[WOW] My love don't cost a thing, but WOW game tokens cost 20K Gold.

FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?"Registered User regular
edited April 2015 in MMO Extravaganza

Patch 6.2 Notes. Tanaan Jungle, ahoy ! http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/18539917/62-ptr-patch-notes-4-13-2015

Here's the WARLORDS site: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/warlords-of-draenor/

Go here for the expansion FAQ: http://us.battle.net/wow/en/blog/11514711/World_of_Warcraft_Warlords_of_Draenor_BlizzCon_2013_FAQ-10_30_2013

Q: What are the key features of Warlords of Draenor?
Some of the new content and features of Warlords of Draenor include:
•Explore a Savage World: Explore the hostile world of Draenor, home of the orc and draenei races, as it once existed, and adventure in all-new zones alongside characters central to Warcraft history.
•Build Your Garrison: Construct, command, and expand your own customizable stronghold on Draenor, and gather NPC followers to collect resources and embark on missions on your orders.
•Instantly Upgrade to Level 90: Boost one character of your choosing to be ready to adventure on Draenor, making it easier than ever to enjoy the latest content alongside your friends.
•New Player Character Art: Character models and animations for many of World of Warcraft’s existing playable races are being fully revamped in keeping with the game’s iconically epic style.
•Adventure to Level 100: Reach new heights of power and unlock bonuses to further enhance your abilities on your way to the new level cap of 100.
•…And More: Take on a wide array of Dungeons, Raids, Scenarios, Battlegrounds, Challenge Modes, and more—no matter what kind of content you enjoy, new adventures await.

Q: How does the Garrison work? What kinds of followers and upgrades are available?
To establish a foothold on Draenor and bolster your faction’s defenses against the formidable Iron Horde, each player will need to build and manage their own Garrison, a customizable fortress that serves as your personal base of operations throughout the course of the expansion. As you complete quests and win allies to your cause, your Garrison will expand and you’ll be able to choose which upgrades you’d like to construct from a variety of options. You’ll also meet and recruit NPC allies and followers who will join you at the Garrison, each providing different benefits.

For example, a miner rescued from a dungeon might take up residence and help gather Mining resources. A heroic warrior you quarter might embark upon quests at your command, with a chance to return with valuable treasures. Other characters might provide you with quests that expand upon their own stories or lead you to valuable assets in your campaign.

When it comes time to upgrade your Garrison, you might choose to build a Barracks to send more followers on missions simultaneously, an Inn to provide new recruits, or an Infirmary to speed up injured followers’ recovery time between assignments. You may instead decide to build a Smithy and recruit a Blacksmith to research new plans and craft valuable resources (such as those with daily cooldowns). You’ll also be able to invite friends to visit your Garrison to trade resources and see how your home base stacks up against their own.

Q: What new zones will I explore on Draenor?
The expansion sends players to Draenor as it existed before it shattered into the realm World of Warcraft players know as Outland—and while some of the names of these places might be familiar, we’re building them all from scratch for the expansion.
Here’s a breakdown of Draenor’s zones:
•Frostfire Ridge: Across snow-covered wastes and beneath towering volcanoes, heroes of the Frostwolf clan and the Horde unite to repel invaders from their homeland.
•Shadowmoon Valley: Amid rolling moonlit hills, the draenei at the holy temple of Karabor unite with the Alliance in a desperate fight for survival against the Iron Horde and Shadowmoon clan.
•Gorgrond: Deep within the desert canyons of Gorgrond, an arsenal of massive siege weapons built by the Blackrock clan is about to be unleashed upon the whole of Draenor.
•Talador: In the shadow of a besieged Shattrath City, the Auchenai Soulpriests actively seek to safeguard the countless draenei souls inside Auchindoun from a terrible demonic threat.
•Spires of Arak: At the height of their power, the regal arrakoa plot atop their high peaks, well out of the reach of the brutal Shattered Hand orcs and the wingless outcasts below.
•Nagrand: Among the fertile hills and outcroppings of Nagrand, the bloodied wolf-riders of the Warsong clan remain a threat not to be trifled with.
•Tanaan Jungle: Within the overgrown jungle home of the Bleeding Hollow clan, a Dark Portal is under construction . . . and an Iron Horde army makes grim preparations to conquer Azeroth.

