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[EAST] Final Fantasy XIV

GoreySailorGoreySailor Boston, MARegistered User regular
Trying to gauge the interest of FFXIV at PAX East this year. Personally, I'm extremely excited as I play it a lot, and I've always hoped for something FFXIV related at PAX East. Yoshi-P, the director, will be attending PAX East for the first time this year and will be debuting new content from the upcoming expansion Heavensward.

There's a presentation Saturday at noon which should be awesome!

Also, it's heavily RUMORED that Square Enix will also be having The Shiva Battle Challenge on the the show floor where we can take on the primal Shiva and get some cool swag.

Anyone else overly excited? Would anyone be interested in meeting up with other FFXIV fans and potentially show off our skills and easily take Shiva down?

-Gorey Sailor
Sargantas Server


  • DrusycDrusyc Registered User regular
    I am definitely excited. I expect that panel to be really awesome, especially since Yoshi-P himself is making the trip. I also feel there's gotta be more than that in store if hes flying all the way over for PAX. A party maybe, or small gathering sponsored by SE, something like that. SE did something like it for Murdered: Soul Suspect last year, and this looks to be their biggest game to push at the show.

    A Shiva challenge would be cool, I'll have to link up with random people there for it though, none of my friends coming play.

    Drusyc Cryf, Balmung.

  • GLADEZORGLADEZOR Registered User new member
    yeah I can't wait. Thats interesting what you said about the shiva challenge too.

    glade ski -balmung

  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    A bunch of my FC mates are looking forward to this. There's going to be 12 of us there and we've been practicing Shiva Ex as it was announced on the last pod cast dealie they did a week or so ago when they were talking about Golden Saucer.

    Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Ya I'm super pumped about this. We've got a pretty large crew as Infinite mentioned above. Should be 12 of us ready and set to have a good time. Just look for the 404 Guild Not Found gear that most of us will be wearing on Saturday. Come up and say hi. We're pretty friendly ;)

    Ione Nightshade, Behemoth

  • creid8creid8 Registered User regular
    I'm excited for the panel, not sure if I'm going to bother with the Shiva line.

    Yui Uzuki, Sargatanas

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Holy crap... the guidebook got released and the SE booth is the largest one there. This actually has me extremely hyped.

  • DemonStaceyDemonStacey TTODewback's Daughter In love with the TaySwayRegistered User regular
    edited February 2015
    Wait... it's the same time as Make a Strip?


    Oh wait just the line might be forming while I'm at make strip.



    DemonStacey on
  • DisruptedCapitalistDisruptedCapitalist I swear! Registered User regular
    I never had time to pick up another MMO, but I've been following FFXIV since it relaunched. Yoshi-P seems like a cool guy.

    "Simple, real stupidity beats artificial intelligence every time." -Mustrum Ridcully in Terry Pratchett's Hogfather p. 142 (HarperPrism 1996)
  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    I never had time to pick up another MMO, but I've been following FFXIV since it relaunched. Yoshi-P seems like a cool guy.

    As a player and really active member of the FFXIV community, I have to say that Yoshi-P and the team that he's assembled do a fantastic job with the fans. They're constantly giving us things to be hyped over and the 3 month development cycle with new content all the time keeps me strapped to the game nearly full time.

    MMOs do take a lot of time, but damn if this isn't one that actually earns my money every month.

  • BashinterothBashinteroth NYCRegistered User regular
    well microshaft (spelling intentional) has two booth spots which may mean they have the largest amount of realestate in the show floor; although SquareEnix will most likely draw a larger crowd

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    My FC [Deuces Wild] has 7 people meeting up for pax! We are all really excited and really hoping for the Shiva Battle Challenge! We will be 1 short so we will be looking for a good PUG!

    A few of us even have FFXIV cosplays we are bringing. Please look forward to it!

    -Itara Irispyre Malboro

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    Itara wrote: »
    My FC [Deuces Wild] has 7 people meeting up for pax! We are all really excited and really hoping for the Shiva Battle Challenge! We will be 1 short so we will be looking for a good PUG!

    A few of us even have FFXIV cosplays we are bringing. Please look forward to it!

    -Itara Irispyre Malboro

    404 Guild Not Found will be there.. 13 of us in total. We'll be wearing 404 Guild Not Found swag on Saturday so if you see us, hit us up! Love meeting more people from the FFXIV community.

  • Xavier1216Xavier1216 Bagu is my name. Show my note to river man. Greater Boston AreaRegistered User regular
    As enamored as I was with Vana'diel, I admire Eorzea for being like a love letter to the Final Fantasy series. MMORPGs really aren't my thing, mainly because of my own shortcomings with regularly committing a significant amount of my time to the game, but FFXIV was worth every penny and second I spent playing solo. It's certainly worth a try if you're even the least bit curious about playing it. I haven't played since September, but I've been itching to reinstate my account, look for a new FC to join, and pick up from the events after completing The Praetorium.

    PSN: PLD_Xavier | NNID: Xavier1216
  • drantis82drantis82 Registered User new member
    My partner and I can't wait for the panel, and I'm really intrigued by the potential for a Shiva battle.

    Drantis & Koppo Sandstar - Hyperion

  • InfiniteNuLLInfiniteNuLL Registered User regular
    Well, I'm looking forward in taking part in the Shiva soon as I get past GD Ramuh Ex!

    FF14 - Failia Zebonaiza, Behemoth Server, FC: 404 Guild Not Found
    PAX East Attendee - 2015, 2016
  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    More details this morning on their presence at East:

    Looks like we'll definitely be having a battle challenge at the booth. Woo!

  • Onslaught7Onslaught7 Boston, MARegistered User regular
    I'm so happy Square Enix will have a large presence this year!! And I'm really excited to try the Shiva battle! Do you think there are preset characters we have to use?

  • ItaraItara Registered User regular
    Do we know if the Shiva battle will be Hard or Extreme? Or some other crazy version?

  • SolanalesSolanales CMYKMatter Registered User regular
    So using past battle challenges as a guide, what it usually is are preset characters. You can choose your class when you go up, but the characters are set up for you. You can have some time to work the bars into what you want then you usually have like 3 tries to finish it. You can come back multiple times though to keep trying.

    The battle challenges are different from other battles typically. They rest somewhere between hard and extreme in difficulty.

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