



  • Options
    Blameless ClericBlameless Cleric An angel made of sapphires each more flawlessly cut than the last Registered User regular

    I did this during stream last night

    Orphane wrote: »

    one flower ring to rule them all and in the sunlightness bind them

    I'd love it if you took a look at my art and my PATREON!
  • Options
    AManFromEarthAManFromEarth Let's get to twerk! The King in the SwampRegistered User regular
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Really we just need to start importing arctic ice -- that way it doesn't melt and raise the sea level and we make $$$

    you're welcome

    What about when everyone turns into the thing?

  • Options
    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    Changes in technology allowed access to already known sources of oil that were at the time uneconomical to reach or refine.

    It is different from watching water which is an even easier to track resource disappearing without magically untapped reserves based on technology.

    We know how to get to water everywhere basically. Some places just don't have it.

    I know you are from the East so it hard for you to imagine a world without a lot of water but those in the west grew up with it.

    There is a reason a large chunk of the American west was at one time described as the Great American Desert.

    But we'll end up with like cheap desalination powered by fusion or something and then we'll have all the water. That's my prediction. Science will solve the problem and life will go on.

    It's true, everything will work out in the end.

    But it's only because of our frenzied thrashing and freaking out that everything will work out.

    You don't get one without the other, unfortunately.

    Things work out because we did change them.

  • Options
    RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    Changes in technology allowed access to already known sources of oil that were at the time uneconomical to reach or refine.

    It is different from watching water which is an even easier to track resource disappearing without magically untapped reserves based on technology.

    We know how to get to water everywhere basically. Some places just don't have it.

    I know you are from the East so it hard for you to imagine a world without a lot of water but those in the west grew up with it.

    There is a reason a large chunk of the American west was at one time described as the Great American Desert.

    But we'll end up with like cheap desalination powered by fusion or something and then we'll have all the water. That's my prediction. Science will solve the problem and life will go on.

    the way Republicans have slashed state funding to universities and funding at all levels to sciences it's looking like Sciencing our way out of the problem is gonna be hard

    maybe we can just have the NSA steal the tech from a country not infected by conservative jackholes

    Attacked by tweeeeeeees!
  • Options
    spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

  • Options
    IncenjucarIncenjucar VChatter Seattle, WARegistered User regular
    edited April 2015
    I wonder how much water in agriculture is essentially "waste" water. It's not like plants are gigantic water balloons just gobbling up all the moisture and never letting it go.

    It would be pretty rad if we basically just halted runoff and created a circular agricultural water cycle. Couldn't use a lot of the pesticides we use now, though.

    Incenjucar on
  • Options
    kaleeditykaleedity Sometimes science is more art than science Registered User regular
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Really we just need to start importing arctic ice -- that way it doesn't melt and raise the sea level and we make $$$

    you're welcome

    develop subaquatic housing, sell arctic ice

    it's like a perpetual motion money machine

  • Options
    descdesc Goretexing to death Registered User regular
    Desc just ignore all collective action problems and eat what you want and let future generations suffer and feed this kitten to a python

    *pauses with a ketchup bottle over the kitten*

    This feels like the easiest solution but is it really the best


  • Options
    spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    Changes in technology allowed access to already known sources of oil that were at the time uneconomical to reach or refine.

    It is different from watching water which is an even easier to track resource disappearing without magically untapped reserves based on technology.

    We know how to get to water everywhere basically. Some places just don't have it.

    I know you are from the East so it hard for you to imagine a world without a lot of water but those in the west grew up with it.

    There is a reason a large chunk of the American west was at one time described as the Great American Desert.

    But we'll end up with like cheap desalination powered by fusion or something and then we'll have all the water. That's my prediction. Science will solve the problem and life will go on.

    the way Republicans have slashed state funding to universities and funding at all levels to sciences it's looking like Sciencing our way out of the problem is gonna be hard

    maybe we can just have the NSA steal the tech from a country not infected by conservative jackholes

    Yeah. This is a real problem, I think. Conservatives should be pro science. It's what saves you from having to change things.

  • Options
    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    why don't we use pebble bed reactors aren't they supposed to be super dope

    is it because when you say the words nukelear people start crying and then poop themselves

    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
  • Options
    BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    It's both, really. But California has a very irresponsible system of government and ag usage in exchange for the short term dolla dolla bills.

    This is the point where a legitimate Federal intervention should be undertaken, though. It'd be smart to have a nationwide agriculture rebalance to deal with the new climate realities we're facing.

    why not just ask science to fix it for us and change nothing?

    My Lord and Savior Elon Musk has made a good point on this subject.

    It's true, we're not gonna run out of oil for a long, long time. But ultimately, it is a non-renewable resource, so we'll have to become independent of it some day. We know that, so we're always making strides towards various sources of renewable energy.

