Color Guide: POSITIVELY MUST READ! | You probably want to know this. | The Details

    1. Wheaton's Law is... Law. - seriously, just DON'T BE A DICK.
    2. 5-2-(2)-1 - Common Con advice is you should have a minimum of:
      • 5 hours of sleep
        the hours of 3:30 to 8:30 am are a good choice, as that won't overlap with too much going on.
      • 2 (actual, balanced) meals
      • 1 shower - for yourself, to refresh for or after a long day of awesome
      EACH DAY.

      A common recommendation is that you add to that - with 2 liters of water.

    3. Enforcers make PAX happen! Treat them awesomely.
    • Remember: PAX opens on Friday at 10AM. Book your hotel rooms and set your alarm clock accordingly.
    • Realize now that you will not be able to do everything you plan on doing. Even if none of the panels conflict, even if you swear to wake up early every day, even if you are the latest Companion and have a key to the TARDIS. You will not be able to do everything you plan on doing - Schedules get juggled, alarm clocks fail to go off, multiverses need saving...

      Block out your Must-Sees, your Want-to-Sees, and your Eh-that-sounds-cool-but-I-don't-really-care-one-way-or-the-others. Schedule, oversleep, reschedule, cancel, and reschedule (again) accordingly.
    • The Official FAQ says to bring a pair of socks a day, plus one extra - really, bring at least two pairs of socks for each day. Carry the spare with you. Middle of the day, your feet are tired (despite those comfortable walking shoes that you're wearing, right?)... change your socks, instant refresher.
    • If your mobile data plan sucks (or you don't have a smartphone), up your text messages - a lot of things have twitter accounts, and you can just push tweets to your phone.

      Bonus: texts seem to get through a tad more reliably when the circuits are in heavy use, than data or voice does. not guaranteed to be perfect, though.

    And Remember....
    Frugus wrote:
    Be this news to you or not, you have to understand one thing about this convention - it is not like other conventions. Well, of course all conventions are somewhat different, but their themes tend to be the same: Get a bunch of things people like and put that in one room. PAX however is about getting all the people that love the same stuff in one room, the rest will naturally follow. In a certain way, Penny-Arcade and everyone that's behind it represent the glue that holds all our common interests together, so if you get a bunch of people who like there stuff together... well you can see where I'm going. This is why there are so many community driven events that work amazingly well. This is why the attending corporations don't get in your face too much. This why people have so much fun and leave with such a great experience.

    AND most importantly...
    heels wrote: »
    Be excellent to each other.

  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Depending on how much walking you normally do (or don't) on a regular basis, changing socks mid-day can be mind-blowing. When I go on vacation, I tend to like to walk everywhere, so during PAX Prime I average at least 10 miles of walking a day.

    If you plan on bringing art to be signed (i.e. your favorite PA strips you ordered online 3 years ago), I highly recommend a quality poster tube ( ). Nothing pains me more than to see someone get a signature on a poster, roll it up, and then cram it into their backpack. Bring your own Sharpies as well (silver, gold, bronze, black, whatever).


    If you are a lover of good food, do some research on restaurants and "fast food" locations and reviews beforehand. I tend to make a list of quick stops for when I only have 30 minutes or so to spare before being somewhere (bakeries, take out counters, food trucks, etc.), as well as other sit-down locations when I have more time. It's nice to sit down, enjoy a decent meal, and talk about the con with friends (or other random PAX-goers that you might have met along the way).

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • MidanMidan Registered User regular
    Thanks so much for the advice guys! I never thought about the sock thing before but it makes perfect sense! I am definitely going have to make sure to bring extra socks. I got a small portable charger and a three power socket strip I was going to bring for if we need to charge our ds's (it is me and my hubby)

    But I have another question about the panels. What exactly are the panels? I know some are hosted by penny arcade and some are hosted by others but what exactly do you do in them? And are they all one certain length (like all an hour) or do they vary from panel to panel. I know it is hard to say right now cause we don't have the schedule yet.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    For the most parts, panels are presentations/Q+As. Some have more audience participation (like the Video Game Quiz Shows). Length is 1 hour except for those in the main theater, which can be 2+ hours long.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • HingoHingo Minneapolis, MNRegistered User regular
    Watch a few to get a general idea what they are about and the wide range of topics/formats they can cover:

    Also, if you're into D&D, I would recommend looking up the Acquisitions Inc. videos posted by the Dungeons & Dragons Youtube channel.

