
Being a [Superhero] is as easy as playing Diablo!



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    Librarian's ghostLibrarian's ghost Librarian, Ghostbuster, and TimSpork Registered User regular
    I have convinced the teacher to watch Cap 2.

    (Switch Friend Code) SW-4910-9735-6014(PSN) timspork (Steam) timspork (XBox) Timspork

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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    I love Ragnarok

    I played that game all the time in high school.

    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    Centipede DamascusCentipede Damascus Registered User regular
    Marvel and Netflix are proud to announce Rosario Dawson will reprise her role as Claire Temple in the second season of the Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s Daredevil,” coming in 2016, as part of a larger exclusive TV deal that will also allow her to appear in any of Marvel’s other Netflix original series.


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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Radius wrote: »
    I love Ragnarok

    I played that game all the time in high school.

    This has been Chincys Daily Dose of Old As Fuck

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    EtchwartsEtchwarts Eyes Up Registered User regular
    Marvel and Netflix are proud to announce Rosario Dawson will reprise her role as Claire Temple in the second season of the Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s Daredevil,” coming in 2016, as part of a larger exclusive TV deal that will also allow her to appear in any of Marvel’s other Netflix original series.


    Hmm, Claire as a sort of Coulson equivalent in the Netflix series sound great

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    I sorta figured that might happen

    also rosario dawson is great

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    (shes very pretty)

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    The world could always use more Rosario Dawson.

    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    I want the post-credits scene of Infinity War to be Rosario Dawson coming home from a vacation, opening a newspaper, rolling her eyes and sighing

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    Munkus BeaverMunkus Beaver You don't have to attend every argument you are invited to. Philosophy: Stoicism. Politics: Democratic SocialistRegistered User, ClubPA regular
    edited May 2015
    I want infinity wars to have thanos lose because he is distracted by Rosario Dawson, who is canon.

    Munkus Beaver on
    Humor can be dissected as a frog can, but dies in the process.
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    cardboard delusionscardboard delusions USAgent PSN: USAgent31Registered User regular
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Oh whoops I used Eternity Splinters for it and the promotion only applies to G's

    Super late but everyone missed the promotion was for G's only.

    Not GGs

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    honoverehonovere Registered User regular
    Dedwrekka wrote: »
    Grey Ghost wrote: »
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I have seen more than one person around the internet make the assumption that the movie Thor: Ragnarok will have the Thor clone as the main bad guy and it makes me want to weep

    Yeah, I keep seeing that too. Where are they getting that from anyways?

    I guess because they don't know Ragnarok as an actual thing from mythology?

    It might have to do with the clone having better cataloged information on it on the internet than the multiple Ragnarok events from the comics. The events in the comic usually go by different names than Ragnarok and unless you remember the specific times Odin goes "Oh shit, another Ragnarok" (because it usually isn't mentioned as such beyond that), it isn't easy to lump them all together or refine half-remembered storyline details.

    Yes. When you look for Marvel + Ragnarok the first few results are all about the clone. There isn't much about any Ragnarok in comics in connection to the mythological Ragnarok.

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    masterofmetroidmasterofmetroid Have you ever looked at a world and seen it as a kind of challenge?Registered User regular
    Night Nurse is such a fucking amazing character idea

    The fact that she doesn't show up very often is a crime and i hope the Netflix shows help with that

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    KingofMadCowsKingofMadCows Registered User regular
    Marvel and Netflix are proud to announce Rosario Dawson will reprise her role as Claire Temple in the second season of the Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s Daredevil,” coming in 2016, as part of a larger exclusive TV deal that will also allow her to appear in any of Marvel’s other Netflix original series.


    Hmm, Claire as a sort of Coulson equivalent in the Netflix series sound great

    Be careful what you wish for. The people running Marvel Netflix properties are a lot more trigger happy than the movies.

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    Eat it You Nasty Pig.Eat it You Nasty Pig. tell homeland security 'we are the bomb'Registered User regular
    I was reading some old daredevils and it occurred to me that rosario dawson kinda looks like maya lopez (they're almost certainly not doing that though)

    I'm glad she's coming back though, cause I kinda don't want matt and karen to wind up together

    hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
    that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
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    UnbrokenEvaUnbrokenEva HIGH ON THE WIRE BUT I WON'T TRIP ITRegistered User regular
    Watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the airplane today

    That was a really stupid movie, featuring stupid villains who get stupider still as their stupid plans fall apart.

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Fearghaill wrote: »
    Watched Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on the airplane today

    That was a really stupid movie, featuring stupid villains who get stupider still as their stupid plans fall apart.

    As one of very few people who liked that movie


    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    TrippyJingTrippyJing Moses supposes his toeses are roses. But Moses supposes erroneously.Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    I felt like the Turtles were too strong. Ninjas aren't supposed to get around the problem of bullets by being bulletproof!

    TrippyJing on
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    UnbrokenEvaUnbrokenEva HIGH ON THE WIRE BUT I WON'T TRIP ITRegistered User regular
    edited May 2015
    It's also one of the most expository monologue-filled movies I've seen in a while, with character frequently simply declaring their motivations at length.

    Will Arnett's character being a creep was never funny, ranging from kinda sad to actively awful. The scene where he stopped in the middle of an insane chase scene to check out Megan Fox's ass actually made me cringe.

    There were parts to it where it seemed like they had a neat idea, and then fumbled the execution badly enough that I wonder if they even realized how close to a cool moment they'd come.

    UnbrokenEva on
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    UnbrokenEvaUnbrokenEva HIGH ON THE WIRE BUT I WON'T TRIP ITRegistered User regular
    TrippyJing wrote: »
    I felt like the Turtles were too strong. Ninjas aren't supposed to get around the problem of bullets by being bulletproof!