    He argues that we should be more insistent on perfecting our renewable energy sources, because right now all we're doing is conducting the world's dumbest science experiment. We can't rely on oil forever, so instead what we're doing is "Hey, I wonder what happens if we pump billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere?"

    I mean, we know that can't possibly lead anywhere good.

    Now, you're right that, if things got bad enough, there's a very good chance we'd science our way out of it, but man we could save a LOT of money if we didn't have to. You like money, don't you, SKFM?

    I'm as confident as you that we can science our way out of basically anything. I believe that almost 100% unironically. But I also know that we'd only do it when things got really, really bad, and I know it would cost a LOT of money.

    I'm not an environmentalist because I like fluffy bunnies - I'm an environmentalist because I love efficiency and sustainability.

    Sustainability gets me rock hard, frankly.

    And that's why we're all gonna watch a rocket do a flip later this afternoon and come back to the goddamn planet so it can be used again, because goddamn that's so efficient that it drives me wild.

  • Options
    ThomamelasThomamelas Only one man can kill this many Russians. Bring his guitar to me! Registered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    The problem I have with that Gizmodo is ... well actually, I have several. But anyway, the major problem I have with it is that it suggests that by focusing on almonds, we're missing the bigger picture.

    That's not true. The simple fact is that people cannot be bothered to inform themselves when the subject seems overwhelming and complex.

    It's true that California is responsible for a lot of agriculture. No one is saying they should stop growing food! What's being suggested is that they need to take a look at what they can actually grow on a sustainable basis. There's not enough water for what they want to do. That's all it comes down to. It doesn't matter what they're currently supplying, it doesn't matter how much money they're making, the only thing that is real and true right now is that there isn't enough water, and that the agriculture industry is by far the largest culprit.

    As a species, we've proven that we can totally destroy an area by doing everything we can to reap the resources in the area for the largest profit possible. We're really good at that, we know. It's not impressive any more!

    What would blow my fucking mind is if, for once, we decided there was another way.

    I just think it's weird to frame this as california going off, doing their own thing, dumping water on the ground

    as you point out it's pretty complex?

    like if we think we should use our water more sustainably, then we should all eat fewer animal products and &c &c

    but ultimately california is just providing the product that the rest of us are consuming, so acting like it's not our collective problem but rather california's irresponsibility seems odd

    No, it is California's problem.

    No matter how many (or few) Almonds I buy it will not make a bit of difference to how much rain falls on that state.

    It is 100% California's problem because they are the ones who will suffer the consequences of the drought.

    right, so california residents will bear the consequences for the rest of the country's consumption

    but fuck them for growing our rice?


    If we ended up depleting our fish stocks, killing off one of our biggest exports after oil, we could not go "It's your fault for wanting all this fish! You made us want all the money you'd pay!"

    it's up to California not to use more water than they have.

    A big part of the problem with the drought is that there are bottled water companies in California that export massive amounts of their water. It would probably help if the rest of the country stopped buying Californian water, which really isn't something they have that much control over, barring telling the companies to fuck off which we know is never going to happen.

    It's actually not a big part. Like a lot of other things the number of gallons bottled sounds very large but it is very very tiny compared to agricultural uses.

    It's pretty tiny and water from California is generally going to be limited to that region. Generally there are bottling centers scattered across the country and water will be sourced somewhat locally to that center. So LA's bottled water supply is coming out of the water supply but it's also water that would have been drank from the tap.

  • Options
    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Not our decision, in any event. *taps pen on desk*

    Oh so you're one of those people, you goddammed pen tapper.

    *faps penis on desk*

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Options
    programjunkieprogramjunkie Registered User regular
    It's both, really. But California has a very irresponsible system of government and ag usage in exchange for the short term dolla dolla bills.

    This is the point where a legitimate Federal intervention should be undertaken, though. It'd be smart to have a nationwide agriculture rebalance to deal with the new climate realities we're facing.

    why not just ask science to fix it for us and change nothing?

    It already has, but the solution science came up with is "Don't grow stupid crops," among other things like drip irrigation and the like. Modern agriculture is really awesome, but is ultimately limited by physical reality, much like how I can build a bridge that will support 100 cars on it at once in the summer heat, but I can't build a bridge out of marshmellows that will support 100 cars at once in the summer heat.

    Water usage problems are almost always solved problems that people are deliberately not doing the thing that science told them to do. It's a "stop hitting yourself," issue, really.

  • Options
    Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    What's this "we" business, Mister?

    Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
  • Options
    SparvySparvy Registered User regular
    The fact that you don't regulate antibiotics in meat production yet is crazy tbh.

