This may be a stupid question, but are there restrictions on what you can bring in a bag? Obviously weapons would be out, but things like DSLRs or other gear I wasn't sure of. Given that they are checking bags I didn't want to get turned away at the door and have to go back to my hotel to stash something.
At-Door Security is checking for drugs and weapons, but you may want to be more specific about your camera gear to see if it will be allowed in the expo hall. The mods will have to give a definitive answer on that. In general cameras are allowed throughout convention center though so you won't be turned away from the door.
That said, I am pretty sure that cameras are allowed everywhere, although some panels request no photography or at least no flash photography. Also for things like tripods and monopods, etc, be wary of traffic lanes and be ready to move if an Enforcer tells you to move.
Cameras are everywhere at PAX -- and that's a great thing! There's a lot of fun moments, amazing displays, and awesome cosplay to capture. So long as you're not impeding the flow of traffic; chronicling PAX is typically fine. There may be some exhibitors/panelists that request that you don't photograph whatever they're showing for their own reasons and I think if you're following Wheaton's Law you'll respect those wishes. The only other time I can think of where your camera wouldn't really be welcomed is if you find yourself in the BCEC for Will-Call on Thursday. There may be some things set up or being set up while your there and cameras have typically been prohibited from being used. Don't think I've ever seen an issue with someone simply having a camera, but security has seemed to have "No Photography" orders and will ask those seen taking photos not to do so.
Tripods were not allowed in the Main Theater when I worked there a couple of years back. I'm honestly not sure how far the policy extends, but they do take up space, can obstruct other attendee's views and are a potential safety hazard near the aisles where they're most likely to be used and most easily tripped on. YMMV on where and when they're allowed though.
As others have said, food is perfectly fine too. While I'm sure the BCEC would love to sell every attendee copious amounts of their overpriced food, they don't take issue with people bringing in food for personal consumption. The same goes for non-alcoholic drinks as well I believe.
Bottom line, if they raise a fuss about something, you can try escalating to their supervisor types which will be in the area, but we don't have any sway really as its not our deal. If you are stopped with something that you feel should have been allowed in feel free to come let the Info Booth or Security Enforcers know so we can be aware. Hope that helps.
Basically, dont bring in booze.