    Their shells being bulletproof is fine, their stomachs not so much.

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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    I liked the mountain scene.

    And the turtles were surprisingly faithful to their personalities.

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Kyougu wrote: »
    I liked the mountain scene.

    And the turtles were surprisingly faithful to their personalities.

    I liked basically all the parts about the turtles

    There were very few of those

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    KyouguKyougu Registered User regular
    Well, I could have done without Mikey's comments about April.

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    SimBenSimBen Hodor? Hodor Hodor.Registered User regular
    Marvel and Netflix are proud to announce Rosario Dawson will reprise her role as Claire Temple in the second season of the Netflix Original Series “Marvel’s Daredevil,” coming in 2016, as part of a larger exclusive TV deal that will also allow her to appear in any of Marvel’s other Netflix original series.



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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    New rule I just made up: all the best superhero comics are about ladies in rock bands

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Mr. G wrote: »
    New rule I just made up: all the best superhero comics are about ladies in rock bands

    Good to know we have another Josie and the Pussycats fan on here

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    Okay so I drank a million potions in Marvel Heroes and in the span of about 2 hours my Hawkguy has leveled from 13 to 39

    So that's certainly a sped up process

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    CenoCeno pizza time Registered User regular
    Straightzi wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »
    New rule I just made up: all the best superhero comics are about ladies in rock bands

    Good to know we have another Josie and the Pussycats fan on here

    I remember really liking that movie. Felt like a live-action Simpsons episode, back when Simpsons was good.

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    edited May 2015
    So, what are our thoughts on Tom Hardy possibly being the Punisher?

    Because I'm way into that.

    Zonugal on
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    BlankZoeBlankZoe Registered User regular
    So there was a poster on the Sideshow Collectibles forum that posted a bunch of Civil War costume/powers details a while ago that have matched up with everything we've seen so far as well as the full cast list revealed yesterday

    The rest of their details
    Ant-Man's costume will be mostly the same from his film with a few changes to accommodate his Giant Man powers that he will be using

    War Machine has two looks in the film one that resembles his AoU armor and another than seems more advanced, unsurprisingly, seems to join Tony's Avengers as promo art has him and Falcon throwing down

    Black Panther's costume largely matches up with the promo piece they released when they announced him but with a few tweaks, most notably his mask is seemingly made out of a harder material than the rest of the outfit, possibly vibranium

    Crossbones gets his full comics outfit, complete with mask

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    ZonugalZonugal (He/Him) The Holiday Armadillo I'm Santa's representative for all the southern states. And Mexico!Registered User regular
    Mr. G wrote: »
    Okay so I drank a million potions in Marvel Heroes and in the span of about 2 hours my Hawkguy has leveled from 13 to 39

    So that's certainly a sped up process

    I'm just imagining that episode of Futurama where Fry drank 100 cups of coffee.

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    Mr. GMr. G Registered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    Mr. G wrote: »
    Okay so I drank a million potions in Marvel Heroes and in the span of about 2 hours my Hawkguy has leveled from 13 to 39

    So that's certainly a sped up process

    I'm just imagining that episode of Futurama where Fry drank 100 cups of coffee.

    Well to make that even more apt, I saw @SirEtchwarts in the Tower putting stuff in his stash and while they were busy looking at menus and couldn't see me I ran about 30 circles around them in superspeed and then ran off

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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    Okay so what's that Marvel Heroes supergroup again...?

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    PaperLuigi44PaperLuigi44 My amazement is at maximum capacity. Registered User regular
    Ok, the Spider-Man/Inhuman/Captain America mini-series was pretty good. Spider-Banter for days. It was a little weird that Cap and Spidey didn't acknowledge that they are already on the Mighty Avengers together, but I guess I can take it as the two not really getting time to talk to each other because of all the craziness with that team.

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Zonugal wrote: »
    So, what are our thoughts on Tom Hardy possibly being the Punisher?

    Because I'm way into that.

    I'm not into the Punisher

    But I really like Tom Hardy

    So no, I would prefer he be pretty much anyone else

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    StraightziStraightzi Here we may reign secure, and in my choice, To reign is worth ambition though in HellRegistered User regular
    Blankzilla wrote: »
    So there was a poster on the Sideshow Collectibles forum that posted a bunch of Civil War costume/powers details a while ago that have matched up with everything we've seen so far as well as the full cast list revealed yesterday

    The rest of their details
    Ant-Man's costume will be mostly the same from his film with a few changes to accommodate his Giant Man powers that he will be using

    War Machine has two looks in the film one that resembles his AoU armor and another than seems more advanced, unsurprisingly, seems to join Tony's Avengers as promo art has him and Falcon throwing down

    Black Panther's costume largely matches up with the promo piece they released when they announced him but with a few tweaks, most notably his mask is seemingly made out of a harder material than the rest of the outfit, possibly vibranium

    Crossbones gets his full comics outfit, complete with mask

    Oh man

    That's a pretty big Ant-Man spoiler, which is super exciting to me
    But I think I am more excited about full costume Crossbones

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    AtomicTofuAtomicTofu She's a straight-up supervillain, yo Registered User regular
    But.. Hardy isn't old enough to be Frank in an adaption of Punisher Max

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    SolarSolar Registered User regular
    Tom Hardy should be Captain Britain

    that'd actually be a really great bit of casting IMO

    I'd change Brian's personality from "massive twat" however

    actually I'd probably just get rid of Brian Braddock and make a new character

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    Cilla BlackCilla Black Priscilla!!! Registered User regular
    I kinda thought Rosario Dawson was wasted as Claire in Daredevil season 1 tbh, outside of her like first episode.

    I hope the write her role more interestingly in season 2.

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