Help Us Make The Rock Band 4 Trailer! Filming in Seattle 5/21 - 5/23

HMXhenryHMXhenry Registered User regular
Hey gang!

Harmonix is filming the Rock Band 4 trailer in Seattle from Thurs 5/21 (aka today) through Saturday 5/23, and we want to invite YOU to be a part of it. The Penny Arcade community has always been so good to us, and we know that a bunch of you are in the Seattle area, so we wanted to extend the invite to be a part of the action.

Here are the details:

* We're filming our trailer in Seattle, WA Thurs to Saturday May 21-23rd.
* Even though we're shooting over 3 days, you don't have to show up for all of them. Let us know when you are free!
* We're mostly filming crowd scenes, but may need a few extras for additional shots.
* This is a 21+ event.
* Participants will be required to sign an NDA (non disclosure agreement) prior to the shoot.
* Participants will be paid AND receive endless bragging rights.
* You may pick up on a few hints of what's to come in Rock Band 4.
* You'll get to be a part of Rock Band 4 forever... what are you waiting for?!

So what do you do next?

* RSVP to with your full name and the dates you are available
* Include a picture of yourself, and the casting agency will get back to you with the details.
* The casting agency will contact you with the shooting location in Seattle.
* The casting agency will let you know what kind of clothes to wear for the days you are appearing. Wardrobe will be on hand as well.
* Show up and be your awesome self!

If you can't be a part of the trailer, we'll still see all of you at PAX Prime, and we've got plenty of other rad Rock Band 4 community events in the hopper as well.

But if you CAN make it, RSVP today! Spread the word, and tell all your friends! We'll see you in Seattle!



  • TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited May 2015
    Sorry, you can't promote events here without prior permission. Rules is rules.

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