We have less of a jaywalking problem here and more of a people just hanging out in the middle of a road/driveway problem.
I have no idea why it's so appealing to people.
because Australia
related: i added another town to my list of "places I have wandered barefoot for significant distances". Sunnyvale CA is probably one I'm least likely to pick up a disease doing that in.
@Chincymcchilla it actually turned out that one of the guys I played Mechwarrior Online a bunch with was in the Ohio State Marching Band and in 2007 when the SMB traveled for the game and participated in the Skull Session before the game we were in the same auditorium! And then football stadium, too! Small world!!
I actually can't find any videos of our show
I think they might have only started recording after I left
Thats neat tho
What level
I don't remember. we were mid-sized, smaller than you guys for sure
Also for my day I just got a box with 340 or so wooden blocks with it and now am going to put stickers on two sides of each block while I listen to a podcast about napoleon.
Which is to say that my day is AWESOME
Also tomorrow I get to become a COFFEE MASTER (and more importantly eat free pizza).
You know what's worse than jaywalking, though? Bicyclists who think standard driving rules do not apply to them. Bikes making illegal left turns at red lights is a frequent occurrence here, and was even more frequent when I lived in Seattle and Portland. I remember one time some biker got hit and killed near Discovery Park in Seattle and the most common reaction to the news article about it was, "Good, fuck those guys."
Those "share the road" stickers work both ways, in my opinion.
It confuses me so much that people have such strong opinions on cyclists. A thread popped up on my local subreddit (I know) about a law regarding bikes riding two abreast on roads going up the nearby mountain. It's legal, but good god holy fuck some people are straight up vicious when it comes to how much they hate cyclists, and some cyclists think anyone that drives a car is a murderer waiting for their chance.
It's fucking bizarre.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road. Just today some ass side swiped me so he could get in his turn lane a good ONE DAMN SECOND earlier right next to a cop. I called him every name under the sun, the cop did jack shit.
edit: and if we wanna bitch about cyclists believe me i have me some stories. cyclists, get the hell off the one way streets going the WRONG DAMN WAY
You know what's worse than jaywalking, though? Bicyclists who think standard driving rules do not apply to them. Bikes making illegal left turns at red lights is a frequent occurrence here, and was even more frequent when I lived in Seattle and Portland. I remember one time some biker got hit and killed near Discovery Park in Seattle and the most common reaction to the news article about it was, "Good, fuck those guys."
Those "share the road" stickers work both ways, in my opinion.
It confuses me so much that people have such strong opinions on cyclists. A thread popped up on my local subreddit (I know) about a law regarding bikes riding two abreast on roads going up the nearby mountain. It's legal, but good god holy fuck some people are straight up vicious when it comes to how much they hate cyclists, and some cyclists think anyone that drives a car is a murderer waiting for their chance.
It's fucking bizarre.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road.
The road is only for cars. If you ever want to bicycle, don't.
You know what's worse than jaywalking, though? Bicyclists who think standard driving rules do not apply to them. Bikes making illegal left turns at red lights is a frequent occurrence here, and was even more frequent when I lived in Seattle and Portland. I remember one time some biker got hit and killed near Discovery Park in Seattle and the most common reaction to the news article about it was, "Good, fuck those guys."
Those "share the road" stickers work both ways, in my opinion.
It confuses me so much that people have such strong opinions on cyclists. A thread popped up on my local subreddit (I know) about a law regarding bikes riding two abreast on roads going up the nearby mountain. It's legal, but good god holy fuck some people are straight up vicious when it comes to how much they hate cyclists, and some cyclists think anyone that drives a car is a murderer waiting for their chance.
It's fucking bizarre.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road.
The road is only for cars. If you ever want to bicycle, don't.
Not funny. People who think this should have their driving licenses revoked permanently.
As someone who used to bike to work, it was great, and some really good exercise. I'll be damned if I have motivation to do it now that I have my license, though.
Although when I get a regular full-time job I'd consider it if my and Rachel's schedule was awkward enough to make car sharing untenable. But then I'd have to get a new bike.
You know what's worse than jaywalking, though? Bicyclists who think standard driving rules do not apply to them. Bikes making illegal left turns at red lights is a frequent occurrence here, and was even more frequent when I lived in Seattle and Portland. I remember one time some biker got hit and killed near Discovery Park in Seattle and the most common reaction to the news article about it was, "Good, fuck those guys."
Those "share the road" stickers work both ways, in my opinion.
It confuses me so much that people have such strong opinions on cyclists. A thread popped up on my local subreddit (I know) about a law regarding bikes riding two abreast on roads going up the nearby mountain. It's legal, but good god holy fuck some people are straight up vicious when it comes to how much they hate cyclists, and some cyclists think anyone that drives a car is a murderer waiting for their chance.
It's fucking bizarre.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road.
The road is only for cars. If you ever want to bicycle, don't.
