Let me just say: The stories about how when they solder your stuff shut with searing flame, you can smell your own flesh burning?
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
Let me just say: The stories about how when they solder your stuff shut with searing flame, you can smell your own flesh burning?
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
*Clown funny, not haha funny
Mine was done with a laser, so not only was the vas cauterized (after putting titanium caps on just to make extra sure), the incision itself was cauterized shut, no stitches and left a barely vestigial scar that, five years later (i got it done when I was 26) you can't even see anymore.
The laser cauterizing absolutely made a smell. I tweeted about it!
(i live-tweeted during the surgery because I was high as shit on clonazepam and bored and the doctor was fine with that as long as I stayed still)
Let me just say: The stories about how when they solder your stuff shut with searing flame, you can smell your own flesh burning?
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
*Clown funny, not haha funny
Well, sure. If you're getting it done by The Doctor, he'll just sonic it. We're not all so lucky
Let me just say: The stories about how when they solder your stuff shut with searing flame, you can smell your own flesh burning?
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
*Clown funny, not haha funny
Mine was done with a laser, so not only was the vas cauterized (after putting titanium caps on just to make extra sure), the incision itself was cauterized shut, no stitches and left a barely vestigial scar that, five years later (i got it done when I was 26) you can't even see anymore.
The laser cauterizing absolutely made a smell. I tweeted about it!
(i live-tweeted during the surgery because I was high as shit on clonazepam and bored and the doctor was fine with that as long as I stayed still)
You got the laser and titanium caps version? I feel like this was an option that should have been presented to me at the time.
Alas, I just had the burning flesh version with, what I can only assume to be, the Doctor's solder gun he had in his bag for a project later.
Seidkona on
Mostly just huntin' monsters.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
Jerry's post today was fantastic. The last sentence really hit me.
I hope by the time vasectomies would have become an enticing option for me there's already male birth control available. I'd rather a shot or something than burning my tubes shut.
Let me just say: The stories about how when they solder your stuff shut with searing flame, you can smell your own flesh burning?
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
*Clown funny, not haha funny
Well, sure. If you're getting it done by The Doctor, he'll just sonic it. We're not all so lucky
You just need to keep it under control during the procedure. It doesn't do wood.
Oh, and what is the controversy of the day that the newspost is referring to? I haven't really been keeping up on the stupid shit that gaming media is getting up in arms about or not getting up in arms about or whatever lately.
The totally-not-censorious Morality Police made a stink and apparently had Hatred (dumb, over-the-top spree-killer game) pulled from Steam Greenlight. Cue a giant backlash, GabeN apologizing to the devs, the game being reinstated, and subsequently rocketing to first place.
AbsalonLands of Always WinterRegistered Userregular
Hatred shouldn't be banned because it is violent, but because the creators might be far-right people who must be spited and kept down in every way possible. The game itself just looks like harmless garbage.
I bet someone's response will be "How are you better than far-right shitbags wanting to silence good people for not being far-right shitbags?" Well. I obviously am, dingus.
God dammit Jerry you're supposed to be the smart one. This rhetoric is beneath you.
Like, who is served by these vague illusions to a monolithic media establishment? If you think someone is fucking up, call them on it, and articulate the way it ought to be, or highlight someone doing it better. Getting people incensed with "them" and all "their" deception and hypocrisy is a recipe for generating yet more heat and yet less light in a discourse that's already pretty dark.
Hatred shouldn't be banned because it is violent, but because the creators might be far-right people who must be spited and kept down in every way possible. The game itself just looks like harmless garbage.
I bet someone's response will be "How are you better than far-right shitbags wanting to silence good people for not being far-right shitbags?" Well. I obviously am, dingus.
He's got to talk in vagaries because saying anything definitive gets you killed in the current environment. There's some McCarthy level witch hunting going on so you got to be smart about what you say and how you say it. Otherwise you might get on a list.
Bunch of people that pretend to not know how the Streisand Effect works for clickbait, up and including the ridiculous "neo-Nazi" accusations (seriously).
