I am a solo attendee who will be turning 25 on March 8th. PAX East will also be the first convention of any kind I've ever attended. So, I was wondering if any veteran PAX attendees had any suggestions of cool or special things I could do at PAX for my birthday.
I'd also love to hear from other people who will be celebrating their birthdays at PAX- maybe we could do a meetup or white elephant/grab bag gift exchange!
I got a friend who's coming with and her birthday is that Wednesday beforehand, so we will be doing something for her over the weekend. We usually end up making friends through the con and hanging out with other people. I'm sure a birthday friend would end up being appreciated by the group. If nothing else, I take birthdays seriously and always give people legit birthday cards. I dont want to spoil the surprise too much, but i was going to do something involving con goers for her card, but now that you brought it up, I can make up a few more cards and do the same for any other takers. 50 cents for a piece of cardboard is always worth it if it makes someone's day.
But yea, the con is enough of an event to qualify for awesome birthday festivities.
My birthday is the monday before (3/2), so going to PAX is effectively my birthday event this year as well! I'm open to doing a gift exchange or some gaming + cake in tabletop.
I got a friend who's coming with and her birthday is that Wednesday beforehand, so we will be doing something for her over the weekend. We usually end up making friends through the con and hanging out with other people. I'm sure a birthday friend would end up being appreciated by the group. If nothing else, I take birthdays seriously and always give people legit birthday cards. I dont want to spoil the surprise too much, but i was going to do something involving con goers for her card, but now that you brought it up, I can make up a few more cards and do the same for any other takers. 50 cents for a piece of cardboard is always worth it if it makes someone's day.
Oh my god, that's so sweet! Above and beyond the call of duty! Thank you!
and sassfactor, we should definitely try to get a birthday tabletop game going!
seriously, anybody who wants a birthday card, send me a PM, or get a collective headcount going on here. So long as the number doesn't get out of hand, I can work it into my PAX shenanigans. Also, I was trying to get a nice sized game of pictionary going at one point. A birthday party game is as good a reason as any to make it happen. Just need to figure out a time that works with everyone's schedule.
I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday at PAX this year since I won't have a chance to see any of my friends when my actual birthday arrives (March 28). Nothing says "Congratulations on getting old" like dressing up as a Pokemon and drinking like a fish with good friends in a city you don't live in!
Mine is also on the 5th, so we'll be going on the Pokecrawl, but all of pax is my birthday basically. (I'm green y and I'll have a green mohawk! keep an eye out and say hi if you see me!)
Mine is also on the 5th, so we'll be going on the Pokecrawl, but all of pax is my birthday basically. (I'm green y and I'll have a green mohawk! keep an eye out and say hi if you see me!)
Green X with a March 5th birthday as well so looks like I'll be challenging YOU sir at some point
My birthday is the 26th of this month. Getting old, damn it.
Same as me! I'm considering PAX to be an extension of my birthday celebrations. Especially since I'll be seeing some friends I haven't seen since September!
I'll be turning 24 on the Monday before pax. Attending pax is sorta my bday present from a friend! And I'm hoping to buy some CAH expansions and I get to see my con friends again.
I'll be celebrating my 30th birthday at PAX this year since I won't have a chance to see any of my friends when my actual birthday arrives (March 28). Nothing says "Congratulations on getting old" like dressing up as a Pokemon and drinking like a fish with good friends in a city you don't live in!
Two years ago my birthday was the first day of PAX. I was so excited about PAX that I totally forgot it WAS my birthday until the facebook wishes started rolling in. Best birthday ever! Why not treat yourself to a pre-order that comes with a sweet T-shirt as a birthday gift? Have a great time!
Mine is also on the 5th, so we'll be going on the Pokecrawl, but all of pax is my birthday basically. (I'm green y and I'll have a green mohawk! keep an eye out and say hi if you see me!)
Well I'm not going to Pokecrawl, (as far as I know anyways) But hopefully I can run into my birthday buddies over the weekend.
I'll be bouncing around all weekend with various members of my guild. There's 13 of us going total O_o... Anyways I'd be all for a birthday meetup if people were into it. Someone suggested it earlier, but maybe we could all find a time frame.
Kilonum[E]Somewhere near BostonRegistered Userregular
East 2011 my birthday fell on the Sunday. This year will be the second closest PAX has come to my birthday, with my birthday being the Friday after, so I've turned it into a 2 week vacation (week of followed by the week after)
So I've been talking to a lot of PAX attendees and it seems like there'd be some interest in a meetup of people who are celebrating their birthdays at or around PAX. I was thinking maybe a tabletop game- something festive! So far, most people seem to be available Sunday afternoon. How does that work for people?
While this is my first PAX (kind of a birthday present to myself since my birthday is next week on the 10th), I'm not too sure what there is to do for a birthday at the PAX event itself. Not sure how much traveling around the city you plan on doing, but there are certainly things that you could do for your birthday. If you don't mind traveling down to the Fenway park area, Jillian's might be worth checking out. It's a massive arcade, bowling and billiards. Always a good time, and shouldn't be too packed at this point in the year, since Red Sox season hasn't started yet. Plus there are a number of restaurants in the area.
Ooh, that does sound fun! I'm not sure if I'm going to get the chance to go that far afield- I'vebooked myself pretty heavily at PAX. However, if you're interested in a birthday meetup/game, let me know!
But yea, the con is enough of an event to qualify for awesome birthday festivities.
Oh my god, that's so sweet! Above and beyond the call of duty! Thank you!
and sassfactor, we should definitely try to get a birthday tabletop game going!
Hah! Same exact situation here. We're celebrating with a nice dinner then heading to the Pokecrawl. Should be a blast!
Green X with a March 5th birthday as well so looks like I'll be challenging YOU sir at some point
PAX EAST 2011 * 2012 * 2013 *2014 *2015 *2016 | PAX PRIME 2013| PAX UNPLUGGED 2017
My Pax buddy has a birthday on March 6th. Were on Pokecrawl team Green Y too.
Totally not old! 30 was my favorite year!
Hey, that would be an awesome idea.
Well I'm not going to Pokecrawl, (as far as I know anyways) But hopefully I can run into my birthday buddies over the weekend.
I'll be bouncing around all weekend with various members of my guild. There's 13 of us going total O_o... Anyways I'd be all for a birthday meetup if people were into it. Someone suggested it earlier, but maybe we could all find a time frame.
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While this is my first PAX (kind of a birthday present to myself since my birthday is next week on the 10th), I'm not too sure what there is to do for a birthday at the PAX event itself. Not sure how much traveling around the city you plan on doing, but there are certainly things that you could do for your birthday. If you don't mind traveling down to the Fenway park area, Jillian's might be worth checking out. It's a massive arcade, bowling and billiards. Always a good time, and shouldn't be too packed at this point in the year, since Red Sox season hasn't started yet. Plus there are a number of restaurants in the area.