Recently the US has had an outbreak of measels at disney land. The country that crapped itself over fears of ebola when there was a grand total of like 5 cases in the US, ignores a resurgence of Measels that had a nearly two decade high 644 cases reported last year. Why an outbreak of a disease that is part of a common immunization? Undocumented spooky immigrants coming here with the super flu? Nope affluent people who believe their mommy blogs and conspiracy theory wack jobs are smarter than scientists.
For more than three years, Tanya Gottesburen refused to have her son Robert vaccinated. She didn’t like what she read about the ingredients in vaccines – things like mercury, aluminum and bovine serum that she found “really disturbing”. Many of her stay-at-home mum friends on the affluent Westside of Los Angeles felt the same way.
The bolded is the problem. This lady is not a virologist, she's not a scientist, or doctor, or anyone holds a degree in anything, but her ignorance is considered the same as your knowledge, and despite her not vaccinating her child puts yours at risk we don't require immunizations. You can't own a pet in some cities and states and not have them deal with their mandatory vaccinations (like our cat has to have a rabies vaccine despite being indoor only, I joke with the vet if she gets rabies she's already fucked) but due to the corruption of "religious" and personal exemptions america is letting disease we beat to come back.
One Los Angeles parent vehemently opposed to vaccination, Michelle Henney, said she hadn’t even been aware of the Disneyland outbreak because she refused on principle to follow the mainstream news media. But she was in no doubt, even without reading the coverage, that “they have skewed the facts in favor of trying to sell people more pharmaceuticals”.
“This whole vaccination thing is just a scam to steal your money,” Henney said.
Two of her three children went to the Calvary Christian School in Pacific Palisades (which had a 75% MMR immunisation rate last year). A third went to public school, but was spared the risk of being sent home in the event of an outbreak because Henney found a doctor willing to falsify her immunisation records.
This is scary shit, herd immunity only works if the majority of people are immunized and the measels are a deadly disease that can maim or kill you. The measels outbreak actually found its way up to a county in my state in Washington due to the same patterns of affluent people who should know better (hilariously immigrants get blamed but on average they have a higher immunization rate than some affluent communities).
This is a topic to discuss vaccinations, and the anti vax movement and how their dangerous ignorance may cause a resurgence of fucking polio and small pox which were all but eliminated in the first world.Me I'm terrified, I got immunized as a child, but I never got a booster I want to say past 16 because it used to not be necessary, but now I'm worried!
I would like some money because these are artisanal nuggets of wisdom philistine.
I hope some of these parents get sued by the parents of the kids that got sick or something. God damn.
Not one of her kids went to a doctor oh lord
This is one of the things I'm waiting for. I don't know how you'd prove it, but I'd love to see some parents sued into oblivion for this bullshit.
Or maybe a kid whose parents chose not to immunize him/her suing the parents?,37839/
Acupuncture and Chiropractic is really big here. No idea how big the anti-vax movement is, though I did see a booth for it in a Home and Garden convention (no idea) and the guy seemed un-punched.
It’s not a very important country most of the time
I think that doctor who forged an immunization sheet should be reported to his medical board
I am actually okay with both of those things (properly regulated of course) but they are no substitute for taking your baby to the doctor to make sure everything's cool, and get immunized!
reading that full article that mom is full on conspiracy theory sounding, I feel sorry for her kiddos
Its crazy we require it for pets but not children. Then again you can euthanize your pets which don't get a chance to consent or not, but when a person requests it we will deny them that. America has this weird idea about what you can be forced to do.
And this is something that is killing or hurting those that can't get immunized due to other problems, or aren't yet old enough. And this Disney thing is galvanizing them! They think this proves them right!
We gave mexico measels! WE GAVE MEXICO MEASELS! Let that one sink in, that's how dumb its gotten, we're giving countries we consider less developed diseases they are better at combating than the US.
Fuck just public school, it should be a straight up crime. Whatever the local version of child negligence is.
The anti-vaccination movement are a bunch of child-murderers and a clear threat to the public and they should be dealt with extremely harshly.