    Pins for trade!
    2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
  • GhostDanGhostDan Registered User regular
    I honestly think that if this was my first time at PAX again I'd go without a schedule. Just mosey around and find stuff you are interested in. It'll be less stressful and more enjoyable. The last 2 paxes I've gone with that. I've checked out the schedule to see what I might like to go to, and what I REALLY want to go to, and other than that I just get into the convention center and see whats up. Also community events are a must. I've made some great friends just from going to the community events or joining in on community stuff.

  • MidanMidan Registered User regular
    How do you know what all community events there are? I heard about the pax Pokemon league ( which I am so Stoked for!) on the forums. I heard about the cookie burgaide too.

  • DeciusDecius I'm old! I'm fat! I'M BLUE!Registered User regular
    Community events usually have threads for them in the forum.

    I never finish anyth
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    like the barcrawl, the pre pax dinner, the pokemon league, cookie brigade, the food exchange, buttoneering

  • AllforceAllforce Registered User regular
    I can't stress the sock thing enough, I went to Prime a few years ago and ran out of clean socks by like Day 2. Had to buy a 12 pack at a CVS. It really helps.

    Panels are worth checking out, I didn't think I'd be into that stuff my first time but on Sunday I just walked around and bopped into anything that looked interesting and ended up learning and listening to some interesting people. You can leave whenever if something isn't interesting to you so you're not really locked in to anything.

  • Kaoken00Kaoken00 TexasRegistered User regular
    Don't buy new shoes before you go they will tear you up. Make sure you break them in first.

    South 2016 Status: .[*] 3-Day Passes .[*] Hotel .[*] Waiting Patiently .

  • zealezeale Saint LouisRegistered User regular
    This is most likely covered elsewhere, but here's some tidbits that have served me well at Prime and East:
    • Bring your backpack as empty as possible!
    • Bring a refillable bottle of some sort for water.
    • For me, having a bad back, I pack a collapsible tripod stool that is pretty lightweight/compact and was a lifesaver for long lines.
    • Bring a 3DS, Vita or some other handheld gaming device for the lines.
    • Unless you *have* to absolutely get to a booth as soon as it opens, don't worry about getting to the expo hall before it opens. I've had tremendous luck showing up about 10-15 minutes after opening and the line is almost completely dispersed.
    • Plan not to plan. Seriously. Pick a couple of panels that are must-sees for you, and for everything else, just let the day take you where it takes you. For me it was liberating not feeling like I had to do or see hardly anything. It really lets you enjoy the moment and appreciate things that you'd otherwise never even bother with otherwise. My example is from Prime 2013. On day 3 I was taking a break from the main expo hall and ended up in a tabletop area that was blocked off for D&D. I ended up sitting down with the developers of Lords of Waterdeep and having one hell of a game with them. It was a fantastic experience that never would have happened if I wasn't just seeing where the convention took me. I also randomly stumbled across the FFXIV:ARR launch party in a different building while I was out looking for some food, and ended up taking pictures with some of the creators of the game. Which brings me to my next point...
    • Not everything great about PAX is in PAX proper. There will be after-parties, pre and post-PAX parties, and lots of company-sponsored events. I took an unplanned shuttle one night out of Prime to see a World of Tanks world championship event at a bar about 15 minutes away. I got some free booze and dinner, some nVidia swag (they were the host) and had a hell of a time!
    • Strike up conversations with people. You will be surrounded by people as passionate as you are, and it's fascinating. If you're like me, you live a life where your nerdiness doesn't always get to see the light of day, but this is the time and place to let it all hang out. Wear your favorite geek shirt or compliment someone else on theirs. Ask the cosplayers what their costume is if you don't know. Chat with the booth people about the game .. they may be the creator of it. Maybe you'll be invited to a beta, or an after-party, or get some bonus swag, and you'll certainly make some friends!
    • Try not to spend too much time in lines unless it's really important to you. As much as I wanted to play the Warlords of Draenor beta at East earlier this year, it wasn't worth the 5-hour line. In that same 5 hour timespan you can find a lot of other things that will entertain you just as much!

