However, last year one of the people I raid with in FFXIV was going and we met up and hung out and were able to get beers. He doesn't have tickets this year but I still want to make plans to get some drinks regardless.
I fall into the group of people who do so much different year to year it's hard to put anything into a set schedule or tradition. Some of the best experiences and some regrets have been things I did (mini painting by reaper in my first year) or didn't do on the fly (last year being that I turned down playing sentinel tactics because I had only just hit the TT area and wanted to look around before sitting down and they were in constant games after that).
Heeeey a fellow FFXIV player. We had a blast at the panel last year as well as doing the Shiva challenge. Got to meet Yoshi as well which was an unexpected, yet awesome surprise. What server? We're on Behemoth
My friends and I always start PAX off with beermosas at a local pub @ 8:00 am on PAX Friday; it's impossible to do every day, so we just celebrate the official start of PAX. We had another person join us this year; hoping more will join us next year.
Where does this take place?
At The Tam (222 Tremont St.) in the Theater District, which is a bit of a walk to the BCEC. It's usually only been a few of us, but someone joined us last year. I'm hoping we eventually get a good group together, especially considering it's right around the corner from the hostel.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
However, last year one of the people I raid with in FFXIV was going and we met up and hung out and were able to get beers. He doesn't have tickets this year but I still want to make plans to get some drinks regardless.
I fall into the group of people who do so much different year to year it's hard to put anything into a set schedule or tradition. Some of the best experiences and some regrets have been things I did (mini painting by reaper in my first year) or didn't do on the fly (last year being that I turned down playing sentinel tactics because I had only just hit the TT area and wanted to look around before sitting down and they were in constant games after that).
Heeeey a fellow FFXIV player. We had a blast at the panel last year as well as doing the Shiva challenge. Got to meet Yoshi as well which was an unexpected, yet awesome surprise. What server? We're on Behemoth
Adamantoise, and I saw Yoshi a bit before I jumped in line for the challenge but didn't approach him. I know with all the fan fest stuff I should have since he seems really open to the fans, but oh well.
Adamantoise, and I saw Yoshi a bit before I jumped in line for the challenge but didn't approach him. I know with all the fan fest stuff I should have since he seems really open to the fans, but oh well.
He was extremely open to us anyways. He signed a few shirts as well as getting a few pictures with various members of our group. Very friendly guy.
AnarCHrisTrash LordNew York CityRegistered Userregular
My personal PAX traditions consist of the draw a strip panel, and getting a commission or two from the artists at the Udon booth.
Kirby4LifeSumYungGuyIn a cabin in the woodsRegistered Userregular
2016 will be my second trip to PAX East, but I think we'll definitely be making a sandwich from Sam LaGrassa's a tradition. We went there on our last day in 2013 and I couldn't believe how amazing their pastrami sandwiches were. My group also wants to try to visit a brewery every time: last time it was Sam Adams and 2016 will be Harpoon(I also have to check out these pretzels that everyone is talking about).
I also want to check out some board games every year. I play enough video games on my own but PAX really allows me to explore the board game scene.
PAX Prime: 2012, 2014
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
Streetpasses. The black hole of PAX. I started collecting them last year and cannot escape the pull of more streetpasses, no matter how much I don't wanna do it. That's a rabbit hole I so wanna exit, but...I...just...can't...stop.
My friends and I always start PAX off with beermosas at a local pub @ 8:00 am on PAX Friday; it's impossible to do every day, so we just celebrate the official start of PAX. We had another person join us this year; hoping more will join us next year.
Where does this take place?
At The Tam (222 Tremont St.) in the Theater District, which is a bit of a walk to the BCEC. It's usually only been a few of us, but someone joined us last year. I'm hoping we eventually get a good group together, especially considering it's right around the corner from the hostel.
8 AM Beers at the Tam. I'm betting you aren't the only ones in there.
My friends and I always start PAX off with beermosas at a local pub @ 8:00 am on PAX Friday; it's impossible to do every day, so we just celebrate the official start of PAX. We had another person join us this year; hoping more will join us next year.
Where does this take place?
