Like, super soon.
The Witcher 3 is an open-world sort of RPG, the third game in the Witcher series, based on the Polish fantasy series by Andrzej Sapkowski. You play the role of Geralt, a guy who goes around and kills monsters for cash.
Geralt, he hail from the Northern Kingdoms, a loose coalition of warring nations who are united in the fact that they absolutely do
not want to be conquered by the Nilfgaardian Empire, set to the south of the mighty Yaruga River. The Witcher 3 takes place during an invasion by Nilfgaard, and Geralt can choose to lend his support to either side in certain conflicts, or to be neutral, or to just piss off and not care. It's how it is. He's on name-basis with the Emperor of Nilfgaard and a couple of the remaining Northern Kings, which makes things more complicated on a political level.
Also there's some shit in there about an army of dimension-traveling elf sorcerer kings who are really looking to fuck shit up and only you stand between them and their goal: Ciri, a girl that Geralt helped to raise, now grown into her power and one of the greatest magical forces the planet has ever seen.
Shit gets really real, really fast.
But you ain't need to worry about that stuff over-much. Hell, never engage with the main plot if you really don't want to! That's why it's open-world. But the narrative focus of the game can come across quite differently from other open-world games. The Witcher series is rooted in the idea of choices - not good choices versus bad choices, because morality is not a simple thing in the Witcher universe, but in choices that all carry their own consequences. You're rarely given
all the information about a choice when you make it, and the way that some choices branch off of others makes it so that the full repercussions are not immediately clear, and are very often surprising.
Here's a video showing some monsters, and also Ciri is playable and can teleport all over the place like a huge bad-ass:
Here's some of the music you'll hear in combat:
The Witcher games are straight-up some of my very favorite games. They have a great sense of humor, the characters are great, and it strikes a tone that pretty much no other fantasy video game even tries for. It's an ugly, ugly world this takes place in, and you have to work hard to make something good out of it.
Let's talk about this series of video games.
I assume the game will try to get you up to speed though
We know she's a Source, like her mother, which basically translates to "get out of her way when she's pissed because she will blow you up"
I look forward to playing as her, though; her teleporting ability is super rad-looking
Oh whyy
Better than waiting to call in sick the day of.
But I could also get a plate of burgers for the price difference
I'm not usually a huge fantasy guy(I've read my fair share but neither here nor there) would you say the Witcher books are quality?
Kind of interested in reading them, but not sure if they'll hold my attention.
I assume you don't have to sleep with anyone if you don't want to? You certainly didn't in 2. Geralt may end up having sex with Yennefer regardless but I can't speak to that because the game isn't out
They're pretty good books. Try "The Last Wish" at your local library system, it's a collection of short stories that work as a pretty good introduction to the world and its lore
I only played the beginning of 2 and the combat system was so bad I quit but I heard that you collected cards of the women you had sex with. I could be wrong tho, was that in 1 maybe?
edit: yeah these things: Romance cards (also called sexcards) within The Witcher are a trophy of sorts which can be collected over the course of the game. Whenever Geralt sleeps with a female character (or NPC) in the game, you collect a romance card.
I think the only thing that was unskippable was Trish/Geralt sex scene in the beginning(which I didn't mind outside of giggling at how Geralt had his pants on the entire time).
All the other sex scenes you actually had to work at.
Romance cards are a concept the developers abandoned with gusto after the first game. They were not in 2, and they will not be in 3. The team's been really, super public about regretting the inclusion of the cards in the first game.
Edit: Also what the Hell was wrong with the beginning of 2???
Edit2: Oh, I see, the combat system, hrm
That said we don't know much about it in this one but I imagine they're moving away from that kind of stuff now that they don't need to try to sell the game with it, but it looks like there's still plenty of, you know, boobs and stuff poppin' out
@Dragkonias I like them! The syntax and vocabulary are... kinda weird sometimes? Translation from Polish and all that. I'd start with The Last Wish, which is the first short story collection, and then decide if you want to go further
Ah, awesome, thanks.
That was pretty dang funny. They just finished a massive dry hump session, how scandalous.
Good news! You'll get a recap when you start Witcher 3!
In a way though, even that part isn't strictly necessary; each Witcher game is a pretty self-contained narrative without a strong relation to the others, so you can start 3 blind with no intro and still do more or less all right.
Yeah, that was the first one. It was weird and gross.
I know you can sleep with multiple different women in 2, but I'm almost 100% sure didn't collect anything. I only slept with Triss because come on, Geralt is a one woman man. He's good like that. And that second sex scene with her at the fountain or whatever is actually surprisingly well done? Flirtatious and sweet between them, nothing like the Mass Effects for sure.
But it is still really disappointing they're throwing boobs everywhere and no dong. Geralt need to go full Eastern Promises in that bathhouse fight.
There needs to be more dong in games, that's all I'm saying. There's some in The Order! Next gen, guys, let's do it! MORE DONG!!!
He shouldn't have! That's the problem! MOAR PEENAR
Going to have to get it as a birthday present for myself in October.
(If it's good)
How does this whole Geralt and Yennefer situation work?
Cause I didn't even know she existed now I feel kind of bad for all that sexing I did with Triss.
Geralt and Yennefer have been in love for decades at this point
After Geralt's death he was returned to the world with amnesia, and remembered no one, and nothing (different from the usual video game amnesia trope in that the PLAYER, being a Polish person who read all the Witcher books, was assumed to know the whole story). He reconnected with Triss, a woman who had been crushing on him for a long time but had never been able to act on it because Yennefer would have broken her in half and eaten her
Geralt had this big gap inside of him, this sense that there was a huge love in his life that he wasn't doing right by (the reason for this is revealed in The Last Wish, Witcher fans), but he didn't know who that person was
And Triss, well, she took advantage of him. She let him believe that she was the sorceress he had been in love with, and he spent enough time with her that after a while it became true - by the beginning of Witcher 2 he loves Triss fiercely, and doesn't remember Yennefer at all. Past the first chapter he realizes something is wrong, and he has her "Tell me everything. Even the things you don't think I should hear. Especially the things you don't think I should hear."
Part of the way through Witcher 2 his memory returns, and Witcher 3 begins with him on the hunt for Yennefer.
It's not clear how Triss will play into this; the three of them are loyal friends, and Geralt can choose in Witcher 2 to be true to his feelings for Triss because they were real even if they had their grounding in false pretenses
It's complicated
As in, Geralt handed each lady a fancy-ass painting of himself each time, in hilariously lewd poses
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But man do I enjoy the heck out of them and I may be able to take the day off for this to enjoy some witcherin' prime time.
There has to be a mod for this, right?
But Yennifer is awesomer
She is all Type A and she and Geralt are both alpha as hell and spend most of the time in the novels clawing each others' eyes out
But then pining for each other as fiercely as heck
And then blowing up everyone that gets in their and Ciri's way
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He starts with block but can't block behind him without points