    It's hard to tell people what they should and shouldn't do at PAX, because it offers so many different experiences. Be open-minded to everything, try new things and meet new people. You're going to love it!


  • MaggieTheCatMaggieTheCat Registered User regular
    Just for reference, the convention center does have free wifi but it is pretty terrible during conventions, especially at certain spots inside the building where access seems to be spotty. Around the walls or outside the building it is better.

    Also, if you are frugal or low on cash and want to bring your own food, I have some suggestions for full meals that can be brought, both perishable and non, if anyone is interested. I wasn't sure where the best place to post that sort of thing would be. I have a lot of allergies so we usually bring our own food to cons (plus when you do a lot of cons, eating out all the time gets expensive fast.)

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Just for reference, the convention center does have free wifi but it is pretty terrible during conventions, especially at certain spots inside the building where access seems to be spotty. Around the walls or outside the building it is better.

    Also, if you are frugal or low on cash and want to bring your own food, I have some suggestions for full meals that can be brought, both perishable and non, if anyone is interested. I wasn't sure where the best place to post that sort of thing would be. I have a lot of allergies so we usually bring our own food to cons (plus when you do a lot of cons, eating out all the time gets expensive fast.)

    There is usually a food thread at some point, maybe there is one already, I haven't checked, that would probably be a good place for that.

  • MidanMidan Registered User regular
    Does anyone know if Pax will post a map of the convention center( like where the main entrances, parking, exhibit halls, theaters are) I figured it might be in the guide book. Just since I have never been to the convention center before I have a feeling I will get very lost without some sort of map. Lol

  • MaggieTheCatMaggieTheCat Registered User regular
    Obviously this does not have anything PAX-specific listed on it, but if you want to have just a general map of the convention center available, you can find one here:
    There are also similar maps available throughout the convention center itself.
    I've never actually been to a PAX before so I'm not sure what all they include in their guidebook, etc.

  • CodextehFishCodextehFish Vancouver, CanadaRegistered User regular
    The guidebook usually has a map of the convention center - at least it has at the last few Prime's and South that I have attended. . If it isn't live already (I cannot check it as my phone is charging) it will be located a few days before PAX South launches on the landing page in the bottom right corner

    Prime: '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
    West: '16, '17
    East: '14, '15, '16, '17
    South: '15, '16, '17, '18
  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    You will find PAX maps in the Guidebook app, on the Guidebook mobile page for general web perusing, in the physical show guide\program, and up on banners all over the convention center. Does not look like PAX South is up on Guidebook yet, but it will be before the show at some point. If with all that you still need help finding something (happens to everyone) just ask an enforcer and they should be able to help.

  • MaxxsenseMaxxsense N. Ridgeville OhioRegistered User regular

    When it comes to PAX everyone has there own way of enjoying the convention. I've been to PAX Prime and PAX East. I mostly enjoy going to panels and walking the expo hall. Waiting in line for 2hrs to play a video game isn't my go to thing to do. The only things I haven't done at a PAX is playing a tournament and using the free to play table top area.

    So my questions are
    A: Should I bother with my time in a tournament unless I'm super good?
    B: Is there a certain process of finding other people to play board games? Also is there a quick way to knowing how to signup a session of role-playing game with a DM?


    If you want to post your ideal PAX experience please post it below.

    Check out my Virtual Pin Lanyard:
  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Swag Bags: the lines to get them are huge at the start of the day and small at the end. By Sunday they have been known to run out. Most of the stuff in them is trash. But there is usually some cool things, like MTG intro decks, and game skin codes. Usually there are Cards Against Humanity cards. These are highly desirable, and are a random selection with rarities. Last time, they were hidden in bags of instant oatmeal. So there is often a lot of multiple bag taking. At Prime 2014, people were tricking others out of their "Oatmeal". I know it's a subset of Wheaton's Law, but I've seen it at every PAX I've been to.

