Unfortunately I missed this panel. I think it is an intriguing topic and am curious what anyone's takeaways or feelings were from those who attended. What kinds of things do you think we might see in the future? Is there a vision where gaming and the rest of the industry can successfully merge?
This is an area I am interested in forging a business in on my own eventually. I feel the field is wide open for possibility as technology marches forward and I'd love to hear what others think.
From the Panel description:
Geek bars and restaurants are starting to pop up in major cities throughout the United States, and around the world. Who are the people behind these establishments? How did they get started? What can you do to start a similar business? Join 42 Lounge, Headshots Bar & Grill, and Arcadia National Bar, in a discussion on entrepreneurship, as a follow-up to PAX East’s “Rise of the Geek Bar”, targeting the long list of questions surrounding entry into the geekier side of the service industry.
Anthony Nilles [Owner, 42 Lounge], Lynn Nilles [Owner, 42 Lounge], Ryan Revard [Owner, Headshots Bar & Grill], Dave Aceto [Owner, Arcadia National Bar]
Geek Bars are springing up all over the country. Its not a technological problem but a cultural one. For the longest time the bar scene has been somewhat antithetical to geeks. These guys are looking to change that. People want to get together and share their passions. We just have to give them a place to do just that.