Greenlight was created specifically so that Valve didn't had to deal with going through each game, and, well, they sell Postal, Manhunt and GTA. Why this game from a small indie studio just got all of the attention? Oh yeah, we go back to "we want clicks".
the point that if they wanted Hatred to not be a thing the best thing to do was not to give it press is a salient one
there were video game news outlets that were perfectly happy to have their cake and eat it too on this one, on the one hand condemn this piece of offensive garbage with an offensive political agenda (because it does have an offensive political agenda, explicitly stated by the developers, btw, in case you think it's "just a game") but on the other hand, promote the living shit out of it as a media circus act that they can harvest sweet, sweet clicks out of
they didn't want people to actually buy the game, of course. they would have loved for the endgame to be it not being on Steam at all and to savor the delicious controversy that would come out of that decision. but make no mistake, they were perfectly willing to flog this product to rile people up.
if they had a real agenda in making it not a thing, they would've not talked about it in the first god damn place
for a lot of outlets, this was a Two Minute Hate and nothing more, ironically
Anyone who took one look at that Hatred trailer knew it was a blatant attempt to troll the media for free publicity, including the media, who were more than happy to oblige in exchange for clicks and an opportunity to trumpet their own morality. Both parties have profited and it's all been very cynical.
But what continues to amaze me, as it did with the recent GTA thing, are the people with no financial stake in this farce who seem genuinely surprised that the general gaming public aren't treating them any better than the last wave of moral crusaders whose arguments they now repeat almost verbatim.
I think Hatred is markedly, measurably worse than GTA, Postal, Manhunt, or other ultra-violent spree-killing-potential video games that it gets compared to for two reasons:
1. Spree-killing and wanton hate-filled violence against innocent people is literally the whole of the game and its explicit intended playstyle, as opposed to simply allowing such a thing within the confines of the game to be engaged at the player's option (which is the classical defense of such games, ultimately. "You don't have to murder prostitutes, you just can if you choose to!"). There is no way not to play Hatred as a murderous psychopath bent on violently ending as many innocent lives as possible, it's the directed way to play the game and the intent of the developers.
2. Speaking of the intent of the developers, Hatred has a very specific and open political message behind it that it is trying to state and the developers of the game are trying to put forth by releasing it. I'll quote directly from their website, lest you think I am mischaracterizing them:
The question you may ask is: why do they do this? These days, when a lot of games are heading to be polite, colorful, politically correct and trying to be some kind of higher art, rather than just an entertainment – we wanted to create something against trends. Something different, something that could give the player a pure, gaming pleasure. Herecomes our game, which takes no prisoners and makes no excuses. We say ‘yes, it is a game about killing people’ and the only reason of the antagonist doing that sick stuff is his deep-rooted hatred. Player has to ask himself what can push any human being to mass-murder. We provoke this question using new Unreal Engine 4, pushing its physics (or rather PhysX) systems to the limits and trying to make the visuals as good as possible. It's not a simple task, because of the game's non-linear structure and a lot of characters on the screen. But here at Destructive Creations, we are an experienced team and we know how to handle the challenge!
"Politically correct" is always a particularly noxious dog-whistle to watch for, but there you have it. In their own words, Hatred is basically an act of protest by these guys against what they consider a trend in gaming they don't like. It was produced with a political agenda, one that is nakedly trying to be offensive and stand directly against progress in gaming as a medium.
The deep political message of trying so hard to be edgy. "Some games now try to be about a message, so we will do NO MESSAGES! RAWR, feel the shock!".
I find that message to be just hilarious. I just can't take it seriously, sorry. And even if I did, trying to stop a game from being sold has proven to be a highly counterproductive strategy, so if I was on the agenda pushing, I would make games with my own message. Which, you know, is the thing that has proven to work.
"Politically correct" is always a particularly noxious dog-whistle to watch for, but there you have it. In their own words, Hatred is basically an act of protest by these guys against what they consider a trend in gaming they don't like. It was produced with a political agenda, one that is nakedly trying to be offensive and stand directly against progress in gaming as a medium.
Who cares? Why should anyone be obligated to care about, or prevented from opposing, a nebulous thing like "progress in gaming as a medium" as defined by you or anyone else? The game just looks like a tiresome and cynical exercise in trolling to me. I can't imagine why anyone would even begin to give a shit.