Q: Why are you giving everyone a level-90 character boost?
World of Warcraft is constantly evolving, and these days players engage with the game in a wider variety of ways than ever. Some enjoy the process of exploring the world and leveling up. Others enjoy the challenge of raiding. Many simply enjoy playing with their friends, wherever they may be. One of our primary goals with Warlords of Draenor is to empower WoW players to quickly and easily be able to participate in the content they’re most interested in, and giving everyone a level-90 character upgrade right out of the gate helps make that possible.

One common piece of feedback we’ve received from new players and those who’ve taken an extended break from the game is that World of Warcraft requires a significant time investment before they’re able to “catch up” and play with high-level friends. Design changes such as speeding up the leveling curve and features like the popular Scroll of Resurrection and Recruit-a-Friend system have proven very popular, but the issues’s only getting more challenging with each patch and expansion we release. By giving players the option to boost a character to be ready for the latest expansion content, we hope to remove some of these entry barriers and make it so anyone can pick up and enjoy Warlords of Draenor right away, no matter how much World of Warcraft they’ve played in the past.

Q: It’s been a while since I’ve played WoW—will I know what to do with a level-90 character?
At the start of the new expansion, players will be thrust into an exciting introductory experience involving a desperate strike against the orc forces on Draenor. During this opening sequence, new and returning players will have an opportunity to get up to speed on the game before diving into their faction’s starting zone content—similar to the Death Knight starting experience in Wrath of the Lich King. We’ve also recently added features such as Proving Grounds, which help players learn how to tank, heal, and deal damage in dungeons in a solo “teaching” environment, to help ease the learning curve and prepare players for battle as quickly, efficiently, and enjoyably as possible.

Q: How will the included level-90 character upgrade work?
In regions where players purchase World of Warcraft expansions, each World of Warcraft account that you upgrade to the Warlords of Draenor expansion will receive one level-90 character boost (to be used once the expansion releases). You don’t need to decide which character to boost immediately. You can also create a level-1 character from scratch and then use the upgrade on that if you wish. The boosted character will also receive a level-appropriate set of gear (along with some other assistance) to make sure you’re set for adventuring. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.
For regions where players do not purchase expansions (including China, Korea, and Taiwan), we’ll have more information to share on our plans in the future. In the meantime, our goal for all regions remains the same—to give players a way to get straight to the action in Draenor.

Q: Why revisit the player races’ art now? Will I recognize myself in the mirror?
As we’ve released new World of Warcraft content and expansions, we’ve received feedback that some of the earlier player character models and animations are no longer measuring up to the quality of the newer races. Because Warlords of Draenor takes players back to the homeland of the Orcs—one of WoW’s original playable races—it felt like a great time to update not just the Orcs, but other playable races that could use a refresh.
We know that many of you already strongly identify with the look of your current character, so we’re dedicating a lot of time and resources to make sure these updates capture each race’s iconic identity and personality. We’re still in the process of determining which races will be available upon the expansion’s release, but our goal is to update all eight of the original World of Warcraft playable races, along with the Draenei and Blood Elves, over the course of the expansion launch and subsequent content updates.

Q: What kinds of bonuses will my character earn on the journey from level 90 to 100?
Warlords of Draenor introduces a new bonus system that rewards players with powerful perks as they level up to the new cap. At every level from 91 to 100, characters will earn a major permanent boost to one of their their key spells and abilities (e.g. a Fire Mage might earn a +50% damage boost to Pyroblast or +30% boost to Scorch). Players will also unlock a new talent tier once they’ve achieved level 100, rewarding each class with three potent new abilities to choose from.