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    DrezDrez Registered User regular
    Vanguard wrote: »
    daredevil is amazing

    Daredevil for prez

    Switch: SW-7690-2320-9238Steam/PSN/Xbox: Drezdar
  • Options
    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    If I became King Economics, Moneyman Supremus, the second thing I'd do after changing my title from Finance Minister to King Economics, Moneyman Supremus, would be to ban the phrase "safety first"

    when, say, an airline says they "put safety first" that is categorically a lie

    if safety was their top priority they would ground all their planes and send everybody home

    "at best, safety second" would be the legal line

  • Options
    TehSlothTehSloth Hit Or Miss I Guess They Never Miss, HuhRegistered User regular
    TehSloth wrote: »
    Really we just need to start importing arctic ice -- that way it doesn't melt and raise the sea level and we make $$$

    you're welcome

    What about when everyone turns into the thing?

    sorry I can't hear you over the sounds of all this money

    FC: 1993-7778-8872 PSN: TehSloth Xbox: SlothTeh
  • Options
    skippydumptruckskippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular
    anyway that's why I moved to the pacific northwest because water literally falls from the sky here

    it's like printing money

  • Options
    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

    Hey man, I could be curing the disease you're probably going to die from, but instead I'm making porn, and it all happened because some old rich white guys thought "how much money could a center for research on aging possibly need?"

    If you really want the science, give me the money! Or else I'll go do something else for someone who will!

  • Options
    BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Drez wrote: »
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    Not our decision, in any event. *taps pen on desk*

    Oh so you're one of those people, you goddammed pen tapper.

    *faps penis on desk*

    I own neither a desk nor a pen, thank you very much. :P

  • Options
    DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    Changes in technology allowed access to already known sources of oil that were at the time uneconomical to reach or refine.

    It is different from watching water which is an even easier to track resource disappearing without magically untapped reserves based on technology.

    Ummm we found water on Mars.
    Checkmate, hammer bro

  • Options
    VanguardVanguard But now the dream is over. And the insect is awake.Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    anyway that's why I moved to the pacific northwest because money literally falls from the sky here

    it's like watering money

  • Options
    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Mazzyx wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    Changes in technology allowed access to already known sources of oil that were at the time uneconomical to reach or refine.

    It is different from watching water which is an even easier to track resource disappearing without magically untapped reserves based on technology.

    We know how to get to water everywhere basically. Some places just don't have it.

    I know you are from the East so it hard for you to imagine a world without a lot of water but those in the west grew up with it.

    There is a reason a large chunk of the American west was at one time described as the Great American Desert.

    But we'll end up with like cheap desalination powered by fusion or something and then we'll have all the water. That's my prediction. Science will solve the problem and life will go on.

    It's true, everything will work out in the end.

    But it's only because of our frenzied thrashing and freaking out that everything will work out.

    You don't get one without the other, unfortunately.

    Things work out because we did change them.

    and sometimes they suck a lot before they're changed

    civilization lied, research breakthroughs are done semi-randomly

  • Options
    CindersCinders Whose sails were black when it was windy Registered User regular
    Mojo_Jojo wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    What's this "we" business, Mister?

    Pornography is carrying this country!

  • Options
    WinkyWinky rRegistered User regular
    Mojo_Jojo wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    What's this "we" business, Mister?

    I'm still a scientist, you can't tell me I'm not :cry:

  • Options
    skippydumptruckskippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular
    I eat up all your delicious rice and wash it down with this free waterrrrrr

  • Options
    skippydumptruckskippydumptruck begin again Registered User regular
    I swim in a pool of almonds

  • Options
    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

    Hey man, I could be curing the disease you're probably going to die from, but instead I'm making porn, and it all happened because some old rich white guys thought "how much money could a center for research on aging possibly need?"

    If you really want the science, give me the money! Or else I'll go do something else for someone who will!

    nah I'd say society has its priorities in order in this case

  • Options
    kaleeditykaleedity Sometimes science is more art than science Registered User regular
    Vanguard wrote: »
    anyway that's why I moved to the pacific northwest because money literally falls from the sky here

    it's like pissing money

  • Options
    BeNarwhalBeNarwhal The Work Left Unfinished Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

    Hey man, I could be curing the disease you're probably going to die from, but instead I'm making porn, and it all happened because some old rich white guys thought "how much money could a center for research on aging possibly need?"

    If you really want the science, give me the money! Or else I'll go do something else for someone who will!

    Literally more money is in the "things I can look at while I touch myself" business than in the "sustainability research" business.


    Hmm hmm hmm.

    Yeah, if we all die we probably deserve it.

  • Options
    P10P10 An Idiot With Low IQ Registered User regular
    you can take the scientists out the science but you can't take the science out of scientist because then it would just be tist and thats not a word

    Shameful pursuits and utterly stupid opinions
  • Options
    spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    BeNarwhal wrote: »
    It's both, really. But California has a very irresponsible system of government and ag usage in exchange for the short term dolla dolla bills.

    This is the point where a legitimate Federal intervention should be undertaken, though. It'd be smart to have a nationwide agriculture rebalance to deal with the new climate realities we're facing.

    why not just ask science to fix it for us and change nothing?