"Politically correct" is always a particularly noxious dog-whistle to watch for, but there you have it. In their own words, Hatred is basically an act of protest by these guys against what they consider a trend in gaming they don't like. It was produced with a political agenda, one that is nakedly trying to be offensive and stand directly against progress in gaming as a medium.
Who cares? Why should anyone be obligated to care about, or prevented from opposing, a nebulous thing like "progress in gaming as a medium" as defined by you or anyone else? The game just looks like a tiresome and cynical exercise in trolling to me. I can't imagine why anyone would even begin to give a shit.
Well, not giving it press and a platform and making a big god damn thing about it would've been the correct route if these outlets actually gave a shit about the progressive policies they attempt to state they are behind. But they're just as cynically interested in baiting clicks and are willing to show off this thing while simultaneously telling people not to pay attention to it or buy it, knowing full well how fruitless that is. They don't give a fuck.
AegeriTiny wee bacteriumsPlateau of LengRegistered Userregular
Seriously, nobody should have ever been paying this piece of garbage any attention in the first place.
CambiataCommander ShepardThe likes of which even GAWD has never seenRegistered Userregular
I didn't know what game that had been pulled from Steam, so I googled and this was the first result.
Funnily enough, thinking that Tycho was arguing that Steam should be required to carry porn made the conversation seem way more interesting. But it was just that stupid Hatred game all along.
Peace to fashion police, I wear my heart
On my sleeve, let the runway start
Well, not giving it press and a platform and making a big god damn thing about it would've been the correct route if these outlets actually gave a shit about the progressive policies they attempt to state they are behind. But they're just as cynically interested in baiting clicks and are willing to show off this thing while simultaneously telling people not to pay attention to it or buy it, knowing full well how fruitless that is. They don't give a fuck.
This is true. But you know, there will always be websites willing to run clickbait, and developers willing to troll for publicity, especially now that this particular example has worked out so splendidly for both parties. What you are looking at is the inevitable result of a climate of moral panic. The other potential result, where everyone agrees with you and lets your chosen proxies be the arbiters of culture, is never going to happen.
Yup, the best way to silence something you don't like and remove its power, is to stop talking about it. A political party here in the UK are getting far, far more media coverage than they deserve because of exactly this problem, the media keep talking about how people keep talking about them. The sites that covered it with such earnestness are the ones boosting the signal, making more people aware of its existence, and absolutely no-doubt will bring more sales to it. More people will look if you shout that they shouldn't, than just letting them walk by.
like this is the most i've laughed at PA in a while and that really surprises me
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
That's a sunny winter day in Washington.
All true. Highly disconcerting. A bit too bbq-like.
Did you get yours done in a van down by the river? There was no smell when I had it done t me. The Doctor and I made jokes, mostly Star Trek jokes, and a couple of times I felt tugging, like getting lightly tapped in the nuts..... Then I stay home for 3 days an d all was good.
And yes, bags of frozen peas are perfect to get down there to help with any swelling you might have.
The funny thing* was that mi wife thought it would take 2 hours, so I could see her across the street eating in a restaurant, but I couldn't leave to go get her. so I sat for 90 minutes watching my wife eat, then read a book and all I could do was sit there in pain and watch.
*Clown funny, not haha funny
It doesn't feel like Gabe- like the proportions are different. It was jarring to me too. Maybe it's the sweater plus that facial position?
Tycho - Inquisition Sweatshirt.
I want Tycho's O.O
Mine was done with a laser, so not only was the vas cauterized (after putting titanium caps on just to make extra sure), the incision itself was cauterized shut, no stitches and left a barely vestigial scar that, five years later (i got it done when I was 26) you can't even see anymore.
The laser cauterizing absolutely made a smell. I tweeted about it!
(i live-tweeted during the surgery because I was high as shit on clonazepam and bored and the doctor was fine with that as long as I stayed still)
Well, sure. If you're getting it done by The Doctor, he'll just sonic it. We're not all so lucky
You got the laser and titanium caps version? I feel like this was an option that should have been presented to me at the time.