Q: What are the plans for new Dungeons, Scenarios, and Raids?
We’re planning 6 new 5-player dungeons for the launch of Warlords of Draenor, along with a revamped version of the classic Blackrock Spire. One of our goals is to make sure we’re giving players a good mix of “level-up” Dungeons along with some new, unexplored Dungeons to delve into at max level. The expansion will also give players a chance to earn awesome transmogrifiable weapons and other unique rewards in Challenge Mode Dungeons. We’re also planning a wide variety of Scenarios for launch, along with Heroic Scenarios for those who enjoy the extra challenge.

On the Raiding front, we’re planning 2 new raid instances around launch, as well as new world bosses. We’ll also continue to provide players with a wide variety of raiding options. In addition to offering four tiers of difficulty as in Patch 5.4, we're also extending our Flexible Raid scaling technology to Normal difficulty raiding. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.

Q: What challenges await in the world of PvP?
Warlords of Draenor will feature a new world PvP zone that hurls Horde and Alliance players into an epic conflict fighting for control of strategic fortresses on Draenor. This new area will be seamlessly instanced, with the goal of providing better performance and a more balanced PvP experience than was possible in WoW’s earlier world PvP zones. We’re also planning several major PvP-related UI improvements, including updates to help you track and communicate with your team about objectives in Battlegrounds, along with enhancements to Arena and Rated Battleground enemy unit frames designed to relay key information more clearly.

Q: What’s in store for professions?
One of our goals in Warlords of Draenor is to make each of the game’s existing Professions more engaging and integrated into the gameplay. To that end, the Garrison will play a major role in your character’s Professions in this expansion—similar to how your farm was key to the Cooking profession in Mists of Pandaria, only on a much more epic scale.

Q: What can players expect while questing in Draenor?
We received a lot of feedback over the course of Mists of Pandaria about what kinds of quests and world PvE content players enjoy most, and we’re continuing to evolve the questing experience in Warlords of Draenor with that in mind. Our goal is to give players a wide variety of fun and unexpected activities, ranging from the kinds of quests they’re familiar with to new experiences along the lines of the exploration- and event-driven Timeless Isle introduced in Patch 5.4: The Siege of Orgrimmar.

Q: Will you be making any changes to what Stats are available?
One of our goals for Warlords of Draenor is to make the act of finding and collecting loot even more exciting for players. With that in mind, we’re adding some fun new stats to gear, such as Movement Speed and Cleave, which gives you a chance to do extra damage or healing to additional nearby targets. In addition, we’ll be retiring a few stats that players don’t find very enjoyable to manage, such as Hit and Expertise. We’re also making improvements to armor itemization that will make it easier to share armor pieces across classes. We’ll have more details to share as development continues.

Q: Will there be any updates to the graphics and changes to the minimum system requirements?
Yes—we’re planning a number of tweaks and improvements to the graphics engine in this expansion, including some updates related to the upgraded player characters and the introduction of the Garrison. We’re also looking into updating other existing systems with an eye toward improving graphical quality and performance. We’ll announce the exact system requirements closer to the expansion’s release.

Fairchild on


  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
  • descdesc Goretexing to death Registered User regular
    I'm in ur new thread DEing ur purps

  • So It GoesSo It Goes We keep moving...Registered User regular
    Angry wrote: »
    I clicked on a stream for someone doing mythic kargath attempts. She was a disc priest.

    From pull to wipe, the only thing she did was click on her raid frames and cast shield.


    when practicing in LFR I have been doing a lot of PWSing but also casting heal and POM and Penance and Smite and alla that good stuff

    Also Cascade for the GLITTER factor

  • EspantaPajaroEspantaPajaro Registered User regular
    I don't know why I expected them to actually help destruction warlocks in pvp. Instead of helping with embers ( which is a problem they created when they nerfed rof by 60% dmg and 100% embers generation taken away) they give us a buff no one needed and im still stuck taking a 60% dmg debuff just for my resource system to actually work

  • KryhsKryhs Registered User regular
    I don't know why I expected them to actually help destruction warlocks in pvp. Instead of helping with embers ( which is a problem they created when they nerfed rof by 60% dmg and 100% embers generation taken away) they give us a buff no one needed and im still stuck taking a 60% dmg debuff just for my resource system to actually work

    Viskod will be along to tell you why you're wrong :P

    Kidding aside, I wouldn't expect any real PVP changes until more arena data comes in. That seems to be all they balance around. They also seem really focused on "fixing" Ashran first as far as PVP goes, and I doubt that happens very fast or very well.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    Servers are up in case anyone was wondering.