  • DolarrahDolarrah New JerseyRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    YoungFrey wrote: »
    Swag Bags: the lines to get them are huge at the start of the day and small at the end. By Sunday they have been known to run out. Most of the stuff in them is trash. But there is usually some cool things, like MTG intro decks, and game skin codes. Usually there are Cards Against Humanity cards. These are highly desirable, and are a random selection with rarities. Last time, they were hidden in bags of instant oatmeal. So there is often a lot of multiple bag taking. At Prime 2014, people were tricking others out of their "Oatmeal". I know it's a subset of Wheaton's Law, but I've seen it at every PAX I've been to.

    The lines at East are non existent at the beginning of the day, because they don't give them out at beginning of day. They usually start bags at 11:00 in the queue room so there is plenty of space for the mad dash. Carry a large back pack on your back in the swag line and keep making sudden abrupt turns so as to discourage people from cutting you off. You will most likely be lapped by the same damn idiots 3 or 4 times before you get your bag. I suggested they punch a hole in badges to monitor who gets a bag or not but they did not like that, so I recommend resisting the urge to punch a hole in their faces when they mow you over.

    Dolarrah on
  • StupidStupid Newcastle, NSWRegistered User regular
    Maxxsense wrote: »
    A: Should I bother with my time in a tournament unless I'm super good?
    B: Is there a certain process of finding other people to play board games? Also is there a quick way to knowing how to signup a session of role-playing game with a DM?
    This depends on how competitive you are. If you are the type of gamer that only has fun if they are dominating their opponents, then you might not want to get involved in a tournament. Most tournaments are either single-elimination, or have a fairly brutal scoring method. 99% of the time you won't just "luck" into a win, it will require knowing the game inside and out, backwards and forwards and able to take on highly skilled players who know just as much (or possibly more) than you do.

    On the other hand, if you can have fun even if you are losing badly, then you should completely go for it! Sure there will be a few pro-level grognards in the bunch and they will probably smack you aside like yesterday's dirty socks, but who cares? You'll get to meet new people, play a game or two with them, and probably walk away with a couple new friends. And who knows... if the stars align, you might just end up winning a round or two. Heck, my wife @itchbay entered the Robo Rally tournament last year and took third place, even though it was her first time playing.

  • BekerBeker - Registered User regular
    Maxxsense wrote: »
    A: Should I bother with my time in a tournament unless I'm super good?
    B: Is there a certain process of finding other people to play board games? Also is there a quick way to knowing how to signup a session of role-playing game with a DM?

    A: A lot of people joining tournaments are not super good also, I suspect you will still have fun.
    B: 2 common methods, if you see a box top on its end on the table, that is an indication of "Looking for More". Also some people use the hashtag #ttflg on twitter, which you can check from anywhere, and might include people playing in hotel lobbies or other nooks that you might not stumble across physically.

    Everyone PAXes in their own way, buts its good to try different things and mix it up, especially for veteran PAXers.

  • orthancstoneorthancstone TexasRegistered User regular
    Guess this is as good a thread as any to bump by saying that the guidebook is available for download.

    PAX South 2018 - Jan 12-14!
  • MidanMidan Registered User regular
    Yay!! Thank you for letting us know!

  • vman401vman401 Registered User regular
    The guidebook usually has a map of the convention center - at least it has at the last few Prime's and South that I have attended. . If it isn't live already (I cannot check it as my phone is charging) it will be located a few days before PAX South launches on the landing page in the bottom right corner
    Beker wrote: »
    Maxxsense wrote: »
    A: Should I bother with my time in a tournament unless I'm super good?
    B: Is there a certain process of finding other people to play board games? Also is there a quick way to knowing how to signup a session of role-playing game with a DM?