At The Tam (222 Tremont St.) in the Theater District, which is a bit of a walk to the BCEC. It's usually only been a few of us, but someone joined us last year. I'm hoping we eventually get a good group together, especially considering it's right around the corner from the hostel.
8 AM Beers at the Tam. I'm betting you aren't the only ones in there.
Not too far from our hotel ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
Adamantoise, and I saw Yoshi a bit before I jumped in line for the challenge but didn't approach him. I know with all the fan fest stuff I should have since he seems really open to the fans, but oh well.
He apparently got extremely overwhelmed at East last year. I was 2 seconds from going up to say hi to him after the Shiva challange (in my Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn cosplay no less) when one of his handlers (?) told me he was overwhelmed and would be back later. I was super bummed. Doubly super bummed because I miss the FFXIV panel thanks to a shuttle that never came and a cab that took us to the wrong place....
However, last year one of the people I raid with in FFXIV was going and we met up and hung out and were able to get beers. He doesn't have tickets this year but I still want to make plans to get some drinks regardless.
I went to pax with my FC from Malboro last year, sadly none of them are able to make it this year. But I'd love to meet up with more FFXIV players. So if your friend cant make it maybe we should get the beers!
I went to pax with my FC from Malboro last year, sadly none of them are able to make it this year. But I'd love to meet up with more FFXIV players. So if your friend cant make it maybe we should get the beers!
Looks like 11 of us from 404 Guild Not Found on Behemoth will be at East as well, if something comes together, we'd get involved.
I ALWAYS go to Mr. Bartley's burgers the day before PAX East. Damn if those aren't the best burgers in the whole entire world. Tiny place and only takes cash though! If you take the subway, it stops right near there on the Harvard stop I believe.
You might want to try the Secret Burger at Alden and Harlow in Harvard Square. Every day it's a limited item, and they change the toppings and whatnot, but it's so, so, so, so, so tasty.
Typically in the Westin lobby, up the stairs on like a mezzanine. Although a couple years ago my group setup in the Seaport lobby and some others were there as well, so it's possible your hotel may have something small going on in the lobby.
My friends and I always start PAX off with beermosas at a local pub @ 8:00 am on PAX Friday; it's impossible to do every day, so we just celebrate the official start of PAX. We had another person join us this year; hoping more will join us next year.
Where does this take place?
At The Tam (222 Tremont St.) in the Theater District, which is a bit of a walk to the BCEC. It's usually only been a few of us, but someone joined us last year. I'm hoping we eventually get a good group together, especially considering it's right around the corner from the hostel.
8 AM Beers at the Tam. I'm betting you aren't the only ones in there.
Sometimes yes, sometimes no. They are one of the few bars in the area with a license to open at 8:00 am.
My friends and I always start PAX off with beermosas at a local pub @ 8:00 am on PAX Friday; it's impossible to do every day, so we just celebrate the official start of PAX. We had another person join us this year; hoping more will join us next year.
Where does this take place?
At The Tam (222 Tremont St.) in the Theater District, which is a bit of a walk to the BCEC. It's usually only been a few of us, but someone joined us last year. I'm hoping we eventually get a good group together, especially considering it's right around the corner from the hostel.
8 AM Beers at the Tam. I'm betting you aren't the only ones in there.
Not too far from our hotel ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Totally go. It's a nice divey local bar. Stiff drinks, too.
While I agree that being insensitive is an issue, so is being oversensitive.
My group's only maintained tradition is a game of Arkham Horror or Eldritch Horror, either Friday or Saturday night. We actually had to have two tables last year because we had too many players for just one. Or only other tradition was one nice meal at something like legal test kitchen or something like that, but we are eschewing that tradition this year as it has been deemed to costly to us in terms of con time. (We all live around Boston so traveling out to the city, or looking for local delicacies is a waste of our precious con time)
going to harpoon brewery on the last day and (usually sometimes just 2) buying 4 growlers (usually chocolate truffle if they have it, tastes like god damn caramel beer!) and it doesnt hurt that each one is only 10 bucks (and 64oz per bottle)
their raspberry ipa UFO is very good too
My buddy and I always take the week following PAX East off and head up to NH for a week on the lake. Also the Pre-PAX dinner and at least one day of the MMT has become tradition.