    On the subject of the heirloom tab...it would be straight up unacceptable to me for them to downgrade all current heirlooms to 60. I mean, I don't see how it could even be considered an option.

    I don't really care what they do with heirlooms that people don't already have; start them at 60, whatever...but already bought and upgraded ones? No.

    From the looks of it, currently on PTR the upgrade item (the 100 one isn't in) makes them 85, not 90...so maybe they changed their mind on that one. Even if not, I can't think of any good reason they wouldn't just automatically give anyone with the heirloom currently and have already upgraded it to 85 (or if they already started there), to stay at that level.

    Of the heirlooms I have, I counted 39 I upgraded to 85 from 80; granted I spent a mix of DMF tickets and JP on them, but I easily spent the equivalent of 100k JP upgrading those items.

    I would rather not have an heirloom 'toy box' than to have all of that pissed away for no apparent reason.

    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • CiriraCirira IowaRegistered User regular
    Well to be fair you can supposedly still keep your heirlooms and mail them around if you don't want to toy box them. I do think them downgrading ones people already have is shitty though if it happens.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Cirira wrote: »
    Well to be fair you can supposedly still keep your heirlooms and mail them around if you don't want to toy box them. I do think them downgrading ones people already have is shitty though if it happens.

    Fair enough. I guess it'd just make the feature useless to me in that case.

    EDIT: Week 6 of no new garrison campaign quests.

    The Dude With Herpes on
    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • reVersereVerse Attack and Dethrone God Registered User regular
    Cirira wrote: »
    Well to be fair you can supposedly still keep your heirlooms and mail them around if you don't want to toy box them. I do think them downgrading ones people already have is shitty though if it happens.

    Fair enough. I guess it'd just make the feature useless to me in that case.

    EDIT: Week 6 of no new garrison campaign quests.

    You sure the quest isn't at, like, the druid tree or some other remote part of the garrison?

  • JavenJaven Registered User regular
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?

  • SteevLSteevL What can I do for you? Registered User regular
    I logged in today, got my weekly garrison quest from Baros Alexston. Cool! I was happy to see him in charge of building my garrison. He's one of those NPCs that's been in WoW from the beginning.

    10 minutes later, I completed the quest.
    Nooooooo, not Baros Alexston!

  • kaidkaid Registered User regular
    Cirira wrote: »
    Well to be fair you can supposedly still keep your heirlooms and mail them around if you don't want to toy box them. I do think them downgrading ones people already have is shitty though if it happens.

    Fair enough. I guess it'd just make the feature useless to me in that case.

    EDIT: Week 6 of no new garrison campaign quests.

    One thing I noticed and I have no idea if there is any actual tie but me doing apexis dailies tends to spawn both invasions and garrison quests. I took a week off doing apexis dailies and I did not get a garrison quest or an invasion to spawn.

  • EspantaPajaroEspantaPajaro Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I only need one more garrison quest and I almost never do the dailies . Never had an invasion either.

    Also Conquest vendor is gone from kiljadens warspear so they may have reverted to actually having to go in to buy gear.

    EspantaPajaro on
  • OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Are they gone or just moved to a new location? I remember there being a hotfix note about moving the vendors but I noticed they hadn't been moved yet as of Sunday so my guess is the reboots caused that to trigger and now they're in their new location.

