Just be like me and make the smart play, by only playing most of the first disc of FFVIII before quitting because you hate it, and then you never have to worry about getting stuck in a Final Fantasy argument again!
ok I also played a bunch of Crystal Chronicles on a friend's Gamecube, that game's alright
Yes, they've been getting lots of noise on Twitter about it. Someone explained to them that some 'prominent Canadians' were playing it, and that seemed to make perfect sense to them.
It would be nice to see a HD release of FF12. Maybe with the 2.0's tweaks and free from the compression I heard they had to use to make the game fit in the PS2 discs.
Resident Evil 0 is not as good as Resident Evil 1, 2, or 3, but it's still pretty good. Even if yeah it does have some of the worst enemy designs till 5.
Resident Evil 0 is not as good as Resident Evil 1, 2, or 3, but it's still pretty good. Even if yeah it does have some of the worst enemy designs till 5.
I actually think the Best Friends are best when they're playing a good game. They're good at ragging on games but to me, it's funner to just want them genuinely enjoy something.
I actually think the Best Friends are best when they're playing a good game. They're good at ragging on games but to me, it's funner to just want them genuinely enjoy something.
Yeah, some of their best LPs are the ones where they're getting super excited about what they're playing, like Wonderful 101. I love that video.
But they're not usually actively visually repellent
To be fair I feel this way about XII's graphics in general
Want to play co-op games? Feel free to hit me up!
it would be the most amazing thing if they did an HD port and localized because of the groundswell from this LP
I have that DVD.
"Ah Aeris, or some say Aerith"
The Jecht Shot
Entering the Thunder Plains.
I love matt constantly saying that he tweets them every day with a jpeg and WHEN
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
Watched one episode and thought "alright, just one more" which turned into "alright, ten more".
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
It also has one of the best (the leech man).
Switch - SW-7373-3669-3011
Fuck Joe Manchin
There is a line.
Like, I just couldn't keep watching the Ride To Hell LP. It was just too boring, even with their commentary.
Ride to hell was bad but kind of bad in the same way throughout
Let's Play Final Fantasy 'II' (Ch10 - 5/17/10)
PSN: Robo_Wizard1
Their suffering in the Sadness trilogy was delicious. God, I can't wait for Cage's new game.
I almost burst out laughing when Pat mentioned something on the podcast about that one being "money in the bank".
Yeah, some of their best LPs are the ones where they're getting super excited about what they're playing, like Wonderful 101. I love that video.