Doctor Who is a TV show about an old man OR LADY who changes his appearance on a regular basis and entices young women and sometimes young men into his home with promises of adventure and jelly babies. Sometimes, the young people die or go mad or are abandoned. This is all fine. It's fine.
The show has been around for fifty-odd years, and is a national treasure, an institution and something for which successive generations have gooey nostalgic feelings. Except those poor souls who grew up in the wilderness years, when it got cancelled for a decade or so and had to live the zombie half-life that exists in tie-in fiction and conventions. It has international appeal, as nerds exist everywhere.
There was an American version as well. You've probably never heard of it. Only true Whovians have seen these. I liked the Kyle MacLachlan years best.
The Doctor
was played by a shouty, angry Scotsman, accompanied by a fetching school teacher. They're very good indeed. Here's his first appearance, and one of my favourite moments in modern Doctor Who.
Here's another, one which takes place at the end of a film about the making of the early years of the show. David Bradley is playing William Hartnell and he's coming to terms with the fact that he can't go on as the Doctor any more and will, reluctantly, leave the role he's come to love. What could console him in this hour? I guess the knowledge that the legacy you're leaving will gladden the hearts of tens of millions of people for decades would just about do it.
Excuse me I've got something in my eye.
The new Doctor is Jodie Whittaker, and she will start her adventures THIS SUNDAY. Here's a trailer.
A huge amount of classic Doctor Who was streamed nightly on Twitch Presents, introducing a new generation of fans to Ian Chesterton and UNIT's successful operations rate and it was lovely to see. All of New Who is also currently available on the BBC iPlayer, so huzzah for dear old Blighty and ya boo sucks to the rest of the world. It won't be there for too much longer, though, so if you want to binge watch every bit of New Who before the new series better get on that right now. You might need a time machine to fit it all in.
and don't forget this dark horse contender!
Doctor Who - The Theme Tune (as Ron Grainer intended):
The original Delia Derbyshire arrangement is a thing of strangeness and terrible beauty. Music made with electronic paraphernalia that instantly nails the atmosphere of otherworldly strangeness the show is aiming for right from the start. It's unlike anything else and so far ahead of its time it will be effectively mined for decades to come.
I bet the Beeb rubbed their hands with glee when they got that bit of free publicity.
And then Murray Gold's numerous rearrangements with the sliding strings and full orchestra blaze in and it's very good indeed but it's a fantastic piece of music, whereas Derbyshire's original is like something descended from another plane of reality.
So, the original arrangement, much as I like Gold's work.
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But I think I love the 80s synthy sci-fi version almost as much. It's not spooky, but those impossibly pure Moog notes make it feel otherworldly in a friendly, Close Encounters sort of way.
The one I don't like is the 1986 Sixth Doctor one, the one they only used for a single series. They were going for spooky but just neutered it and the music lies there, slowly bleeding out. So pretty appropriate for Colin Baker's tenure BOOM BOOM. The McCoy one is an improvement over that. And it even has the middle eight.
I actually don't mind the movie version, which opens with the middle eight, even though it ends with a plinky plonky piano bit that dies on its arse.
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Someone back me up here please.
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EDIT: I also just watched a fan reaction video to the ending which is basically two young girls sobbing their hearts out. It's great.
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I don't like it. ;D
Also Series 5 has my favourite theme. Those new BWARMS go really well with the dark thundery time vortex.
Edit: it's that or the original. They're my faves.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
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Just wanted to show off how awesome my girl is. She's been cooped up at home for a bit, so she decided to do a little project: Love that girl.
This one's a winner, the music for the awesome scene towards the end of Day of the Doctor.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
Makes me smile just hearing it.
Karen I love ya but charging 60 bucks for an autograph is a bit much. Even Shatner is only charging 80.
That happens? Is that industry norm?
• All autograph sales on-site are CASH ONLY
Billy Boyd Autograph — $50.00
Bruce Campbell Autograph — $40.00
Chris 51 Autograph — $10.00
Corey Feldman Autograph — $40.00 (Corey personalizes all autographs)
Dolph Ziggler Autograph — $35.00
Doug Jones Autograph — $25.00
Drea de Matteo Autograph — $30.00
Graham McTavish Autograph — $30.00
Gregg Henry Autograph — $30.00
Heather Maranda Autograph — $10.00
Ian Somerhalder Autograph — $70.00
James Marsters Autograph — $40.00
Jason David Frank Autograph — $40.00
Jeffrey Wortham Autograph — $10.00
Joey Lauren Adams Autograph — $30.00
Josh Bodwell Autograph — $10.00
Karen Gillan Autograph — $60.00
Lou Ferrigno Autograph — $40.00
Michael Rowe Autograph — $30.00
Paige Autograph — $30.00
Sasha Roiz Autograph — $40.00
Scott Wilson Autograph — $40.00
Sean Gunn Autograph — $30.00
Taryn Manning Autograph — $30.00
William Shatner Autograph — $80.00
Edit: a quick google seach shows Matt Smith is charging around $100. . . That's insane.
XBL:Phenyhelm - 3DS:Phenyhelm
On the other hand I'd charge as much as I thought suckers would pay.
It is a conundrum.
I am saddened anyone would pay for that.
Then again, looking at it, the three highest are Doctor Who companion (crazy popular), Vampire Diaries guy (crazy popular among womenfolk of all ages afaik), and William Shatner who's just a complete dick and no one argues that fact.
Back when I started going to cons in the early 90s some TV personalities, of the Lou Ferrigno or "guy who was in a few episodes of Buck Rogers" caliber, wouldn't charge for the autograph itself but would ask you to buy one of their $10 glossy headshots or a copy of their new memoir or something like that to sign. That seemed reasonable enough to me, as it's more or less what authors on book tours etc do.
Ever since cons became big business, though, they just seem like money extraction machines. I wouldn't be surprised if many of those people listed also wanted you to buy something of theirs in addition to the actual price of the autograph. Which feels really shitty and not like something I'd want to partake in.
On the other hand, in the old days a convention was something that could comfortably fit into a hotel exhibition room, with maybe a couple hundred people milling around and chatting in small groups and a lot of the guests had downtime to relax at their tables or hang out with each other. Now it's a grinding assembly line with untold thousands of people all wanting ten seconds of Karen Gillan's time for ten hours a day for three days straight, which sounds honestly kind of hellish to me.
Origin: KafkaAU B-Net: Kafka#1778
"matt smith's is $100"
well that's not that much
i just love him so