So I just warned T-Mobile that PAX East is coming, and that they need to make sure they have extra capacity because Nerds Need Bandwidth. Maybe if everyone tells their provider the same thing they might actually stand up a few temporary towers and we won't be in a digital black hole this year?
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
Worst case, they are being told what they already know. Best case, attendees and vendors (using those tablet/phone attachments to process payments) have enough signal to process everything.
After all, we don't want to have everyone resort to the wifi, right? That was painful.
Nusquam Findi Factionis
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I second that battery pack. I have 3 plus 3 extra charged batteries if needed. Just in case.
I also carry my wall charger as there are plenty of power outlets along the halls to use if needed.
Steam - Miker525 | Xbox Live - Miker525| PSN - MikeRosenberg
Websites - Gamerations -
Pinny Pals - Miker525
The best way to while away the time standing in a long line? Go with a few friends or make a few friends in line. Alternately, use a separate device, like a kindle, tablet, or 3ds.
Even though I use a battery case for PAX, something I do for pretty much any all day event, the less phone use, the better. Being forced to find an outlet and then sticking nearby for 30 minutes whilst charging just sucks.
I'm in Nova Scotia, Canada so not sure:
A) what phone to get as I don't plan on actually using it with any sort of frequency
I know NOTHING about cell phones and packages or whatever so if anyone that may be able to point me in the right direction that would be appreciated.
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
If people have experience with ATT being good at East I won't worry too much about it.
The BCEC wifi was also slightly better.
More true then ever before while I was at south. Everybody has a 4G phone now-adays.
Excellent, thanks a lot. I've checked out their site and that's definitely on my list of possibilities. Now I just need to get the actual phone lol
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
Also, look for Roam Mobility. It's a Canadian company using T-Mobile's services and charges per day instead of monthly charges and they have unlimited texts and minutes in both Canada and US.
That's what I use every time I go to the US. I paid 13.62 CAD for 3 days of Talk + Text + Data. They also offer SIM cards and smartphones if you don't already have an unlocked phone.
Planning PAX East 2014 invasion:
[ ... ] Hotel | [ ... ] Travel | ✓ Pass
Roam mobility has been adequate so far. First year I went I was constantly juggling between SMS,wifi and 3g for communicating with people but I don't remember it being such a problem the second year.