At the con itself, we just role with whatever comes up.
Having only been once prior (with daughter) not really any established traditions but we did do the MMT and pre-Pax dinner and the gaming night at the Westin ... travelling with new people this year so looking forward to finding new things to do ... I have not done the pax parties as I have my daughter in tow but we always find stuff to do.
PAX East 2016 .... gots my Passes [x] Hotel [x] Flights [x] Packed [..] .... ok we're all good !!!!!
We have a few friends that we only see at PAX, and each year we try to get together with them for craft beers at least once. It's awesome to have a consistent community like that - it's like Same Time Next Year.
Also the massive Thursday Pre PAX board game night.
So much yes! One note though, some idiot put that place on yelp and now all the rich college kids go there so there's a line for daaayyys
HazelHalfBloodUnapologetic Dungeons and Dragons EnthusiastNew HampshireRegistered Userregular
The drive to Boston is filled with JoCo, Paul and Storm, and MC Frontalot. Thursday night is always a foodie night with some games and D&D! Saturday night drinks after the concert and Sunday night bored game binge. OH! It also is never Pax East without getting a picture of the "Welcome Home" Sign.
PAX Unplugged 2018 .... We Have Our...Passes [X] Hotel [X] Bus [..] Packed [..]
Yeah, no so much on the P&S/JoCo, etc...but I make an annual PAX Megamix for the drive up. The quality of the list is...variable, as it's very stream of consciousness for its production.
I like to get Potato Gnocchi at the absolutely amazing restaurant Anchovies on the North End the night before PAX. A big pasta dinner is good fuel for the next day I say! I'll definitely be there Thursday night this year!
East '15, '16
East 2017 Tickets? Check!
HazelHalfBloodUnapologetic Dungeons and Dragons EnthusiastNew HampshireRegistered Userregular
Talked it over with my PAX group and we were thinking of starting a Thursday night dinner tradition at Blue Dragon. Has anyone been there before?
PAX Unplugged 2018 .... We Have Our...Passes [X] Hotel [X] Bus [..] Packed [..]
Every Friday morning I have had one of the breakfast sandwiches from the BCEC before we get in the queue room, with the blessed beach balls. Saturday and Sunday we just roll up whenever. We get a Salvatore's pizza on the Saturday for lunch because they are amazing! I always make the trip to Faneuil Hall because of awesome mac and cheese. We go to Shaw's on arrival to pick up groceries and just before we leave to take some American goodies home. Roll on year 5!♥
Talked it over with my PAX group and we were thinking of starting a Thursday night dinner tradition at Blue Dragon. Has anyone been there before?
Blue Dragon is awesome. The food is really good, kind of trendy, Asian food. Their bartenders really know their stuff and make fantastic cocktails. It tends to get very busy on Friday and Saturday nights because it's more well-known as a bar than a restaurant, but you should be good on Thursday nights.
On Thursday we go to Sam Adams Brewery then we go at Dick's Last Resort for dinner
Each morning, we go to Dunkin Donut.
Friday or saturday night, we try to play a big D&D game
On sunday, I wear my Bruins sweater
Tradition since 2011
I try to order extra challenge coins and each show we track down someone cool from the industry and give one to them. It's usually a dev or industry person I know from social media or whatnot.
I also bring #BlameAndy buttons to hand out. Because our friend Andy is the official scapegoat of PAX and any problems encountered are his fault.
This is my guild's second year attending but sunday night hangouts with video seem to be a thing that will become a tradition. Also doing something new this year as we're all going to have business cards and lanyards for the guild so I'll be handing those out to people we meet.
Pretty excited to do that. If you see someone in a 404 shirt, hoodie, or lanyard, don't be afraid to say hey. We're friendly
Streetpasses. The black hole of PAX. I started collecting them last year and cannot escape the pull of more streetpasses, no matter how much I don't wanna do it. That's a rabbit hole I so wanna exit, but...I...just...can't...stop.
