Stayed up way to late last night with a group finishing an impossible mission to get the hav. Complete all 3, game drops and errors out upon taking off in the shuttle. Fuck you game
Woot, finally got all the mission rewards. Now I just need a silly pile of samples... Spent a crazy couple hours running with a group that was "going loud" on level 9 missions. Almost no fails and 20 minute missions on average with ~20 squad deaths on average. It a crazy and intense way to play. Last mission I had to call in a shriker nuke twice just for the shuttle phase. Thank god its immortal.
Goddamn I love this game like I love Freedom Fries and Libertea Shakes. My only regret is that I haven't been able to link up with any of you fine bros as you always seem to be in full groups. What would be the most Democratic way for us to bring Justice to the terrorists and menaces of Super Earth?
Regardless, the adhoc groups that I've been in have had only had12% jerks or incompetents. No doubt this .038% improvement is due to the passing of §25-5681 ¶6: non-obtrusive cooperation-producing brainwaves are now legal for use at private residence. My previous standard loadout was Resupply Pack, LMG, UAV, and Supply Drop, but now I've replaced the LMG with the bazooka and taking turns with strangers (phrasing) humping the support pack. The reload is so quick on the buddy assists... it's just wonderful.
so my buddies and i were just playing this, four of us
someone called in an APC and we all piled in, and we got an achievement called "Which seat will I take?" because it's Friday
and we all start laughing
and one guy gets out to go pick up a sample he just noticed
and the driver is laughing hard enough that he accidentally runs him over
we start laughing harder
this is still at the spawn point by the way
another guy gets out and tosses the res stratagem, and then the driver accidentally runs him over
at this point tears are running down my face
the first guy who got run over rezzes and throws his own rez, runs toward the vehicle and it backs into him, killing him again
we are all shrieking with laughter. i can't even see the screen. the driver runs over the people stuck outside TWO MORE TIMES as he's trying to orient the vehicle and no one can manage to get a word in to tell him to stop moving the goddamn thing because we are all laughing hysterically
finally we get everyone in and the APC sits there as we collect ourselves
we drive north, and within thirty seconds get pinned by two behemoth bugs who beat the christ out of the apc, so we pile out and then someone throws a grenade the wrong way and teamkills the lot of us
I need the LAS-98 to finish upgrading my MG. Got a good group of randoms last night, and completed 2 of 3 missions towards it. Got in the hellpod for the last mission and lost connection. Got back in and found the game in the list, but someone had already taken my spot.
So close to saying fuck this game until they fix the connection issues.
Drat, finally got kicked after a match last night. Evidently host didn't appreciate me sharing the cleaning light of Managed Democracy like candy. Constantly having 4 Shredders on cool down just makes some folks nervous I suppose. Amusingly enough I had no team kills in a dozen odd nukes in that match, nothing says "don't linger" like that warning siren.
Pro tip on Shredder Missile Strike, they aren't all that dangerous. If you go prone in any direction but toward the strike beacon your pretty much safe, ie if your center on the screen and the beacon can be seen on the top of screen your pretty much good. That said armor is pretty much hosed a screen away (which rocks when your getting overrun).
Side note, terrain does not matter only range so rock walls and such don't stop the Light of Freedom.
DreadBert on
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
edited March 2015
This is like the Warhammer 40k game I always wanted! so much fun. spreading the word to my buddies about this one.
Chace8625 on PSN if anyone wants to add, and @Emerimaster999 if you want to add me to OP.
Frei on
Are you the magic man?
GuibsWeekend WarriorSomewhere up North.Registered Userregular
The patch fixed my issues with getting my character to be availble on my Vita. Now I'm a happy camper and can safely go between my PS4 and my Vita without issues.
I'm ready man. Check it out. I am the ultimate badass! State of the badass army. You do not want to fuck with me. Check it out! Hey G&T thread, don't worry: me and my squad of ultimate badasses will protect you. Check it out. Independent targeting Orbital Laser Strike. WHAP! Fry half a city with this puppy. We got tactical "Shredder" missiles, fully upgraded "Liberty" rifles, EATs; we got sonic-electronic Distractor Beacons! We got Hellbombs, we've got bayonets, sharp sticks...
This game is pretty damn fantastic, I've been playing it as my regular for the past week.
-Machinegun is my jam, though recoiless-rifle tankbusting is pretty damn satisfying when no one else is taking the job.
