Trying to gauge the interest of FFXIV at PAX East this year. Personally, I'm extremely excited as I play it a lot, and I've always hoped for something FFXIV related at PAX East. Yoshi-P, the director, will be attending PAX East for the first time this year and will be debuting new content from the upcoming expansion Heavensward.
There's a presentation Saturday at noon which should be awesome!
Also, it's heavily
RUMORED that Square Enix will also be having The Shiva Battle Challenge on the the show floor where we can take on the primal Shiva and get some cool swag.
Anyone else overly excited? Would anyone be interested in meeting up with other FFXIV fans and potentially show off our skills and easily take Shiva down?
-Gorey Sailor
Sargantas Server
A Shiva challenge would be cool, I'll have to link up with random people there for it though, none of my friends coming play.
Drusyc Cryf, Balmung.
glade ski -balmung
Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
Ione Nightshade, Behemoth
Yui Uzuki, Sargatanas
Oh wait just the line might be forming while I'm at make strip.
As a player and really active member of the FFXIV community, I have to say that Yoshi-P and the team that he's assembled do a fantastic job with the fans. They're constantly giving us things to be hyped over and the 3 month development cycle with new content all the time keeps me strapped to the game nearly full time.
MMOs do take a lot of time, but damn if this isn't one that actually earns my money every month.
A few of us even have FFXIV cosplays we are bringing. Please look forward to it!
-Itara Irispyre Malboro
404 Guild Not Found will be there.. 13 of us in total. We'll be wearing 404 Guild Not Found swag on Saturday so if you see us, hit us up! Love meeting more people from the FFXIV community.
PSN: PLD_Xavier | NNID: Xavier1216
Drantis & Koppo Sandstar - Hyperion
PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
Looks like we'll definitely be having a battle challenge at the booth. Woo!
The battle challenges are different from other battles typically. They rest somewhere between hard and extreme in difficulty.