I know I haven't ever been a super contributor to this forum, but the knowledge I've gleaned from lurking here has always been a great help in developing an almost non-existent artistic talent.
Now I need some more direct help
In my school, we have a tradition for the members of the final year called the Bac Book (european baccalaureate if anyone's wondering.)
It's sorta like a a yearbook, except everyone in the year gets a full page to themselves with photos and comments (as written by friends who you probably won't see for a while), and each page is designed by another member in the year.
I know that many of you have backgrounds in design and I've seen some pretty in depth criticisms and fairly professional poster-work by the members here, so I was wondering what advice you could give me before I start on my girlfriends page.
More specifically, I would love to know things like:
1)Do's and Dont's with the backgrounds
2)How many photos to put on an A4 page before it starts looking cluttered. Does the content of the photo matter to how I should arrange them
3)I know at least a few of you have typography backgrounds, and I have no idea what kind of font I would want to use, so advice there would also be helpful. (If I don't get feedback I'll use Comic Sans just to spite the haters
Thanks in advance
If I think of anything more I'll update the OP
All joking aside, you can't make a new thread that contains nothing. That makes the mods whip us harder.
Design doesn't work like this. There's no way to just say "follow these rules and you will have a good design" without knowing the content. Show us what you plan to do and we can help steer you in the right direction.
Until then, this thread is useless and therefore locked.