So, Public Speaking is required for my major, and I decided to get it out of the way during my freshman year. AKA, I hate giving speeches. Anyway, we've got to give an informative speech, and because my school is the #1 receiver of lawsuits from the RIAA (Ohio University), I chose to do it on something concerning that.
However, I'm stuck. First, I can't find an understandable and credible source that can break down the downloading laws into laymen terms. And, now I'm not even sure that I want to cover that.
So, basically, I've got to give a 5-7 minute speech on something. I was thinking of beginning with outlining the laws of virtual music. Then, I would go into what maybe the RIAA has stated as its main targets, such as number of illegal files, etc. Then, maybe discuss some cases and how they turned out.
The problem is with the first part, really. Maybe I'm just looking for something too simple, or maybe I'm just making dumb mistakes with my research, such as looking for the wrong things. But yeah, if anyone can give an opinion on my proposed format, it'd be appreciated. Also, if anyone knows of any reputable sources with like an outline of the laws, that'd be great. I only need one more source out of the required three.
And oh, this isn't due until this friday or the following wednesday, I'm not sure which day I'm going to end up with yet. So, I at least didn't procrastinate completely.