My mic works in every other program I use (Mumble, steam VOIP, sound recorder picks up my voice fine.) the only program it will not work for is Vent, and I cannot for the life of my figure out why. I have it running as Administrator, I have tried a bunch of different settings in vent as well but to no avail. I am using a Plantronics Gamecom 780 if that helps, and running Win 8.1 on a computer that is only about a month old that I just built.
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
I have tried everything except this. I am not sure what you mean by incorrect input set? I have it in the vent settings selected as the output and input for the headset all done up, the mixer is set correctly ect. I've tried it with and without push to talk as well just to see if that helps but nobody can hear me. Vent detects the mic and headset input/output, but nobody on vent hears me regardless of my settings in vent, i've tried all manner of different settings in there at this point.
Would having steam's voice chat set up (but not currently being used.) effect it??
Also, I think vent defaults to push to talk, rather than automatic.
Even if it is on automatic, there is a threshold for how loud it has to be before it will turn on, and if that is too high it wont work.
Last time I used vent was like.. 6 years ago though so that might be different.
but they're listening to every word I say
Yeah I wanted to use the PA vent but vent is kind of a piece of shit program I am learning, compared to other stuff available. Do you know where the threshold slider is?? I see one that makes my mic louder, but cranking that up doesn't help.
On the left side of the settings interface, there's a "Sensitivity" number (below Key Clicks and Push to Talk settings). It's not a slider, it's a box that you type a number in. That's the number that you set your threshold for speaking. Any volume above that number will be heard. Any volume below that number will be cut out. In other words, a lower number is more sensitive to quieter voices.
If it isn't picking up your mic at all, you need to use the pulldown menus on the upper right and select the appropriate input sound device. There will be a list of devices currently plugged into your system or otherwise set up. You can use Monitor to figure out which one actually works.
I have the correct devices selected in the drop down menu. Tried fiddling with sensitivity (I prefer push to talk though.) the monitor just gets a whole bunch of 0's no matter which setting i use though. Still no worky
Do you have "use direct sound checked"?
You say you have the correct input device selected, what are the options shown on the dropdown?
What do you have selected under mixer?
but they're listening to every word I say
Make sure you have the proper input device under the Input Device dropdown
After you have that hit Recording (Input) at the bottom right
If you have an analog microphone (plugs into the 2.5mm jack on your laptop/desktop) you will probably need to enable microphone boost
To do that select your recording device and hit properties, then hit levels at the top.
Slide the boost to about +20db.
At the last tab (advanced)
Make sure both checkboxes under Exclusive Mode are checked.
Make sure "Mute Microphone/Binds" is unchecked in the bottom of the Ventrilo window (not settings, bottom of the main client window where all the channels show up)
Theoretically, it could. Usually not.
Running as administrator might solve this issue though.