Alas, I just had the burning flesh version with, what I can only assume to be, the Doctor's solder gun he had in his bag for a project later.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
I hope by the time vasectomies would have become an enticing option for me there's already male birth control available. I'd rather a shot or something than burning my tubes shut.
You just need to keep it under control during the procedure. It doesn't do wood.
I bet someone's response will be "How are you better than far-right shitbags wanting to silence good people for not being far-right shitbags?" Well. I obviously am, dingus.
Like, who is served by these vague illusions to a monolithic media establishment? If you think someone is fucking up, call them on it, and articulate the way it ought to be, or highlight someone doing it better. Getting people incensed with "them" and all "their" deception and hypocrisy is a recipe for generating yet more heat and yet less light in a discourse that's already pretty dark.
Not sure if parody.
Greenlight was created specifically so that Valve didn't had to deal with going through each game, and, well, they sell Postal, Manhunt and GTA. Why this game from a small indie studio just got all of the attention? Oh yeah, we go back to "we want clicks".
there were video game news outlets that were perfectly happy to have their cake and eat it too on this one, on the one hand condemn this piece of offensive garbage with an offensive political agenda (because it does have an offensive political agenda, explicitly stated by the developers, btw, in case you think it's "just a game") but on the other hand, promote the living shit out of it as a media circus act that they can harvest sweet, sweet clicks out of
they didn't want people to actually buy the game, of course. they would have loved for the endgame to be it not being on Steam at all and to savor the delicious controversy that would come out of that decision. but make no mistake, they were perfectly willing to flog this product to rile people up.
if they had a real agenda in making it not a thing, they would've not talked about it in the first god damn place
for a lot of outlets, this was a Two Minute Hate and nothing more, ironically
But what continues to amaze me, as it did with the recent GTA thing, are the people with no financial stake in this farce who seem genuinely surprised that the general gaming public aren't treating them any better than the last wave of moral crusaders whose arguments they now repeat almost verbatim.
1. Spree-killing and wanton hate-filled violence against innocent people is literally the whole of the game and its explicit intended playstyle, as opposed to simply allowing such a thing within the confines of the game to be engaged at the player's option (which is the classical defense of such games, ultimately. "You don't have to murder prostitutes, you just can if you choose to!"). There is no way not to play Hatred as a murderous psychopath bent on violently ending as many innocent lives as possible, it's the directed way to play the game and the intent of the developers.
2. Speaking of the intent of the developers, Hatred has a very specific and open political message behind it that it is trying to state and the developers of the game are trying to put forth by releasing it. I'll quote directly from their website, lest you think I am mischaracterizing them:
"Politically correct" is always a particularly noxious dog-whistle to watch for, but there you have it. In their own words, Hatred is basically an act of protest by these guys against what they consider a trend in gaming they don't like. It was produced with a political agenda, one that is nakedly trying to be offensive and stand directly against progress in gaming as a medium.
I find that message to be just hilarious. I just can't take it seriously, sorry. And even if I did, trying to stop a game from being sold has proven to be a highly counterproductive strategy, so if I was on the agenda pushing, I would make games with my own message. Which, you know, is the thing that has proven to work.
Who cares? Why should anyone be obligated to care about, or prevented from opposing, a nebulous thing like "progress in gaming as a medium" as defined by you or anyone else? The game just looks like a tiresome and cynical exercise in trolling to me. I can't imagine why anyone would even begin to give a shit.
Well, not giving it press and a platform and making a big god damn thing about it would've been the correct route if these outlets actually gave a shit about the progressive policies they attempt to state they are behind. But they're just as cynically interested in baiting clicks and are willing to show off this thing while simultaneously telling people not to pay attention to it or buy it, knowing full well how fruitless that is. They don't give a fuck.
Funnily enough, thinking that Tycho was arguing that Steam should be required to carry porn made the conversation seem way more interesting. But it was just that stupid Hatred game all along.
On my sleeve, let the runway start
This is true. But you know, there will always be websites willing to run clickbait, and developers willing to troll for publicity, especially now that this particular example has worked out so splendidly for both parties. What you are looking at is the inevitable result of a climate of moral panic. The other potential result, where everyone agrees with you and lets your chosen proxies be the arbiters of culture, is never going to happen.