Chiropracty is pure weapons grade bullshitium though. Not shocked or surprised to see anti-vaxers leaning towards it as a valid medical..anything.
There was one in new york who got busted for that years after he did it because he moved to hawaii and handed his falsified records off to the next guy and got turned in.
I'd post a link but the site I read it on was a "vaccine" choice group of wackadoodles and it was IN SUPPORT OF THE FALSIFIER! How awful is that? "I paid a guy to lie to the school so I could spread the disease better."
It's stories like that, that explain how in a zombo movie the entire world becomes infected. People are selfish assholes that would spread a disease even when detrimental to everyone around them.
Yeah, that was pretty poorly thought out
Resulting in:
The massage part of chiropractery is true, the rest of the claims of aligning your chakras to cure cancer and diseases though is utter bullshit.
And, as an aside, its history is not what the popular belief would claim.
Chiropractic care is literally a scam on the first and third party insurance industry. Nothing more.
Wouldn't shock me, recently there was a group that came to my work to give out free massages, at the end of the massage they wanted to sign you up for another longer massage after their Chiro clinic checked your insurance and did some "tests" to identify what was wrong.
Simon Singh?
It also does considerably violence to English morphology, and isn't that the true crime?
Edit: to fix my case of the derps.
here's the wikipedia article on the case for those interested.
Where is his responsibility to the proper use of the apostrophe?
I kid. That is awesome.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
kids come first Feral c'mon!
a doctor with bad grammar well I never
This website is all that is really needed. Case closed.
Nope nope nope nope.
Acupuncture is identical to any other placebo and its medical effects end there.
Melinda Gates with the truth bomb. Honestly this is an all too common problem in america, we have had a lot of nice things for so long people forget why we have them. Like young women I work with aren't concerned about Abortion rights because they have never known a world without them, neither have I, ignore that shit long enough though, and we will.
"Rational chiropractic" has emerged as a subfield in the last 20 or so years as a way of applying objective medicine to chiropractic care. They reject the vitalism of traditional chiropractic and are basically somewhere between physical therapists and sports medicine doctors.
I'm not sure if things are different in your country, but in the US, massage therapists aren't really any more "health professionals" than acupuncturists or naturopaths. The requirements to be a massage therapist differ from state to state, but I don't know any US state that requires massage therapists to receive any particular education in objective medicine, and plenty of massage therapists believe in reiki and other mystical bullshit.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
I bet his penmanship is terrible.
the "no true scotch man" fallacy.
Placebos have medical purposes
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
That is what I said.
but whether you actually need the certification to use the title Massage Therapist varies from state to state.
I liked their cover of Running Up That Hill, but I dunno if I would consider is a medical effect.
yeah but you said nope nope nope and disrupted the chi of the entire conversation
Doc: That's right, twenty five years into the future. I've always dreamed on seeing the future, looking beyond my years, seeing the progress of mankind. I'll also be able to see who wins the next twenty-five world series.
You mean like workers rights *snap*
But seriously, I wonder if even a resurgence of Polio would curb these people. They might be too far gone and absolutely deserve to be sued by their own children.
I suggested awhile ago (in chat I think) that vaccination rates will eventually stabilize into a constant sinusoidal pattern.
Vaccination rates will rise to the point where the horrible diseases become so uncommon idiots forget why we get vaccinated, which causes the rates to drop which brings back horrible diseases which then cause vaccination rates to rise again and the cycle repeats endlessly.
As I was saying before in the chat I've met more than a few people who think measles and the mumps are kind of like the flu or chicken pox in severity. Probably because their only knowledge of them comes from old sitcoms. When in reality they're diaseses that used to kill kids by the shitload.
Its just funny, we freaked about Ebola which is a lot harder to get and a lot more under control, yet we have real killers in this country spread by the air, and people aren't getting vaccines to prevent that, because "Lol won't get me."
This is especially ironic given Wakefield's motive in spreading FUD about existing vaccines was to sell his own goddamn vaccine