Ah that new thread smell! Not as good as new pack smell, but we'll take it.
Modern Masters 2015 is here! Now, I know you are all excited to open your Foil Ant Queens, but before you rip... tear... how the heck do the new packs work anyway? Anyway, before you open that booster, look around. Are you drafting right now? Is it at least Sealed? If not, I want you to ask yourself: WWMHSD - What Would Marsh Hulk Sutcliffe Do?
If Modern Masters - with its Goyfs, Bobs, Eldrazi and lack of Serum Visions - wasn't exciting enough, next weekend is Grand Prix Vegas. It will be the largest GP in history. It's so large, that is actually TWO GPs, with two prize pools, two top 8s, two coverage teams. Sadly we don't get two LSVs. Even better, a number of our forumers will be participating. What I'd like to do is invite those who will be battling to post or pm me their Twitter handle (or other tracking method). Come GP Weekend, I'll put a list in the OP, so we can track your progress and root you on!
Next up on the release queu is Magic Origins: Now With Even More Jace. After that will be Battle for Zendikar aka Wait, How is Rotation Working Again? aka the Return of Hedron Crab.
OP to be expanded soon with Metagame stuff and pretty pictures and links.
I've always played pack wars by shuffling the pack and drawing 1 card per turn (no starting hand). You can play any spell for free and x or activated abilities always equal 5. It leads to some hilarious card values as anything that targets lands or keys off of them is almost always dead and any mill card is better than most bomb rares.
That is some un-set shenanigans right there. Also... good to know I am not the only one who has dreams about Magic.
to the right person this is $$$ depending on the error
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
I would agree if it were the wrong color, had a typo, or was offset. These cards just look smudged, slightly faded, and/or have damage on the top that is indistinguishable from any other tear. I notice it tends to hit certain boxes. If one shows up in a draft, then there are usually at least a few others in that box.
I want to play zoo with collected company
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I had an awful experience at my last prerelease (Fate Reforged), where my opponent used his friend/the store owner/the judge to try to screw me over in extra turns. It ended up not mattering, but it soured me on Magic (Magic players, really) and I haven't played since then. Thus I am super rusty. Will a few practice drafts this week get me back into shape?
I quit MTGO after the client change. Has it improved at all? I was thinking about using it to practice.
The highest level play I've ever been in is either a PTQ or State championship, both ~12 years ago (Mirrodin era Standard). I'm to understand Grand Prix have higher rules enforcement standards? Anything to watch out for? Anything dramatically different from FNM level play?
I've never been to a high level event before. How does registering work? I reserved a spot months ago, but how does the "day of" logistics work? If I want to get to sleep early, get up early, and get breakfast, what kind of time frame should I look at in the morning?
I'm expecting the people at the Grand Prix to be out for free wins via minor rule infractions resulting from careless mistakes (missing returning things "at end of turn", drawing a card before upkeep effects, etc. ) and generally to be miserable, intolerable assholes out to ruin everyone's fun and experience. Likelihood of running into this sort of person? Am I paranoid? Or should I just be ultra careful and play super tight?
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
while people like this dont exist at any differing frequency from any other big event, this isnt like an fnm where you can like "oh i forgot this said it comes back at the end step"
people arent doing it to be a dick to you, and its on you should you do that. people are at a grand prix to win so keep that in mind
Try to keep your play as tight as you can, obviously (it'll help you play better) - make sure you do upkeep stuff before you draw, if you have any - but 99% of the players there are trying to win by playing well, not by rules-lawyering slip-ups.
E: Also I remember reading something about "missed triggers," and how if you noticed something after it triggers, but before it would affect the game state. They used Exalted as the example. Like, you attack with one guy, and even if you don't explicitly say "exalted triggers, exalted resolves, my guy gets +1/+1" it still counts? This was quite a while ago, back when Pyreheart Wolf and surprise blocker Restoration Angel was causing issues.
E2: Can I place dice on top of my deck to make sure I don't draw a card before upkeep effects? Also, is using dice as tokens kosher, or should I bring different items for tokens and for counters?
The bolded I am 99% sure yes as I've seen dice/pens/trinkets get used in the coverage, usually by people remembering scry effects and such
and dice as tokens are fine, and you might even have tokens kicking around for the ones being used in this set
Bring tokens. And you can't use cards as tokens unless they're from a different card game!
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
(I used to use cigarettes when I smoked, they tap easy)
Play Fanduel. One Day Fantasy Leagues use my referral
Be my friend on Magic Online! Dogbone19 is me.
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i almost showed up not realizing it was a legacy open
i'll be in tomorrow for the standard IQ and to sell everything from my mm2015 box that wasnt my pile of coronets to build auras
I actually enjoy watching legacy more than modern
unless it's a miracles mirror
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Went 2-1 drop because Zzz
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
ineedmayo.com Eidolon Journal Updated
Edit: Also Bitterblossom being a mythic is shit.
Yeah, I mean domain is one of the explicitly supported archetypes. Sphere of the Suns, Rampant Growth, Rioters, Skyreach, Tribal Flames, Fiery Fall, and, to a lesser extent, Dragonsoul Knight and Sylvan Bounty are all common. Bounce lands exist and enable all sorts of shit. People get salty about it though, especially when they are on two colors and missing one.
People must hate me then, my pack 1 takes everyone's everything, I rarely settle into anything pack 1, pack 1 is just the take the best thing there is round.
Is it the new packs? I love the recycling idea, but having not seen them yet, I have some concerns about how they hold up to moisture. Like people tend to keep unopened boosters for a while sometimes (to let them appreciate in value, or to keep to draft down the line when you want to relive the format or chaos draft). I wonder if these packs won't hold up like that.