So, naturally, the warranty on my old metal-flake-finished DS has long ago disappeared over the horizon behind me, and I recently discovered that the left shoulder button is completely non-responsive.
I only discovered it recently because for about a year all I played was Animal Crossing, and for a few months after that, it simply collected dust. Then I got excited about Mega Man ZX. Not only did I get what amounts to a GBA game in a DS cart, but my gameplay was slightly crippled because of the dead shoulder button.
So far, my google-fu has almost completely failed me and I've only found two places who do DS repairs: Nintendo, who wants $75 just to crack it open, and this other guy who does lots of repairs but who just happens to not carry DS shouler button parts.
I've opened up electronics before, but I'd rather not fiddle with the innards of my DS, since I'd have to buy the special screwdriver and I couldn't replace anything anyway.
Anyone know of a service that'll replace a first-generation DS shoulder button, or at least sell me the part?
Try blowing into the edges around the button. It could be dust/lint clogging it.
Always. Never thought of the lint thing. Jeez.
It just gets worse.
Buy a new one.
3DS FC: 5343-7720-0490
I'd report this but for some reason it freezes my browser and I can only access via mobile which has no report feature.
Switch (JeffConser): SW-3353-5433-5137 Wii U: Skeldare - 3DS: 1848-1663-9345
PM Me if you add me!