-special weapons seem to become their own mini-objective on difficulties 6 and higher. (well, we HAD a rocketlauncher, but I dropped it when I died 5 minutes ago. we REALLY should swing back and get it.)
-Minefields are awesome, but pubbie squadmates are 75% blind, and always walk their exo into them.
-APCs are fucking liabilities, and I've yet to see a situation where having one was an advantage.
-Fuck cyborgs.
I use APCs on difficulties of 6 and under because they go faster. McGibs, I'll second a lot of things you said and add some observations of my own.
1. All of the weapons can be pretty effective in the right circumstances, but the "Breaker" is pretty good 90% of the time. So if you're wondering what weapon to upgrade first, that's my suggestion. Also, upgrades make a world of difference, so I wouldn't dismiss a weapon in it's unupgraded version.
2. Anti-tank is important in groups levels 5 and above, or 6 and above if solo. You've got a lot of options including the recoilless rifle and the EAT rounds. I like using the recoilless rifle when I can count on a buddy to reload me: it's wicked effective. On the other hand EAT rounds can be called down forever, so they're good for patrolling IFVs and other "oh shit" moments, but you'll go through those two rounds in a heart beat so you can't make a stand with just those. The other options I like are the fully upgraded Vindicator Dive Bomb, which takes a little finesse and only sports 15 uses, but doesn't need to be carried, and the fully upgraded mines. I tried out the orbital railcannon strike but didn't like it; it has a 60s cooldown, and on higher difficulties tanks will spawn in twos or threes so you can't afford to wait.
3. The Mech is fun, but I hate having it in my group because it's so slow. On the other hand I love the APC and HAV, especially in snow or forest levels because then the whole team can move quickly. They do take coordination though, and will last a lot longer if you have someone with the REP-80.
4. Fuck Illuminates and their brain wave bullshit!
When I first started, I was using the MG-94 and resupply backpack, but carrying that stuff makes you really vulnerable to death. Then I grouped with this cat who didn't carry a single item: he took Dive Bomb, Airstrike, Mines, and the minigun turret. He would run through the levels without firing his weapon except at patrols. I upgraded my scythe and now run Distractor Beacon, UAV, Dive Bomb, and Turret and solo level 6s missions averaging about 12 mintues. Makes farming samples a breeze.
FreiA French Prometheus UnboundDeadwoodRegistered Userregular
edited March 2015
My least favorite time so far was playing with a guy who filled all of his slots with Mechs and would routinely lose most of them every mission. He slowed the group down a ton and didn't contribute really. I sure hope mechspam doesn't become a thing because they're not really the be-all-end-all and they really slow you down.
but everything else has been ridiculously fun. the APCs are effective and fast as long as you have a good driver and not someone who will like, get you stuck on a rock while a big bug decides to roll over and crush all of you.
The static field is so, so good... it's something I think everyone should carry, or at the very least one person on your squad. You can lock down every direction when you're defending, or stop patrols from coming after you. It completely shuts down whatever enters the field and activates fast/has a short cooldown. it lasts a while too so it's not just a one and done thing, relieves a lot of pressure on your squad. I think it's overlooked because it doesn't go boom boom.
Did a very hard planet with a fairly competent pub group over the weekend and it was a ton of fun. We died a bunch but only failed one mission once. Playing with people who generally know what' they're doing is pretty great; we spent a lot of time avoiding or ambushing patrols, only really getting swarmed and having to flee (hell, just knowing enough to flee was a nice change of pace) at objective sites. 4 helldivers with cardio-boosters can cover a lot of ground and avoid a lot of pointless fights.
I run an ammo backpack for my team for this reason.
I don't think most people get how it works yet though.
Well? You can't just say that and then not explain it! I got the pack and even carried it around but never figured out to actually use it. Be a good citizen and spread some Truth along with your Liberty and Managed Democracy.
I decided to go balls out and start a level 6 Illuminate game, not even a step out of the ship and I got brainwashed in to jumping off the cliff our ship landed on.
I run an ammo backpack for my team for this reason.
I don't think most people get how it works yet though.
Well? You can't just say that and then not explain it! I got the pack and even carried it around but never figured out to actually use it. Be a good citizen and spread some Truth along with your Liberty and Managed Democracy.
Think he's talking about weapons with the "Assisted Reload" perk like the recoilless rifle. They take forever for the holder to reload but a guy with the pack can reload somebody else instantly by hitting x while nearby. Basically the same difference between pulling yourself up from downed and somebody else pulling you up.