  • admanbadmanb unionize your workplace Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited January 2015
    The Conquest vendor had moved to the center of the Reputation vendor building last time I recall seeing it.

    admanb on
  • MadicanMadican No face Registered User regular
    I guess my Dread Pirate Ring won't be able to be upgraded after all according to the heirloom tab image.

    Oh well. I have one toon at 58 and one at 88. The rest are 90-100 so heirlooms are a bit of a non-factor for me.

  • MugsleyMugsley DelawareRegistered User regular
    There was a lot of chat in Trade earlier when I logged in. The vendors moved to "across the street."

  • gaming_librariangaming_librarian Turn your face to the sun... Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    I wanted to chime in on a conversation from the last thread concerning how2shaman. Since Cataclysm I've bounced between a shaman and druid as favored classes, having been burnt out at that point on a holy paladin I had played prior. I wanted a new experience and playstyle, and I care about the theme and feel of a class more than any sort of "meter topping"; although, I do like to feel like a solid contributor in dungeons/raids. With MoP, I went in with my shaman and played up through the first raid tier, then picked up my druid to mix things up so I would have a taste of resto healing on each for comparison. I loved both and had no problems or compaints with either; still, for whatever reason my druid just felt the best fit for me in the long run and I took him through SoO. I had the most fun I've ever had playing WoW healing with my druid, but shaman was close behind. WoD, thematically, felt like my draenei shaman needed his time to shine, so I busted him out first. Healing up to WoD was relaxing to me on these classes, but I'm honestly stressed out healing with my shaman thus far, so much so that I'm thinking of benching him again and staying with druid, as it just feels better right now. I know healing overall is different, but it's just not clicking for some reason with me, and it sucks. I'm saying all of this because it's kind of frustrating (in a funny way I guess) because I want to love my shaman, but whenever I heal with my druid it just feels like I can do all the same things but better. As was mentioned by someone else, I feel like a more mobile resto shaman, and it's weird. Maybe it's by design, but I feel like I have to work so much harder with the shaman toolkit this time around to come close to the healing utility I put out with my druid for much less effort. Furthermore, as much as people complain about elemental, I love elemental as a dps spec based on the rhythm and style of combat found there, but loathe playing balance druid. Ha, I just need to combine druid/shaman into one mega class (shruid? draman?).
    Anyway, just thinkin' out loud. You know what I miss? Even though the "Unleash" mechanic is still clunky as balls, I miss the "Unleash Life > Healing Rain" spam I got away with in Pandaria a lot of the time, ha. I liked the stupid healing I could lay out as a safety blanket while I threw out riptides and chain heals like candy. I know the goal was to make healing a more "choosy" experience when seleting spells, but honestly? I liked the way it was! MoP was a high point for me as far as healing goes, and I guess I'm a bad person for it. But there we go, I said it.

    Edit: Not to say I'm not enjoying the new expac; I am, it's just different. grumble grumble get off my lawn, etc.

    gaming_librarian on
  • AegisAegis Fear My Dance Overshot Toronto, Landed in OttawaRegistered User regular
    Mugsley wrote: »
    There was a lot of chat in Trade earlier when I logged in. The vendors moved to "across the street."

    Fuck blizzard, unsubbing.

    We'll see how long this blog lasts
    Currently DMing: None :(
    [5e] Dural Melairkyn - AC 18 | HP 40 | Melee +5/1d8+3 | Spell +4/DC 12
  • EspantaPajaroEspantaPajaro Registered User regular
    Tracking. Must have missed that hotfix.

  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    man, the pictures of the faces on the PTR look much better than some of the live ones

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Javen wrote: »
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?
    This. In those 6 weeks, have you actually combed through your full quest log?

  • CiriraCirira IowaRegistered User regular
    Apparently there is a thread for those who are missing garrison quests also. Try http://blue.mmo-champion.com/topic/357241-if-you-are-missing-garrison-campaign-quests/ if you haven't yet.

    This person apparently dropped a quest on Darktide Roost and didn't realize it was the garrison quest.

