[EAST] PAX East 2015 Classic Console Tournaments (CCFP)

TektonikkTektonikk PAX South/West Console Tournament ManagerRegistered User regular
Good morning guys,

Here's the rules post for the Classic Console Tournaments

First: Signups for classic tournaments starts on the day of the tournament at Classic Console Free Play (beside Console Tournament)

Second: Signups start at 10am each day.

Third: All tournaments are single-elimination.
- We know this is rough, but we only have so much time.

Feel free to post any questions you have in regards to the rules!

That said, we’ll get into the games (ordered by day):


Noon (12:00 PM) - Soul Calibur (DC)
Best 2 of 3 per match

4:00 PM - Wario Ware Inc. (GCN)
4-way Free For All/1v1
Various Modes

8:00 PM - Super Mario Strikers (GCN)
Exhibition Mode


Noon (12:00 PM) - Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus (PS2)
Best 2 out of 3 per match

4:00 PM - Mario Kart 64 (N64)
4-way Free For All
GP Mode

8:00 PM - Super Smash Bros. (N64)
4-way Free For All
5 Stock/Most KOs to advance


11:00 AM - NHL '94 (GEN)
5 Minute Rounds

2:00 PM - Pokémon Puzzle League (N64)
Start at Level 7


  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    aw, no DKR

  • DanQDanQ Registered User regular
    edited February 2015
    The one thing which came up last year for the warioware tournament is different names have differing baseline difficulty levels. I still don't know exactly how it works after trying to Google it, but generally, a higher win percentage/ play time seems to correlate with having level 3 games. The best way around it would be to create new names instead of using what's already on the memory card. That way everybody starts at beginner level. Just pointing it out in case whoever is running the tournament is unaware, its something you wouldn't notice unless you play the game a lot.

    Also I was the guy who provided the last minute memory card last year. If you need it again, let me know, I plan on bringing the game again.

    DanQ on
  • TektonikkTektonikk PAX South/West Console Tournament Manager Registered User regular
    I'm probably going to need an extra copy of the game and the data cause I just checked me memory card and it wiped everything. I'll PM ya. Warioware will probably run in the opposite format it did last year... but people were all about it! I look forward to seeing you there!

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