Tried stasis field for a dozen odd missions but I keep going back to napalm.
It's just been more reliable for me. Keeps back patrols and big stuff doesn't get close enough to aggro and charge. Being wider and shallower makes it more forgiving on objectives. Also the big one, hard to miss a fiery wall but, squad mates kept running right into stasis and getting killed from it at bad times.
That said, Mech with 3 stasis and cool down perk is comically easy for early/mid solo.
Tried stasis field for a dozen odd missions but I keep going back to napalm.
It's just been more reliable for me. Keeps back patrols and big stuff doesn't get close enough to aggro and charge. Being wider and shallower makes it more forgiving on objectives. Also the big one, hard to miss a fiery wall but, squad mates kept running right into stasis and getting killed from it at bad times.
That said, Mech with 3 stasis and cool down perk is comically easy for early/mid solo.
I wonder if that would be effective for Illuminates. The mind control thing is the real kick in the junk for me.
Dunno, those MC guys seem to teleport around. Worth a shot though. As it is I have been filtering out illuminate since getting the shield. That race is really an ungodly pain in the tail.
Anyone found a good use for arc thrower? It seems quite weak to armor and doesn't appear to have a stun effect either. That puppy will murder the heck out of allies though.
Edit - when I say weak I mean it's like a rail gun that takes three sec to charge shot with no stun. Feels between laser and laser cannon on dps to me.
I just started playing this game tonight and I am hilariously bad, I've killed myself or teammates with grenades so many times I've lost count. I called in two downed allies only to have their pods land on me and my other teammate, only to then have the fresh guys get murdered by giant Beatles. Gotta say I am loving it lol
I was going for the stealth achievement on a level 7 Cyborg... I made it all the way to the extraction point without triggering a patrol, but was seen while boarding the shuttle. Fuck you game!
Ok, one HK Diller is 0.13 US Dollar so way more reasonable. In my defense I'm a warframe/warthunder player, where 20 USD may well be a real number for one item...
It seems like the drones take up the backpack slot, so you wouldn't be able to use both of them at the same time, or one of them and a supply pack, for example. Still, four people with drones flying around would be pretty hilarious.
I have all the strategem unlocked and am level 20. I really enjoy the game. I actually prefer playing difficulty 5-7 way more than 8+. Its because at 8+ not running around in a tank is just non viable. Even if you had the perfect balance of support and anti-armor items in a coordinated group of 4, the amount of snow/sand means you will never be able to traverse the map on foot.
Its why I really like the city invasions so much. You can go apeshit with small arms, strategem and running like crazy and win all without piling into an RV. We need more maps with fewer terrain restrictions or a perk that negates the penalty to walk speed.
Hiding full matches and faster refreshing so I stop trying to jump into already full games that show less than 4/4.
Regardless, the adhoc groups that I've been in have had only had12% jerks or incompetents. No doubt this .038% improvement is due to the passing of §25-5681 ¶6: non-obtrusive cooperation-producing brainwaves are now legal for use at private residence. My previous standard loadout was Resupply Pack, LMG, UAV, and Supply Drop, but now I've replaced the LMG with the bazooka and taking turns with strangers (phrasing) humping the support pack. The reload is so quick on the buddy assists... it's just wonderful.
someone called in an APC and we all piled in, and we got an achievement called "Which seat will I take?" because it's Friday
and we all start laughing
and one guy gets out to go pick up a sample he just noticed
and the driver is laughing hard enough that he accidentally runs him over
we start laughing harder
this is still at the spawn point by the way
another guy gets out and tosses the res stratagem, and then the driver accidentally runs him over
at this point tears are running down my face
the first guy who got run over rezzes and throws his own rez, runs toward the vehicle and it backs into him, killing him again
we are all shrieking with laughter. i can't even see the screen. the driver runs over the people stuck outside TWO MORE TIMES as he's trying to orient the vehicle and no one can manage to get a word in to tell him to stop moving the goddamn thing because we are all laughing hysterically
finally we get everyone in and the APC sits there as we collect ourselves
we drive north, and within thirty seconds get pinned by two behemoth bugs who beat the christ out of the apc, so we pile out and then someone throws a grenade the wrong way and teamkills the lot of us
game of the year.
So close to saying fuck this game until they fix the connection issues.
PSN: Beltaine-77 | Steam: beltane77 | BadHaggis#1433
Side note, terrain does not matter only range so rock walls and such don't stop the Light of Freedom.
Chace8625 on PSN if anyone wants to add, and @Emerimaster999 if you want to add me to OP.
