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East 2015 Q&A Thread

zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
edited February 2015 in PAX East
Please utilize this thread for pax Q&A for east 2015

zerzhul on


  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    My original idea was to go as an NCR Ranger which is from Fallout: New Vegas, but it's my first cosplay and I quickly realized that it would be to hard for the first. Would Eren Jaeger from the Attack on Titan anime be weird to go as to Pax because its not related to gaming? He fits my physical characteristics really well so it would be decently easy. Is there any video game characters close to what he looks like that I could probably do? I dont mean clothes or storywise, but with brown hair, around his age. Brown eyes would be helpful, but he doesn't have them. I planned on wearing contacts.

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    people cosplay as all sorts of things for pax that aren't gaming related. I'm sure it would ble fine.

  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    people cosplay as all sorts of things for pax that aren't gaming related. I'm sure it would ble fine.
    Ok thanks, Zerzhul! You're always here when I need help. :)

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    Last year I missed the sales and had to pay tons of money on Ebay and risk them being legit in order to get to Pax. I've been looking almost every day to see if they're on sale because I don't even know what season they go on sale and I really want to get a 3 day pass this year so I'll need to act fast when they are. Is there any set date and/or time they're planned to go on sale? Zerzhul, I await your mighty presence.

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    No, there is not. Watch after pax prime ends.

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    animeman75 wrote: »
    My original idea was to go as an NCR Ranger which is from Fallout: New Vegas, but it's my first cosplay and I quickly realized that it would be to hard for the first. Would Eren Jaeger from the Attack on Titan anime be weird to go as to Pax because its not related to gaming? He fits my physical characteristics really well so it would be decently easy. Is there any video game characters close to what he looks like that I could probably do? I dont mean clothes or storywise, but with brown hair, around his age. Brown eyes would be helpful, but he doesn't have them. I planned on wearing contacts.
    some of my fav ones I saw this year were none gaming related like a guy dressed as jesus. There was also a father and daughter dressed as people from frozen. Really you can do whatever you want lol.

    zerzhul on
  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    I know alot of cons have Cosplay competitions. I didn't look the past two years because I wasn't in to cosplay, but now that I'm joining the community, I'd be pretty interested in signing up! If there isn't there should be ;P

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    PAX does not run any cosplay contests. Some exhibitors do though, from time to time, for their specific properties (like league of legends or borderlands).

  • redfield85redfield85 Registered User regular
    Pretty sure I saw Attack on Titan cosplay at East 2014. But yea, do whatever. Have fun!

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  • LoonyEclipseLoonyEclipse WWHRD? Montreal, QCRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I definitely saw AoT cospaly at East 2014. You'll fit in fine.
    Regardless, no one is going to start pointing fingers and go 'You're doing it wrong!' otherwise.

    LoonyEclipse on
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  • andyjewettandyjewett Elkhart, INRegistered User regular
    I apologize if this is addressed somewhere on here that I'm missing but does PAX have any kind of Artist Alley experience in the Exhibit Hall? I am hoping to make it to one of the shows this coming year!

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    No. While the past couple of PAXen have had booths for some of the Strip Search folks, there's not a general artist alley at PAX.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    There is a place called "bandland" that contains invited guests to PAX that sometimes are artists (like the strip search folks whypick1 mentioned). This has also included groups like LoadingReadyRun, chainsawsuit, and scott kurtz in the past, and also the musical acts for the evening concerts. It's not huge though, and isn't in the expo hall.

  • andyjewettandyjewett Elkhart, INRegistered User regular
    whypick1 wrote: »
    No. While the past couple of PAXen have had booths for some of the Strip Search folks, there's not a general artist alley at PAX.
    Thanks for the reply! Any idea if that is something that could be a "future" thing or is there really no point to that? Thanks again for the reply.

  • andyjewettandyjewett Elkhart, INRegistered User regular
    zerzhul wrote: »
    There is a place called "bandland" that contains invited guests to PAX that sometimes are artists (like the strip search folks whypick1 mentioned). This has also included groups like LoadingReadyRun, chainsawsuit, and scott kurtz in the past, and also the musical acts for the evening concerts. It's not huge though, and isn't in the expo hall.

    Great info, thanks.

  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    Yeah there likely will not be a dedicated artist's alley in the future. The "bandland" is what there is. I suppose there could be some overhaul at some point, but I don't see that happening.

  • andyjewettandyjewett Elkhart, INRegistered User regular
    Kind of figured that was the case... no worries. Thanks again for the replies.