I'm currently waiting for class to start proper, and I am extremely grateful that Weird Guy Who Has No Sense Of Personal Space managed to find a seat that is not next to me.
Blake TDo you have enemies then?Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.Registered Userregular
Rediscovering how mobile you can be on a bike was a pretty cool thing that I did like three years ago.
People underestimate how easy it is to cover short distances and that it's quicker for me (and a lot lower in my stress levels) to bumble my way on my bike to the shops than it is to drive.
I gotta pull out on a busy road, wait on some lights, turn across some traffic and then deal with parking. Alternatively, I can pop on my bike and roll along at like 10 km an hour, not build up a sweat, cross at the cross walks and park right at the door.
I don't begrudge bikes their right to the road but I do have serious problems with the way some people ride them because they are much harder to see than cars sometimes and I am perpetually scared to death that someone's going to do something unpredictable and I'm going to hit them.
I haven't had a problem with most cyclists around here. The motorbikes though, those seem to be driven purely by assholes. Remember when I said that it's a pet peeve of mine when someone pulls into the merge lane to scream to the head of the pack? Well what happens when someone does that and then from out of fucking nowhere a motorcycle uses the shoulder next to THAT as a passing lane going even faster? And they both have to merge into the unsuspecting third lane? Hey let's make it even more fun and have the freeway split just ahead so cars are shifting around at random.
Haven't seen an accident yet but holy shit people you are not immortal!
You know what's worse than jaywalking, though? Bicyclists who think standard driving rules do not apply to them. Bikes making illegal left turns at red lights is a frequent occurrence here, and was even more frequent when I lived in Seattle and Portland. I remember one time some biker got hit and killed near Discovery Park in Seattle and the most common reaction to the news article about it was, "Good, fuck those guys."
Those "share the road" stickers work both ways, in my opinion.
It confuses me so much that people have such strong opinions on cyclists. A thread popped up on my local subreddit (I know) about a law regarding bikes riding two abreast on roads going up the nearby mountain. It's legal, but good god holy fuck some people are straight up vicious when it comes to how much they hate cyclists, and some cyclists think anyone that drives a car is a murderer waiting for their chance.
It's fucking bizarre.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road.
The road is only for cars. If you ever want to bicycle, don't.
This is really shitty, dude
It's a good thing I don't actually believe that! I don't actually have any opinions on cyclists because they're aren't any here and I've never had to deal with them.
WeaverWho are you?What do you want?Registered Userregular
So I mentioned that my dad just had his first knee replacement. Getting the other one done later, after this one is all good. He's been trying to call me the last couple of days but I've been at work so I called him today and man oh man he is in some pain. I told him all the great news about how well Nuka & I are doing though and I think it helped make him feel better but eventually he had to get off the phone because the pain was getting too intense to carry a conversation.
I'm a bit more forgiving of bad behaivour by cyclists since I figure half the time what they're doing is so they can stay alive (staying in the middle of the lane so cars don't try to pass them really closely, go through red lights before the cars go, etc etc)
Hey Weaver my thoughts are with your pa, knee surgery seems rough.
My Aunt had both hers replaced a few years ago and she was very limited in mobility for a while but in the long run she got way more mobility back than she had before.
WeaverWho are you?What do you want?Registered Userregular
Thanks. He doesn't respond well to most pain meds so he's having a rough time. Like morphine/oxy do near to nothing for him. My dad is basically Gimli so he's trying to grimace through this.
I walk to work since it's about 2 miles. I will not ride a bike as there really is no place at work anymore to lock them up and the bike paths are shitty. The sidewalk for one of them last summer buckled up from the heat and they have not fixed it.
Hey Weaver my thoughts are with your pa, knee surgery seems rough.
My Aunt had both hers replaced a few years ago and she was very limited in mobility for a while but in the long run she got way more mobility back than she had before.
Yeah, my grandad had both of his replaced about a year ago and he really kicked ass with the recovery. I almost couldn't believe they had him up and walking a few hours out of surgery, except I was up and walking after heart surgery so it kind of made sense. In fact he was doing so well and feeling so good that his doc told him he was doing his leg exercises too much and he had to slow it down some. He doesn't respond well to pain meds and he said even without them it hurt less than it did before the surgery. Dude is pretty awesome and I'm super glad his legs aren't in pain any longer.
Thanks. He doesn't respond well to most pain meds so he's having a rough time. Like morphine/oxy do near to nothing for him. My dad is basically Gimli so he's trying to grimace through this.
I hope they used nothing but the finest mithril for his replacement knee, then.
Dang ol' weird guy is eating REALLY strong food in this class and man I have no issue with people eating in class but maybe you shouldn't eat something that's super smelly??
Dang ol' weird guy is eating REALLY strong food in this class and man I have no issue with people eating in class but maybe you shouldn't eat something that's super smelly??