PSN: Guibs25 | XboxLive: Guibs | Steam: Guibsx | Twitch: Guibsx
*Pauses for a slipt second*
Sorry citizen, you've been reclassified from helldiver to acceptable loss.
*Activates Hellbomb and runs*
-Machinegun is my jam, though recoiless-rifle tankbusting is pretty damn satisfying when no one else is taking the job.
-special weapons seem to become their own mini-objective on difficulties 6 and higher. (well, we HAD a rocketlauncher, but I dropped it when I died 5 minutes ago. we REALLY should swing back and get it.)
-Minefields are awesome, but pubbie squadmates are 75% blind, and always walk their exo into them.
-APCs are fucking liabilities, and I've yet to see a situation where having one was an advantage.
-Fuck cyborgs.
1. All of the weapons can be pretty effective in the right circumstances, but the "Breaker" is pretty good 90% of the time. So if you're wondering what weapon to upgrade first, that's my suggestion. Also, upgrades make a world of difference, so I wouldn't dismiss a weapon in it's unupgraded version.
2. Anti-tank is important in groups levels 5 and above, or 6 and above if solo. You've got a lot of options including the recoilless rifle and the EAT rounds. I like using the recoilless rifle when I can count on a buddy to reload me: it's wicked effective. On the other hand EAT rounds can be called down forever, so they're good for patrolling IFVs and other "oh shit" moments, but you'll go through those two rounds in a heart beat so you can't make a stand with just those. The other options I like are the fully upgraded Vindicator Dive Bomb, which takes a little finesse and only sports 15 uses, but doesn't need to be carried, and the fully upgraded mines. I tried out the orbital railcannon strike but didn't like it; it has a 60s cooldown, and on higher difficulties tanks will spawn in twos or threes so you can't afford to wait.
3. The Mech is fun, but I hate having it in my group because it's so slow. On the other hand I love the APC and HAV, especially in snow or forest levels because then the whole team can move quickly. They do take coordination though, and will last a lot longer if you have someone with the REP-80.
4. Fuck Illuminates and their brain wave bullshit!
When I first started, I was using the MG-94 and resupply backpack, but carrying that stuff makes you really vulnerable to death. Then I grouped with this cat who didn't carry a single item: he took Dive Bomb, Airstrike, Mines, and the minigun turret. He would run through the levels without firing his weapon except at patrols. I upgraded my scythe and now run Distractor Beacon, UAV, Dive Bomb, and Turret and solo level 6s missions averaging about 12 mintues. Makes farming samples a breeze.
but everything else has been ridiculously fun. the APCs are effective and fast as long as you have a good driver and not someone who will like, get you stuck on a rock while a big bug decides to roll over and crush all of you.
The static field is so, so good... it's something I think everyone should carry, or at the very least one person on your squad. You can lock down every direction when you're defending, or stop patrols from coming after you. It completely shuts down whatever enters the field and activates fast/has a short cooldown. it lasts a while too so it's not just a one and done thing, relieves a lot of pressure on your squad. I think it's overlooked because it doesn't go boom boom.
Think he's talking about weapons with the "Assisted Reload" perk like the recoilless rifle. They take forever for the holder to reload but a guy with the pack can reload somebody else instantly by hitting x while nearby. Basically the same difference between pulling yourself up from downed and somebody else pulling you up.
It's just been more reliable for me. Keeps back patrols and big stuff doesn't get close enough to aggro and charge. Being wider and shallower makes it more forgiving on objectives. Also the big one, hard to miss a fiery wall but, squad mates kept running right into stasis and getting killed from it at bad times.
That said, Mech with 3 stasis and cool down perk is comically easy for early/mid solo.
I wonder if that would be effective for Illuminates. The mind control thing is the real kick in the junk for me.
Anyone found a good use for arc thrower? It seems quite weak to armor and doesn't appear to have a stun effect either. That puppy will murder the heck out of allies though.
Edit - when I say weak I mean it's like a rail gun that takes three sec to charge shot with no stun. Feels between laser and laser cannon on dps to me.
Price is a little crazy if true, $23 each or $42 for all three.
Those automated drones sound delightful. I wonder how many drones a player can run at once, and how many players can have drones out simultaneously.
Its why I really like the city invasions so much. You can go apeshit with small arms, strategem and running like crazy and win all without piling into an RV. We need more maps with fewer terrain restrictions or a perk that negates the penalty to walk speed.