  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?
    This. In those 6 weeks, have you actually combed through your full quest log?
    I just noticed that my alt who dinged 100 this weekend and has it yet to do any apexis dailies is not being offered any weekly either, while my main guy the weekly just fine. So try doing a daily apexus and see what happens.

  • DacDac Registered User regular
    Nights like these make me remember why I need to find a regular guild to do raids with, because the group finder only brings me pain.

    Steam: catseye543
    PSN: ShogunGunshow
    Origin: ShogunGunshow
  • crimsoncoyotecrimsoncoyote Registered User regular
    I'm probably going to be ham-fisting a group together as best I can this weekend, so I know/feel your pain :(

  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
    Eh, LFR is okay, people are geared enough now to usually one-shot Imperator.

  • The Dude With HerpesThe Dude With Herpes Lehi, UTRegistered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?
    This. In those 6 weeks, have you actually combed through your full quest log?

    Yes, I've combed through all 3 quests in my quest log.

    Trust me guys, I'm just not getting them. I'm not alone; a blue finally actually responded to one of the many threads people have been making about it...and of course it was one where the person figured out they missed a quest; which makes me worried that they're just gonna be like "oh, well that's it, that must be the problem" and not even bother checking everyone else. I fully completed the 3 I got the first 3 weeks and nothing else since. I'm generally aware about things enough to not manage to completely miss obvious quests in my garrison, and I've checked every possible place every week.

    I've fully completed every single zone to the point of replacing every outpost building and doing those quests too. There's nothing left for me to do in Draneor on my Paladin except pet battles; and no new garrison quests for a month and a half. I check the assault quests every day, and do the ones I don't have achievements finished for, but other than that I don't even bother because Apexis Shards are useless to me at this point.

    I have no clue if it's related, though I doubt it, but not once since WoD has launched have I gotten the Skettis or Ring of Blood assault daily. Which is weird.

    Steam: Galedrid - XBL: Galedrid - PSN: Galedrid
    Origin: Galedrid - Nintendo: Galedrid/3222-6858-1045
    Blizzard: Galedrid#1367 - FFXIV: Galedrid Kingshand

  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Fairchild wrote: »
    Eh, LFR is okay, people are geared enough now to usually one-shot Imperator.

    LFR is not really raiding though.

  • FairchildFairchild Rabbit used short words that were easy to understand, like "Hello Pooh, how about Lunch ?" Registered User regular
  • OptyOpty Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?
    This. In those 6 weeks, have you actually combed through your full quest log?

    Yes, I've combed through all 3 quests in my quest log.

    Trust me guys, I'm just not getting them. I'm not alone; a blue finally actually responded to one of the many threads people have been making about it...and of course it was one where the person figured out they missed a quest; which makes me worried that they're just gonna be like "oh, well that's it, that must be the problem" and not even bother checking everyone else. I fully completed the 3 I got the first 3 weeks and nothing else since. I'm generally aware about things enough to not manage to completely miss obvious quests in my garrison, and I've checked every possible place every week.

    I've fully completed every single zone to the point of replacing every outpost building and doing those quests too. There's nothing left for me to do in Draneor on my Paladin except pet battles; and no new garrison quests for a month and a half. I check the assault quests every day, and do the ones I don't have achievements finished for, but other than that I don't even bother because Apexis Shards are useless to me at this point.

    I have no clue if it's related, though I doubt it, but not once since WoD has launched have I gotten the Skettis or Ring of Blood assault daily. Which is weird.

    What was the last Garrison mission you did? I wonder if there's a specific one that was intended as the last one or something and somehow it got into the random rotation so doing it stops the rest from happening.

  • TurksonTurkson Near the mountains of ColoradoRegistered User regular
    Thunder Clap’s damage has been increased by 40%.
    Deep Wounds’ damage has been increased by 40%.
    Devastate’s damage has been increased by 20%.
    Revenge’s damage has been increased by 40%.
    Shield Slam’s damage has been increased by 20%.
    Gladiator Stance (Protection) now increases damage by 5% (down from 20%)

    I'm still trying to figure out if I've been buffed or nerfed.

    oh h*ck
  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Well pretty much every damaging ability got a 15% nerf through the nerf to the stance, but all of them except for heroic strike got buffed again by a lot more than that.

