Quick question about hotels!
hello! Me and couple of my friend are doing some research before going to Pax Prime!
we are super excited to go since we love going to conventions like this (went to blizzcon 2014 and it was awesome xD) but we have few questions!
This is our first time going to Pax Prime and Seattle and looking at hotels around seattle for aug 28th to sept 1st hotel prices are ridiculous! some hotels even says they are unavailable for some reason?
Price range was 260~500+ PER NIGHT.. that is really extreme for us...
Any experienced pax goers can confirm some of the price of hotels? i mean we dont want to stay in like the cheapest hotels but at least decent ones xD
or am i searching for the hotels way too early xD like in blizzcon they had special deals for blizzcon people, will it be same thing with Pax Prime?
Thanks in advance!
From what I've learned (I'm new as well) official PAX hotel blocks go on sale on the same day as tickets, so many suggest on waiting for those blocks to become available instead of booking now. Hope this helps!
Agreed have some fall backs.
On the positive side all of the hotels are within 10 minutes walking distance. We usually stay at the Westin to save some money and because it's a great location between Pikes and the con. The big thing to remember is Prime activities are spread out between the WSCC and a few hotels so no matter which hotel you are in you will be walking.
More than just the after parties. Tabletop, panels and some other events (one year halo tournament was at Benaroya hall) are spread out around the hotels.