This was an idea floated around the Netrunner thread(s) at the end of last year and it seemed to get enough interest to possibly be a goer so let's give it a shot.
What is this?
An online Netrunner escalation league, duh. Didn't you read the thread title? What word are you having difficulty with?
An awesome card game. There's a thread with a very informative OP
here and some examples of play by post games
There's a fabulous, free and easy(ish) online client for playing Netrunner (and other card games) called OCTGN. A very nice guide to getting it up and running is
here. Follow it and you'll be up and running in no time. Once you're in there's a nice keystroke cheat sheet
here and I certainly found the online community to happily provide a number of patient tutors to get me through my first few learning games.
This game has been going for a while. The card pool is a little overwhelming now as everything ever released is currently still play legal. As such I intend to take this back to the old school. Start round 1 with the core set pre-cons, round 2 introduce deck building, then from round 3 onwards slowly introduce the new cards in the order they were released. Perfect for the newbies (such as myself) to learn. A drop of nostalgia for the oldies.
Casual League?
Hey, that's two words! Let's keep this thing a casual easy fun thing. I'm thinking a good two weeks to play your organised match. A league table format rather than tournament means you can drop in and out with no worries and that winning is recognised but is also far from the main thing. Hopefully pick up practice games will be easy to swing via OCTGN friend lists and posting up here.
That all sounds great! So what do you want me to do now?
Install OCTGN and post your username in the thread. Letting me know a rough idea of your Netrunner experience would also be good (for example I've been playing since just before Christmas, have started dabbling a tiny bit in deck building but have yet to really leave the core set). We'll leave sign ups open for a week or so and see how many people we get. In the meantime getting in some practice/learning games on OCTGN would be good. Experienced people helping newbies learn the ropes would be great but like I said the wider community seems pretty dang nice at helping you get started.
Twitch Stream
Since my local player pool is pretty small I do a fair bit of OCTGN'ing. For netrunner been playing about 6 months and have gotten a lot of data packs and started going to organised events.
Edit: Username is dis
Secondly, while I can't really commit to the league, I'm happy to be around to help if anyone wants help, tips, deck building guidance etc. Generally help in anyway that is needed, so please shout if I can.
I tried OCTGN forever ago, but it was too inconvenient on my old tiny netbook. Now I have a new computer and have installed OCTGN but I've probably forgotten most of how it works.
General Netrunner experience is I've had the cards for a long time, but I've played far too few games with them. Some learning games with friends, one meet-up and one tournament (Chronos Protocol). I'm thinking getting some OCTGN experience in will help me gather the courage to actually interact with the meat space Netrunner group here a bit more.
Have been playing since 2012. Not as good as @Cerberus. But then, who is.
Android: Netrunner, Warhammer: Conquest, Star Realms
Not sure how well my timezone in the UK will line up with people in general but I'm up for playing Netrunner whenever I can.
I've been playing since (roughly) Christmas, and lurking the Netrunner threads around here for a bit longer than that. By playing I mean a handful of games and a lot of deckbuilding. I'm faithfulSkeptic on OCTGN.
Kaneski on OCTGN. Played a few games...
Melbourne, so GMT+10/+11.
We've failed to hook any utterly new players though. As such shall we skip the pre-cons and go straight to base set deck building?
And one assumes it will be base set deck building in the magical land where the base set contained three of everything.
Sign up!
It'll give me a reason to finally figure out Octogon.
Sounds good to me! The pre-cons have some real balance issues anyway.
Where are you guys based? Are you heading to any store championships, as it would be great to meet you.
(a) Nowhere near store championship level! I'm still barely dipping my toe into core set deck building. Hence this project.
(b) Middle of nowhere rural Wiltshire. Ain't nothing going on anywhere near me,
I'm Hereford/Worcester way though if that's near by.
Forum name - OCTGN name
@Jam Warrior - jamwarrior
@Capfalcon - capfalconpa
@Dis' - dis
@jakobagger - jakobagger
@TheMadjai - TheMadjai
@Praetor - Prae
@theGWN - theGWN
@Albino Bunny - albinobunny
@faithfulskeptic - faithfulskeptic
@Kaneski - Kaneski
@borboski - ???
@Powerpuppies - Powerpuppies
@QuantumTurk - QuantumTurk
Missing a few OCTGN names.
I'm just not going to have time for this in the near future as I need to start planning for my new 13th Age campaign.
I'm on now if anyone was after some help with the program.
I won a store championship back near honor and profit, but I've kinda dropped out due to grad school keeping me from playing. Now it'd be about 100 to catch back up, so...
Twitch Stream
Glad I checked out the Critical Failures root, nearly missed this!
I'd like to give this a go, though it's been a long time since I've used OCTGN. I believe my username there is the same as here. As for experience, I've been buying Netrunner for a while but I only play casually with my SO and occasionally friends.
Username is vaamoose
OCTGN name is regrysk
Twitch Stream
@Dis' vs @Powerpuppies
@REG Rysk vs @Mr. Mojo Risin
@theGWN vs @jakobagger
@borboski vs @Kaneski
@Praetor vs @Quantumturk
@Capfalcon vs @faithfulskeptic
@Jam Warrior vs @Albino Bunny
@Endaro vs @TheMadjai
So the plan is round one is core set only deck building, from the magic land where the core set contained three of every card.
Negotiate a time to play with your opponent and play two matches, one on each side.
3 points for a win, 1 point for a draw.
Let's make a target of all matches played by two weeks from now, so 25th Feb.
Hopefully that's all we need as far as rules go? Bring on the questions if you have any.