    One thing you can be pretty sure is that unyielding strikes will now be much worse than heavy repercussions

  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    Smrtnik wrote: »
    Javen wrote: »
    If it's gone off this long, and there's nothing in your log, I'd bet on a previous week being incomplete and there's a quest giver out in the world somewhere, waiting.

    What was the location of the last weekly quest you had?
    This. In those 6 weeks, have you actually combed through your full quest log?

    Yes, I've combed through all 3 quests in my quest log.

    Trust me guys, I'm just not getting them. I'm not alone; a blue finally actually responded to one of the many threads people have been making about it...and of course it was one where the person figured out they missed a quest; which makes me worried that they're just gonna be like "oh, well that's it, that must be the problem" and not even bother checking everyone else. I fully completed the 3 I got the first 3 weeks and nothing else since. I'm generally aware about things enough to not manage to completely miss obvious quests in my garrison, and I've checked every possible place every week.

    I've fully completed every single zone to the point of replacing every outpost building and doing those quests too. There's nothing left for me to do in Draneor on my Paladin except pet battles; and no new garrison quests for a month and a half. I check the assault quests every day, and do the ones I don't have achievements finished for, but other than that I don't even bother because Apexis Shards are useless to me at this point.

    I have no clue if it's related, though I doubt it, but not once since WoD has launched have I gotten the Skettis or Ring of Blood assault daily. Which is weird.
    I got offered ring of blood twice the first week of expansion and took it. It was a huge cluster f, with only one group (of as low as one person) can do the quest at one time like all the other ring of bloods. But to make it worse everyone was there at same time for to it being s daily so it took forever. I suspect they took it out of rotation until they figure it out.

    Skettis I've seen offered several times and took it twice. It has a poorly described in game mechanic that makes the bar move normal if you do it or super slow if you do not. One of the achievements hints at it but most people were complaining about the slow movement. Pick up keys, free dudes, kill stuff while dudes follow you, talk to guy at entrance just before you "dudes are following you" buff(s) expire = tons of bar movement. Otherwise you kill two dozen dudes and it's 1%.

  • SmrtnikSmrtnik job boli zub Registered User regular
    edited January 2015
    Fairchild wrote: »
    That's just The Jealousy talking.
    Of you can /follow someone from start to end and succeed as long as nobody kicks you is not raiding.

    Oh, i got accused of trolling the mc lfr r other day by pulling Gehennas repeatedly when i never came near him or touched him. Some guy was on a crusade to get me kicked. Meanwhile whoever was actually doing it must have been laughing his ass off.

    Smrtnik on
  • EnclaveofGnomesEnclaveofGnomes Registered User regular
    Of you can /follow someone from start to end and succeed as long as nobody kicks you is not raiding.

    Then there have arguably never been any raids in wow.

  • MadicanMadican No face Registered User regular
    Mythic Twin Ogrons down. Had a good night bonus rolling a ring and cloak.

  • DhalphirDhalphir don't you open that trapdoor you're a fool if you dareRegistered User regular
    Madican wrote: »
    Mythic Twin Ogrons down. Had a good night bonus rolling a ring and cloak.

    What's next?

  • Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    you can actually do the skettis daily really quickly once you figure out how it works

    but most people don't know and it's not documented at all, so people get annoyed with it

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
  • NobodyNobody Registered User regular
    So while I've been ignoring guild chat and playing Sim-Garrison, my guild had quite a bit of drama recently. In the course of a week:

    1. 1/2 of the guild left to form their own guild which was supposed to be more hardcore, yet somehow...isn't?
    2. The GM stepped down and gave RL away, and both he and his wife stayed in the guild but dropped down to non-raiding members.

    Of course, now I don't really feel like I belong in either guild so fun fun.

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