    A: A lot of people joining tournaments are not super good also, I suspect you will still have fun.
    B: 2 common methods, if you see a box top on its end on the table, that is an indication of "Looking for More". Also some people use the hashtag #ttflg on twitter, which you can check from anywhere, and might include people playing in hotel lobbies or other nooks that you might not stumble across physically.

    Everyone PAXes in their own way, buts its good to try different things and mix it up, especially for veteran PAXers.

    This is pretty much what my wife and I will probably be doing. Looking for and jumping into board games. I'm going to issuing that hash tag, thanks.

  • AlleykatdenAlleykatden Registered User regular
    Do vendors take credit cards or do you need to bring cash to pay for anything you buy at Pax?

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    It depends! Many more are taking cards with the prevalence of things like Square, but some still are cash only.

  • WuShockWuShock Lawful Good South BrownbackistanRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    You also want to have some cash on hand just in case the Cookie Brigade comes through your area! Look for the logo:


    100% of all monies collected go directly to Child's Play.

    /okay, @zerzhul‌ I'm done.

    WuShock on
    Twixxo wrote:
    WuShock is the best
    He is the very bestest
    I wish I was him


  • YoungFreyYoungFrey Registered User regular
    Learn how to put your badge on a lanyard so it can't fall off. Using the little clip that comes with it asking to have you're badge get knocked off and you not notice.

  • Desert LeviathanDesert Leviathan Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Kaoken00 wrote: »
    Don't buy new shoes before you go they will tear you up. Make sure you break them in first.

    I made this mistake at PAX Prime last year (my first). By the end of day one, I felt like rats were trying to gnaw out from inside of my calves.

    Also, don't forget to turn on Street Pass on your 3DS until the last half of the last day like I did. So many missed opportunities for new goofy hats for my Mii... ;_;

    Desert Leviathan on
    Realizing lately that I don't really trust or respect basically any of the moderators here. So, good luck with life, friends! Hit me up on Twitter @DesertLeviathan
  • jtbell1221jtbell1221 Registered User new member
    edited January 2015
    Typically the developers throw parties outside of the convention; after the floors close. It would be a good idea to look out for that in San Antonio.

    A poster tube is a good idea as well.

    jtbell1221 on
  • Tigre_RoaringTigre_Roaring Greater South Houston areaRegistered User regular
    jtbell1221 wrote: »
    Typically the developers throw parties outside of the convention; after the floors close. It would be a good idea to look out for that in San Antonio.

    So is there a place we can find these parties? Twitter? Facebook?

    Gonna be there all 3 days!

  • jtbell1221jtbell1221 Registered User new member
    jtbell1221 wrote: »
    Typically the developers throw parties outside of the convention; after the floors close. It would be a good idea to look out for that in San Antonio.

    So is there a place we can find these parties? Twitter? Facebook?

    Typically yes; also asking someone running a booth doesn't hurt.

  • PequeninosPequeninos Registered User new member
    Is networking common? I was planning on getting business cards with a QR code to my resume made. I wouldn't keep people long at the expo -- my elevator speech would be well prepared.

  • gacbmmmlgacbmmml Registered User regular
    At PAX Prime I played the Smash Up board game tournament... ended up winning. I had never played before and honestly, I was not a fan of the game at the end either. I ended up winning the base game plus 8 or so expansions signed by the Creator. *shrug* It's just sitting in my closet...

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Pequeninos wrote: »
    Is networking common? I was planning on getting business cards with a QR code to my resume made. I wouldn't keep people long at the expo -- my elevator speech would be well prepared.
    I would say in general it is not a networking event, but *any* social gathering is an opportunity to network.

  • MaxxsenseMaxxsense N. Ridgeville OhioRegistered User regular
    Does PAX XP work offline while using PAX South app?

    Check out my Virtual Pin Lanyard:
  • SpicyMeatsSpicyMeats Victoria BCRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Maxxsense wrote: »
    Does PAX XP work offline while using PAX South app?

    Yes, i usually don't have data for my phone (im international) and it has worked fine the last couple of years without it. just update your guidebook as close to the event as possible.

    SpicyMeats on

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