This has graced a few news sites, but I thought it might be beneficial for those who may have missed it. I searched for the older god of war threads, but my search-fu is completely useless tonight.
If you've got God of War II you can put it into a "Full Buffer" mode of 640x448 - which provides you with a prettier version of the game - albeit with the potential for some glitches.
While the PS2 is booting up, hold L1, L2, L3 (the thumb stick), square and circle down. If you've done it right the "Sony Computer Entertainment Presents" will show up in purple instead of white.
If you have a PS3, plug it in via USB, start the game, immediately tap the PS button then hold down the key combo.
I did this tonight on my PS3 and there is indeed a visible difference - even between this and Widescreen/Progressive scan mode.
So for those of you still futzing about as Kratos, enjoy!
The website this comes from has a new countdown too, which I think expires in 8 days now.
I thought that, even on the PS2 with progressive scan turned on, you were getting 640x480... what's with the 640x448?
And how is that better than 640x480?
Steam ID: slashx000______Twitter: @bill_at_zeboyd______ Facebook: Zeboyd Games
5120 extra pixels.
Therefore, better.
Why don't you read what he said again, because I have the same question.
If normal progressive is 640x480, then how could 640x448 be any better, when it has less overall pixels?
I know there is something I'm missing here.
That "progressive scan" option in the system menu only puts the system menu in progscan. You need to set 480p separately for each game that supports it (not very many).
Most PS2 games only display in 480i no matter what. Apparently, there's a secret code to force near-480p in God of War 2.
Is it sad that the Dreamcast had better 480p support than the PS2?