    My Lord and Savior Elon Musk has made a good point on this subject.

    It's true, we're not gonna run out of oil for a long, long time. But ultimately, it is a non-renewable resource, so we'll have to become independent of it some day. We know that, so we're always making strides towards various sources of renewable energy.

    He argues that we should be more insistent on perfecting our renewable energy sources, because right now all we're doing is conducting the world's dumbest science experiment. We can't rely on oil forever, so instead what we're doing is "Hey, I wonder what happens if we pump billions of tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere?"

    I mean, we know that can't possibly lead anywhere good.

    Now, you're right that, if things got bad enough, there's a very good chance we'd science our way out of it, but man we could save a LOT of money if we didn't have to. You like money, don't you, SKFM?

    I'm as confident as you that we can science our way out of basically anything. I believe that almost 100% unironically. But I also know that we'd only do it when things got really, really bad, and I know it would cost a LOT of money.

    I'm not an environmentalist because I like fluffy bunnies - I'm an environmentalist because I love efficiency and sustainability.

    Sustainability gets me rock hard, frankly.

    And that's why we're all gonna watch a rocket do a flip later this afternoon and come back to the goddamn planet so it can be used again, because goddamn that's so efficient that it drives me wild.

    But no one is going to use his electric cars until they work so well and so conveniently that it doesn't feel like a change. That's the magic of science. People come up with cool new solutions that would require people to adapt their behavior, but by the time they are mainstream, they slot into our lives basically with no effort at all.

  • Options
    RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    P10 wrote: »
    why don't we use pebble bed reactors aren't they supposed to be super dope

    is it because when you say the words nukelear people start crying and then poop themselves

    partly. but hippies are exceedingly ineffective at actually getting shit done (or stopping shit from getting done). They just like to take credit.

    The real reason we don't have pebble bed reactors or other energy sources is because:
    1) It takes many years and billions in up front spending to build a reactor
    2) fossil fuels (esp. coal) are stupid cheap because they don't factor in the cost of the environmental damage they do
    3) corporations who produce fossil fuels have lots of puppet republicans to help make sure nobody gets any funny ideas about green energy

    Attacked by tweeeeeeees!
  • Options
    AbdhyiusAbdhyius Registered User regular
    although a tist of something sounds like it could totally be a thing

  • Options
    Fuzzy Cumulonimbus CloudFuzzy Cumulonimbus Cloud Registered User regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

    Hey man, I could be curing the disease you're probably going to die from, but instead I'm making porn, and it all happened because some old rich white guys thought "how much money could a center for research on aging possibly need?"

    If you really want the science, give me the money! Or else I'll go do something else for someone who will!

  • Options
    spacekungfumanspacekungfuman Poor and minority-filled Registered User, __BANNED USERS regular
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    Winky wrote: »
    I remember when they were like "there won't be anymore oil" and now they pay you to take a barrel of oil because there is so much. And there were times where I was like "they can't make the iphone any nicer. It's so nice already!" but look how nice the iphone 6 is. Science will always give us everything we need without requiring us to ever put in any effort.

    SKFM the secret there is that actually we put in tons of effort to make those things happen.

    Science did it. I didn't change anything. I drive my car just like I used to and the iphone in my pocket it better than the one before it, and I didn't do anything!

    Yeah, because we're fucking carrying this team!


    Not my fault scientists can solve the oil and better iphone issues but can't figure out how to get paid and run the show. Maybe they should get on that issue too.

    Hey man, I could be curing the disease you're probably going to die from, but instead I'm making porn, and it all happened because some old rich white guys thought "how much money could a center for research on aging possibly need?"

    If you really want the science, give me the money! Or else I'll go do something else for someone who will!

    That's a bigger problem than just science. I guarantee that I am not making the highest and best use of my own skills for society. Money money money though.

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    DeebaserDeebaser on my way to work in a suit and a tie Ahhhh...come on fucking guyRegistered User regular
    Abdhyius wrote: »
    If I became King Economics, Moneyman Supremus, the second thing I'd do after changing my title from Finance Minister to King Economics, Moneyman Supremus, would be to ban the phrase "safety first"

    If I became King Economics the first thing I would do is appoint Ronya Viceroy of Responsible Economics.
    The second thing I would do would be to build a yacht made of solid gold.

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    Mojo_JojoMojo_Jojo We are only now beginning to understand the full power and ramifications of sexual intercourse Registered User regular
    On the subject of water. I was reading today about microbial desalination.

    It's some cool stuff. It generates electricity. It's basically magic

    http://web.mit.edu/andrew3/Public/Papers/Unknown/Kim/Desalination VL -_Microbial desalination cells for energy_Kim.pdf


    Homogeneous distribution of your varieties of amuse-gueule
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