Is it Limberger cheese? Because that shit tastes just like it smells, ie Bigfoot's dick
Good lord I am sick of dealing with health insurance.
I broke my wrist about 3 months back, went in to get it all pinned up about 10 weeks ago. Problem was that my health insurance plan fell off 2 days after the accident and 2 weeks before the surgery. Got another plan, but it was a pain in the butt. I ended up paying the fee in full before the surgery (~$4000) and just dealing with it all afterwards. It took almost a month for them to get around to paying me back for it, because they insisted I wasn't covered because I only had accident cover and I'm pretty fucking sure that falling off a bike is an accident. Good thing I have the cash lying around to just front the bill like that.
Now I have to go in and get some pins taken out and I once again have to argue about my cover. Fuck health insurance man, pain in the fucking ass. I'm starting to think I pay them so they can tell whoever that I have no cover for anything.
Yeah this
I am empty
because Australia
related: i added another town to my list of "places I have wandered barefoot for significant distances". Sunnyvale CA is probably one I'm least likely to pick up a disease doing that in.
Some are shared pathways and it's legal for cyclists to be on either.
It's a dick move to swap every ten meters though.
Satans..... hints.....
The school band plays at the major school events to cheer the team on, if that's what you mean, especially the baseball games.
My school band liked to play the evangelion opening theme a lot, for some reason.
I don't remember. we were mid-sized, smaller than you guys for sure
Which is to say that my day is AWESOME
Also tomorrow I get to become a COFFEE MASTER (and more importantly eat free pizza).
Can usually get battles done in under an hour, can teach someone the basic rules in like 10 minutes, it's called Command and Colors: Napoleonics.
I ride my bike to and from work every day, all year. It's about a 20 minute commute.
I am REPEATEDLY almost killed every single day by people who just want me out of the way, ignore bike lanes, turn signals, traffic lights and stop signs, cut me and off and purposefully try to force me off the road. Just today some ass side swiped me so he could get in his turn lane a good ONE DAMN SECOND earlier right next to a cop. I called him every name under the sun, the cop did jack shit.
edit: and if we wanna bitch about cyclists believe me i have me some stories. cyclists, get the hell off the one way streets going the WRONG DAMN WAY
I wanna play
come to ohio and bring your game.
The road is only for cars. If you ever want to bicycle, don't.
Not funny. People who think this should have their driving licenses revoked permanently.
Although when I get a regular full-time job I'd consider it if my and Rachel's schedule was awkward enough to make car sharing untenable. But then I'd have to get a new bike.
This is really shitty, dude
People underestimate how easy it is to cover short distances and that it's quicker for me (and a lot lower in my stress levels) to bumble my way on my bike to the shops than it is to drive.
I gotta pull out on a busy road, wait on some lights, turn across some traffic and then deal with parking. Alternatively, I can pop on my bike and roll along at like 10 km an hour, not build up a sweat, cross at the cross walks and park right at the door.
Satans..... hints.....
What's in em? My imagination demands to know.
chipotles, onions, pinto beans, chicken, and tomatillos
cheese on top
Haven't seen an accident yet but holy shit people you are not immortal!
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
It's a good thing I don't actually believe that! I don't actually have any opinions on cyclists because they're aren't any here and I've never had to deal with them.
My Aunt had both hers replaced a few years ago and she was very limited in mobility for a while but in the long run she got way more mobility back than she had before.
Hope it all works out for your dad, Weaver!
Steam ID - VeldrinD | SS Post | Wishlist
Yeah, my grandad had both of his replaced about a year ago and he really kicked ass with the recovery. I almost couldn't believe they had him up and walking a few hours out of surgery, except I was up and walking after heart surgery so it kind of made sense. In fact he was doing so well and feeling so good that his doc told him he was doing his leg exercises too much and he had to slow it down some. He doesn't respond well to pain meds and he said even without them it hurt less than it did before the surgery. Dude is pretty awesome and I'm super glad his legs aren't in pain any longer.
I hope they used nothing but the finest mithril for his replacement knee, then.
Is it Limberger cheese? Because that shit tastes just like it smells, ie Bigfoot's dick
I broke my wrist about 3 months back, went in to get it all pinned up about 10 weeks ago. Problem was that my health insurance plan fell off 2 days after the accident and 2 weeks before the surgery. Got another plan, but it was a pain in the butt. I ended up paying the fee in full before the surgery (~$4000) and just dealing with it all afterwards. It took almost a month for them to get around to paying me back for it, because they insisted I wasn't covered because I only had accident cover and I'm pretty fucking sure that falling off a bike is an accident. Good thing I have the cash lying around to just front the bill like that.
Now I have to go in and get some pins taken out and I once again have to argue about my cover. Fuck health insurance man, pain in the fucking ass. I'm starting to think I pay them so they can tell whoever that I have no cover for anything.