Did you grow up playing Puyo Puyo?
Pictured: Dr. Drobotnik's Mean Bean Machine
Or were you raised on Tetris?
Pictured: Tetris
What If I told you you could finally do both at once?
Pictured: Speed Racer's Nightmares
Puyo Puyo Tetris is a japanese puzzle game combining both the Puyo Puyo and Tetris series for the first time ever into the hottest release of like 6 months ago. the game doesn't always look like the above. It has a single player campaign, 1 player vs AI as well as Local and Online Multiplayer with the following modes:
Puyo Puyo
Just a standard game of Puyo Puyo where you try to setup chains of 4+ of the same colored Puyos clearing at once to cause garbage to drop on your opponent to win the game.
Just a standard game of Tetris where you try to setup chains of 4+ lines clearing at once to cause garbage raise up under your opponent to win the game.
Puyo-Tet Mix
A game where both Puyos and Tetrominos drop onto the same field and make it incredibly hard to do either.
A game where you play both Puyo Puyo and Tetris on two seperate fields swapping the active field every 30 seconds.
Big Bang
The lesser of the modes, given a field with easy solution (like say a filled in field with staggered slots for a long tetris piece) that piece will continue to drop until you clear the board and a new board with a new solution will appear. you deal damage to you opponent by clearing your boards faster.
Somewhat similar to battle Tetris variants power ups will appear on the board that will either help you or hinder your opponent. From experience it seems to be the most hectic games.
Enough about the modes, who do I play as?
A small sampling of the playable characters is as follows:
The Fish
Doctor Dog, The Dog Doctor
Shojou Sam Flynn
Enough text, it's 2015 do you have a youtube video I can watch instead?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XcLz7sUMXkAlright, how do I play this Japanese game?
It's out on every system except 360 and the original Wii, the only ones that are region free (thus playable on an American system) are Ps3, PS4 and Xbox One. It's only available on disc though which means you'll have to import a copy the old school way. There are a number of us who play on PS4 and you can get a copy at
NCSX or at
You can view a
Translation here
yeah but then you can't play it
with me
You can get the game for $34-$38 from Amazon Japan, but they only ship the game within Japan. I had dv8cag ship my copy to me with a bunch of stuff I was already proxy ordering with them.
i played this with people yesterday it was fun
yeqh but then you aren't playing with se++ peeps