[TRENCHES] Tuesday, April 21, 2015 - Human Resourcefulness

GethGeth LegionPerseus VeilRegistered User, Moderator, Penny Arcade Staff, Vanilla Staff vanilla
edited April 2015 in The Penny Arcade Hub
Human Resourcefulness

Human Resourcefulness

Head of QA?


One day my new boss brings in 8 text books and several other document type “idiot” books.

“Congratulations you are now the QA Manager.  I need you to read these books, complete a test plan to be submitted to upper management and I want you to begin automated testing right away.”

When shit happens like that be sure to ask this before saying yes.

1. What happened to the old QA manager?
2. What kind of pay raise do I get?
3. What are the hours?

I never found out what happened to the old QA manager or any of his work.  He might be in a looney bin.

I’m still getting paid the same hourly rate.

16 hour days, 8 hours off, 6 days a week, for 6 months.

Geth on


  • darkmayodarkmayo Registered User regular
    I would like to assume this person declined and or quit but more likely they bent over and took it in the arse.

    Switch SW-6182-1526-0041
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