I think that's going to be my downfall. Streetpass is like crack to me at conventions. But this is my first PAX so I think I will be doing it nonstop. HAHAH
I go to LTK every PAX Saturday for a bowl of chowder, lobster mac n' cheese and some good beer.
I always made a point to hang out in the ACAM room until they stopped.
Newest tradition is telling myself I'm going to just have a chill weekend and not cosplay, then a week before PAX freak out, don't sleep and work on costumes 24/7.
Heeeey a fellow FFXIV player. We had a blast at the panel last year as well as doing the Shiva challenge. Got to meet Yoshi as well which was an unexpected, yet awesome surprise. What server? We're on Behemoth
Adamantoise, and I saw Yoshi a bit before I jumped in line for the challenge but didn't approach him. I know with all the fan fest stuff I should have since he seems really open to the fans, but oh well.
He was extremely open to us anyways. He signed a few shirts as well as getting a few pictures with various members of our group. Very friendly guy.
Either a Gym Leader or Challenger, I love being part of the PAX Pokémon League!!
I also want to check out some board games every year. I play enough video games on my own but PAX really allows me to explore the board game scene.
PAX East: 2013
PAX East 2016:
[ X ] Badge [ X ] Hotel [ X ] Plane Ticket
Streetpasses. The black hole of PAX. I started collecting them last year and cannot escape the pull of more streetpasses, no matter how much I don't wanna do it. That's a rabbit hole I so wanna exit, but...I...just...can't...stop.
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
8 AM Beers at the Tam. I'm betting you aren't the only ones in there.
Not too far from our hotel ... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
He apparently got extremely overwhelmed at East last year. I was 2 seconds from going up to say hi to him after the Shiva challange (in my Merlwyb Bloefhiswyn cosplay no less) when one of his handlers (?) told me he was overwhelmed and would be back later. I was super bummed. Doubly super bummed because I miss the FFXIV panel thanks to a shuttle that never came and a cab that took us to the wrong place....
I went to pax with my FC from Malboro last year, sadly none of them are able to make it this year. But I'd love to meet up with more FFXIV players. So if your friend cant make it maybe we should get the beers!
Looks like 11 of us from 404 Guild Not Found on Behemoth will be at East as well, if something comes together, we'd get involved.
You might want to try the Secret Burger at Alden and Harlow in Harvard Square. Every day it's a limited item, and they change the toppings and whatnot, but it's so, so, so, so, so tasty.
Where do this take place?
Totally go. It's a nice divey local bar. Stiff drinks, too.
their raspberry ipa UFO is very good too
At the con itself, we just role with whatever comes up.
Also the massive Thursday Pre PAX board game night.
Also soup dumplings in Chinatown.
So much yes! One note though, some idiot put that place on yelp and now all the rich college kids go there so there's a line for daaayyys
Proud Cookie Brigade Supporter
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
East 2017 Tickets? Check!
Proud Cookie Brigade Supporter
<+Ravenger> you are talking to me
<@heels> oh god, what am i doing
Each morning, we go to Dunkin Donut.
Friday or saturday night, we try to play a big D&D game
On sunday, I wear my Bruins sweater
Tradition since 2011
this is something i need to be a part of.
I also bring #BlameAndy buttons to hand out. Because our friend Andy is the official scapegoat of PAX and any problems encountered are his fault.
Pretty excited to do that. If you see someone in a 404 shirt, hoodie, or lanyard, don't be afraid to say hey. We're friendly
I think that's going to be my downfall. Streetpass is like crack to me at conventions. But this is my first PAX so I think I will be doing it nonstop. HAHAH
And sunday post-pax "screw it, we're getting some awesome food" (since the area goes from impossible to eat... to easy in a second)
Relevant info: #PAX East: 3 Coin Lunch organizer. 2012 Trading card available. Pokecrawl Assistant 2012. Pokecrawl attendee 2011. Cult of the Leaf attendee 2012.
I always made a point to hang out in the ACAM room until they stopped.
Newest tradition is telling myself I'm going to just have a chill weekend and not cosplay, then a week before PAX freak out, don't sleep and work on costumes 24/7.