Ok, this story starts out with me being pretty foolish: I was playing with my 4 month new Galaxy Note 4 near my bathtub and ended up dropping it in for a few seconds. I got out out and powered down as soon as I could, opened the case, removed the battery and sim card, wiped and vacuumed as much water as I could, and let it air dry for two days (googling regarding the "pack it in rice" theory of drying out seemed to suggest that rice is actually the worst way to go about it, and no descants work as well as open air and vacuuming.)
When I turned the phone on, everything worked except the home button, which made me feel pretty lucky. I figured that a home key wouldn't be too difficult to replace, and I already shot any possible warranty out by dropping it in water anyway, so why not? The new key and some additional tools arrived, and I opened the case and replaced the key - only to find that this did not fix the issue. I put the original key back figuring that I'd just use the software version of the home key and that would be that.
The next day, I found the "roaming data charges" warning pop up a few times, but since I tend to have somewhat bad reception in my apartment I thought nothing of it. The day after that (today), I went to work and discovered that I had basically no cell service at all. When I got home again, I disassembled the phone for the second time, found a lose connector which I reconnected, then put the thing back together again. I now seem to have service, but it still seems kind of low - it's no longer giving the red x or the "data roaming" message, but it's down to 1 bar, which unfortunately I can't remember if that's what I always have at home or not. I won't know for sure until I go to work tomorrow. Though the fact that I can make regular cell calls now and I couldn't before I fixed the connector seems like a good sign.
At this point I'm looking for expertise on people who know how to repair Android phones. I went ahead and ordered a replacement docking port assembly because that seems to be the part of the motherboard where the home key presses on, so I figured if the ribbon on the home key isn't the problem, then that portion of the board where the key presses must bey the thing that shorted out. I'm also wondering if maybe the water damage could have affected the antenna in any way, and if there's a way to replace or fix that.
If you pm me what part of the country you're in (assuming you're in the US) I can see if my company has a repair center nearby.
Meh. At this point the only thing wrong with it is the home key. I'd much rather learn how to repair it myself than pay someone else to do it.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
If you want to DIY you're gonna have to DIY: https://www.ifixit.com/Device/Samsung_Galaxy_Note_4
If you're looking for an expert to guide you through the process online for free, that'd be pretty great. But that's probably how they make a living.
I can look up guides on how to replace physical parts. I already replaced the home key once (then replaced it again with the original when I found the new key makes no difference). I ordered the docking port assembly to try to see if that will work.
Your post seems kind of unnecessarily hostile? When I first started working on my own computers, opening the case for the first time and putting a new part in, I didn't know anything then, either. Now I can build my own PC from parts. The way I gained the knowledge from then to now was by googling the information, or asking people in forums such as this one. If I was posting here about PC troubles, I'm sure several people would have enough personal practice to say, "It sounds like X might be the problem, try replacing that." For example, I think a lot of people here could recognize a power supply failure on a PC, so if someone came on here and posted the symptoms, one of us would reply "sounds like a power supply failure."
If people don't have an idea why replacing the home key didn't fix the home key functionality, that's fine. I'll figure it out some other way. There's no need for a sneering post about how what I'm asking for is a step by step guide when I never asked for that.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
until they open it up and see the water damage indicator and say sorry this phone got wet, not our problem.. I mean is it worth a shot. probably. but be aware they might just send it back. Though some companies have a no questions asked warranty , but i don't think samsung is one.
They might charge you a fee if they determine if water damage was the problem. I doubt it though. The kind of damage you're seeing now would happen if a little bit of rain worked its way through that button too.
Try it though.
You cant really see water damage. The people at the best buy samsung keosk dont do much more then taking the back cover off to make sure you arent selling them a phone without a battery or something. Unless you have massive burn marks on your case, they will press the button a few times and replace it.
Right, the indicator dot on the Galaxy note is on the battery. If I really wanted to try the warranty, I could just replace the battery before sending it in and they'd have no other way of knowing of the water damage. My concern is the amount of time it would take for them to replace it, how long I'd be without a phone. Also is it Samsung I contact or Sprint? I actually tried going to Sprint to get the cell phone replacement coverage on the phone (without letting them know I was having problems), and they told me they won't sell the insurance because they said they don't offer it after 60 days from purchase.
The home button replacement included the ribbon cable, so I replaced the whole thing, no dice. I'll try the contact cleaner.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
On the battery, yeah. There are no other indicators on the phone for water damage, so I could conceivably buy a replacement battery then send the phone in with the new battery for replacement.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
edit: actually there are two indicators inside your phone along with an indicator on your battery.
edit 2: I'm watching more videos specifically to the Note series and there may be three indicators inside the bowels of the phone plus the one on the battery. All these water damage videos where people successfully repair the phone involve thoroughly cleaning the contacts with iso-alcohol. Had no idea mineral buildup could be that significant that quickly.
Shogun Streams Vidya
That's an S5. The Galaxy Note 4 does not have any internal stickers that I could find, but if anyone finds a video about water damages tickers for the the note 4 specifically I'd be interested.
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
Do you see the small white box with all the little x things? That is one LDI right there.
The red box? It is like a little dye pack that will bleed through to the other side. Another LDI.
The other side is that little white hole to the top left of the battery bay. I believe your dot should be red or pink.
those are just two of the internals I could quickly spot in that teardown video which is awesome btw and you should totes watch if you're interested in fixing these devices. I'm pretty sure there is another protecting the motherboard. And I think you should also have one inside the battery bay.
What I'm trying to get at here is don't try and defraud Samsung. You will waste your time and it is also illegal. That sucks Sprint wouldn't insure the phone but I can also see why they wouldn't. Try taking that beast apart and cleaning home key contacts really well. Good luck!
Shogun Streams Vidya
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
But fuck you — no, fuck y'all, that's as blunt as it gets"
- Kendrick Lamar, "The Blacker the Berry"
baller as fuck.
Shogun Streams Vidya