  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    I definitely saw AoT cospaly at East 2014. You'll fit in fine.
    Regardless, no one is going to start pointing fingers and go 'You're doing it wrong!' otherwise.
    I hate it when people point and tell me "I'm doing it wrong". :'(

    zerzhul on
  • druichdruich Registered User new member
    Hey Penny Arcade community, my names Josh and along with a few friends I plan on attending PAXEast 2015. The first thing I want to ask is that if the proposed Thur-Sat schedule goes through what day will be the best to go as we're all under 21 and thus unable to rent a hotel room together. Second since we'll be driving from CT to Boston I'm wondering where would be the optimal place to park and if necessary to catch a shuttle or train to the expo. Also any other side tips you may have would be great, thanks in advance.

  • whypick1whypick1 PAX [E] Info Booth Manager ~2' from an LCDRegistered User regular
    1. Dates for next year are March 6-8, which is Fri-Sun.
    2. Hard to say which date is "best".
    3. You may want to peruse the last show's FAQ.

    Is it PAX <insert nearest future PAX here> yet?
  • VGVideoGalaxyVGVideoGalaxy Northern VirginiaRegistered User regular
    Last year, I enjoyed Saturday the most because of the panels and events that were going on.

  • TopherRocksTopherRocks Rockstar Beard Grower Kent, OH or Long Island, NYRegistered User regular
    My first PAX I was 20 years old and was able to book a hotel. Not sure if it's a chain policy but I stayed at a Holiday Inn if that helps.

    It's impossible to say there's really a best day. The panel lineups are pretty different each year and every day is sold out so traffic is kinda hard to predict. I lean in favor of Friday or Saturday since they both end with concerts but it really is tough to suggest anything more than that till a schedule appears.

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    personally for me saturday was the best day cause of the panels and parties so on so fourth. If you are not of the drinking age though that takes most parties out for you. I still think i would suggest saturday though. Also maybe find someone in the room share thread to share a room with you and your friends that they book in there name that way u dont have to worry about the under 21 thing then u can go every day

  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    edited August 2014
    Yeah the not being 21 thing can make some things pretty hard.

    Megan_Gwynn on
  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    While Pax East isn't completely announcement full as E3 or Gamescom, it still does contain many announcements about content in games for example, the Gearbox booth has announced many DLC details at Pax in the past. If Pax South now exists only a few months before Pax East, what is keeping developers from just announcing their things there? Pax East will soon be nothing but booths and random people having booths on the same things as every year if this is the case and I fear it.

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • zerzhulzerzhul Registered User, Moderator mod
    edited August 2014
    If announcements of new games are the only thing you like about pax, maybe? I think calling it empty and boring is a little silly considering how much exists of pax other than new game announcements.

    I think if the PAX crew thought there wouldn't be enough content to make a PAX interesting, they would likely not have that PAX. Maybe if there aren't a bunch of new game announcements you can have the opportunity to branch out and do one of the other of many activities at PAX that are not the expo hall :) I can't even remember the last time I spent more than 10m in the expo hall or listening to new announcements. The announcements will always be on game media and whatnot, so I stopped paying attention to them in person.

    Whichever way though, the important thing is that you find something that is fun for you. If for some reason PAX stops being fun, that's ok!

    zerzhul on
  • animeman75animeman75 Massachusetts Registered User regular
    As long as Gearbox keeps having panels at Pax East I will give you guys my money. They haven't let me down yet in the past two years I've attended. My concern is without announcements or new things, everyone will be crowding the mainstream titles even more and it will be an even worse wait than in previous Pax Easts... I've always had to stick to Indie Games and panels to have something to do besides sit in lines and be the antisocial person I am while watching people meet each other and be social.

    Ignorance is arrogance as time is but a dime and i don't know where im going with this.
  • imnotalawyerimnotalawyer Registered User regular
    edited August 2014
    druich wrote: »
    Hey Penny Arcade community, my names Josh and along with a few friends I plan on attending PAXEast 2015. The first thing I want to ask is that if the proposed Thur-Sat schedule goes through what day will be the best to go as we're all under 21 and thus unable to rent a hotel room together. Second since we'll be driving from CT to Boston I'm wondering where would be the optimal place to park and if necessary to catch a shuttle or train to the expo. Also any other side tips you may have would be great, thanks in advance.

    With regards to the "best day" question, they all have their pros and cons. Personally I would pick Friday as attendance isn't quite at peak and vendors aren't yet wiped out - you also get to see the keynote. Some of the more exciting events take place on Saturday (make a strip) but it is crowded - the expo hall was elbow to elbow and I ended up avoiding it. Sunday is a lower attendance day but things are definitely winding down and folks start to pack up.

    With regards to parking, I've got you covered! I drove up from CT too and parked at the Quincy Station for $8/day. Another $11 gets you an unlimited daily commuter pass that you can use to ride the Red Line to the downtown area and then you can hop on the silver line bus which will take you about 500 feet away from BCEC. If you really want to pinch pennies a roundtrip train ticket is in the neighborhood of $5 and BCEC is easily walkable from the Red Line terminal.

    imnotalawyer on
  • pepepenguinpepepenguin Registered User new member
    So, I've never been to any PAX convention before, but am trying to go to PAX East 2015. I was just wondering... Is there a possibility to purchase a group of tickets? Like if you have a guaranteed 10 or more people coming?

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    no i think last year if I remember it was somewere between 4-6 you could buy someone else may know better as I only had to get my 1 3 day. But there for sure was a limit I know that.

  • VGVideoGalaxyVGVideoGalaxy Northern VirginiaRegistered User regular
    I'm pretty sure there was a limit of 4 or 5. Best way to buy that many passes for your group would most likely be having multiple people buy a few passes for the group.

  • KaronethKaroneth Elder Scrolling Online Co-Host Lakehurst, NJRegistered User regular
    The limit last year was four 3-day passes or I imagine any combination up to that number of days/passes. Keep a close eye on the Twitter feeds with your friends during the Sept-November timeframe!

  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    If I don't get passes, and someone has extras I'll be your best friend for three days, just sayin...

  • chellerschellers New HampshireRegistered User regular
    druich wrote: »
    Hey Penny Arcade community, my names Josh and along with a few friends I plan on attending PAXEast 2015. The first thing I want to ask is that if the proposed Thur-Sat schedule goes through what day will be the best to go as we're all under 21 and thus unable to rent a hotel room together. Second since we'll be driving from CT to Boston I'm wondering where would be the optimal place to park and if necessary to catch a shuttle or train to the expo. Also any other side tips you may have would be great, thanks in advance.

    Have you considered a hostel? There's the Hostelling International Boston ($40ish/night/pp) and it's probably within walking distance of a PAX hotel bus. Also, you guys can try the roomshare thread and piggy back someone else's reservation. If you just pick one day, I would go with Friday - everything is in full swing, but less people. An alternative to driving is taking the train into Boston. We took the NE Regional from New London and it worked out beautifully. I was so pooped Sunday, I didn't have to worry about driving home or traffic or leaving my car in someone else's care or paying for parking.

  • rascrushrascrush Registered User regular
    i really would stress going for 2 days though if this is your 1st time. Try to find a room share thing I know i was charging like 40 or so a night for one night trust me man it is worth it. Your 1st day there you are gonna be so overwhelmed buy everything and how to find things so on so fourth by the time you really figure it out your day will be half over. I know this was the case for me friday was crazy being my 1st time it was vey overwhelming. Saturday I enjoyed a lot more once I learned the floor plan so on so fourth.

  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    Parking is a real pain in Boston, might give you an idea. Parking at the (Boston) Common is central and kind of fair priced kind of if you get a space. As mentioned above looking into a train or a bus to South Station would be more bueno because of traffic and parking and Boston is awful to drive in if you don't know what you are doing. Lots of history things (ugh) in Boston. Maybe check out{itemsPerPage?} if you are looking for other things to do.
    Hostel in Boston never occurred to me, what an awesome idea.

  • jessterferjessterfer Registered User regular
    forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, but when and how do i go about applying to be an enforcer for pax east?

  • miker525miker525 New YorkRegistered User regular
    jessterfer wrote: »
    forgive me if this is the wrong place to ask, but when and how do i go about applying to be an enforcer for pax east?

    Enforcer applications will open on the PAX East site ( , a month or so after pass sales. PAX will tweet out about enforcer apps going live whenever it occurs

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  • cooljammer00cooljammer00 Hey Small Christmas-Man!Registered User regular
    So are we sure PAX East 2015 is in March next year? I'm sorta making plans right now, and I'd like to know dates.


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  • Megan_GwynnMegan_Gwynn Pixie New EnglandRegistered User regular
    That would appear to be the theory:

    According to the Massachusetts Convention website, PAX 2015, will be hosted from Friday, March 6, 2015 to Sunday, March 8, 2015. Also, this is daylight savings weekend, so please plan accordingly! Lastly, generally tickets come on sale a month or two after the following of PAX Prime; however, since the dates are already set this early in advance, I suspect tickets might come on sale from the end of September to the beginning of October. This is just my personal theory after having been the multiple PAX events, but just letting you all be informed and keeping you all updated for your preparations! Thanks guys!

    BTW: All info revolving around dates can be found here:

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