
Ask Tube

TubeTube Registered User admin
This is a thread where you can ask me (and other moderators) any questions you have about the running of the forum. Here are some guidelines!

1. If your question is rude or passive-aggressive, I won't answer it. No one has time for that.
2. If your question seemed to be ignored, I may have missed it, it may have already been answered or it may have been dumb. I may also just not have answered yet. Don't spam the same question over and over.
3. Please don't @ mention me in this thread
4. Please don't answer questions on my behalf
5. There's no given timeline or order for questions answered. I'll try my best to answer in a timely manner, based on the seriousness of the question.
6. If you have an idea for a question that you think is super funny, please ask yourself A. Is this a super obvious joke that everyone has already thought of (EG Morrissey, hedgehogs, Hitman 2 or whatever) B. Is this worth the extra noise that might drown out a question that actually matters to someone.



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    crwthcrwth THAT'S IT Registered User regular
    about how many reported posts are actually posts worth being reported and not someone blowing something out of proportion

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    Bluedude152Bluedude152 Registered User regular
    Why isnt the infraction thread used

    With the infractions tab under profiles gone when someone gets banned its hard to figure out what happened, or when they will be back

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    ChicoBlueChicoBlue Registered User regular
    Do you prefer the summer solstice or the winter solstice?

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    A duck!A duck! Moderator, ClubPA Mod Emeritus
    Is it a burden to be so ruggedly handsome?

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    crwth wrote: »
    about how many reported posts are actually posts worth being reported and not someone blowing something out of proportion

    I don't keep stats on that, but at a rough estimate:

    90% are in some way worth reading
    30% are immediately actionable
    20% are petty bullshit and fighting (there's often still a point to reading these)
    Less than 1% are so bogus that they get the reporter warned

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Regarding the general forum rules, are current rules ever 're-evaluated' or are they generally only referenced when adding new rules, as opposed to modifying existing ones?

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    Mortal SkyMortal Sky queer punk hedge witchRegistered User regular
    Does the moderator's forum have any running chat threads, or is it all just business?

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    have timeouts been considered as an option for folk that are clearly getting wound up?

    especially couched in a way that isn't humiliating - and more along the lines "hey, do a little self-care then come back in the morning"

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Why isnt the infraction thread used

    With the infractions tab under profiles gone when someone gets banned its hard to figure out what happened, or when they will be back

    That thread is for important or notable infractions and bannings. It's not intended as a complete source. The value of a complete source of all infractions would mainly be to lookey loos.

    Shorter answer: Because to keep it completely updated would be a pain in the hole

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    DarmakDarmak RAGE vympyvvhyc vyctyvyRegistered User regular
    Do you ever read the forums for pleasure or are you always "on the clock" while logged in?

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    NaphtaliNaphtali Hazy + Flow SeaRegistered User regular
    How many of the persons on the mod staff keep tabs on the forum full time (as in it's their only job)?

    Also I saw this yesterday and thought of you Tube, so enjoy

    Steam | Nintendo ID: Naphtali | Wish List
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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    How many alt accounts are banned a week?

    Of that population, how many are actual poster alts rather than the paid-poster spammers that crop up?

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    ChicoBlue wrote: »
    Do you prefer the summer solstice or the winter solstice?

    Summer, in England. There's barely any night.
    A steak! wrote: »
    Is it a burden to be so ruggedly handsome?

    On at least one occasion I've had to hurriedly invent a wife in an attempt to dissuade a potential suitor. So occasionally.

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    JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    1) How did you end up with this job
    2) who was doing this job before you were here
    3) Seems like mod activity/the need for mods actively beating people is way down since I started posting, is this true, measurable, what do you attribute it to?
    4) When is the last time you posted in the G&T board for something other than official business (for me its been years)

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Is IP banning still a thing that is done? If not, is it a limitation of the forum software, or a more active decision?

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Another thing I've wondered about is the hotlinking size requirement. Why is it set at the number it is (rather than higher or lower)?

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    edited June 2015
    Darmak wrote: »
    Do you ever read the forums for pleasure or are you always "on the clock" while logged in?

    A bit of both. It's a reactive job, so when nothing is happening I'll poke around and talk about my interests. I consider that an important part of the job.
    Naphtali wrote: »
    How many of the persons on the mod staff keep tabs on the forum full time (as in it's their only job)?

    I'm the only full time paid staff on the forum.
    Enc wrote: »
    How many alt accounts are banned a week?

    Of that population, how many are actual poster alts rather than the paid-poster spammers that crop up?

    Spammers and alts are filed differently. There's probably about a dozen to two dozen spammers a week. Alts are relatively rare, but tend to follow the seasons. Sometimes you get someone who's determined to hurl themselves against the ramparts

    Tube on
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Lets keep it to one question per post. Pick the one you really want answered.

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    RiemannLivesRiemannLives Registered User regular
    is the version of Vanilla used for the PA boards significantly forked from the Vanilla mainline? If so, is pulling updates difficult due to code drift?

    Attacked by tweeeeeeees!
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Javen wrote: »
    Is IP banning still a thing that is done? If not, is it a limitation of the forum software, or a more active decision?

    Rarely. It's not a very effective tool. If you google something like The Trouble With IP Bans, I wrote an article on it.
    Enc wrote: »
    Another thing I've wondered about is the hotlinking size requirement. Why is it set at the number it is (rather than higher or lower)?

    It's a semi-arbitrary number that's neither ridiculously high or low. It's not about the hotlinking, it's about posting the image inline.
    Dubh wrote: »
    have timeouts been considered as an option for folk that are clearly getting wound up?

    especially couched in a way that isn't humiliating - and more along the lines "hey, do a little self-care then come back in the morning"

    It's already in use, it happens a few times ever year. It's generally very effective but it's a high maintenance strategy.

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    Can you (read all the mods) stop booting people from threads? It only seems to be either a dumb joke or just stifles a voice by tone policing

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    PinfeldorfPinfeldorf Yeah ZestRegistered User regular
    What does "jailed" actually mean and what are the criteria for getting jailed and/or broken out?

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    joshofalltradesjoshofalltrades Class Traitor Smoke-filled roomRegistered User regular
    Is the Whining Forum gone for good?

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    BahamutZEROBahamutZERO Registered User, Moderator mod
    what made you decide to hold a Q&A?

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    KwoaruKwoaru Confident Smirk Flawless Golden PecsRegistered User regular
    edited June 2015
    Are you going to make an announcement about this thread in the other subforums so people who don't frequent SE can come ask questions or is there a reason for posting this just in SE?

    Kwoaru on
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Zay wrote: »
    Can you (read all the mods) stop booting people from threads? It only seems to be either a dumb joke or just stifles a voice by tone policing

    Nope. It's one of the most effective tools we have. If you got kicked out of a thread, you deserved it.

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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    is the version of Vanilla used for the PA boards significantly forked from the Vanilla mainline? If so, is pulling updates difficult due to code drift?

    We use out of the box Vanilla with a very limited number of custom plugins. There aren't any update issues.

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    jgeisjgeis Registered User regular
    How often do you receive harassment from someone after banning them from the forums/booting them from a thread?

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    ChincymcchillaChincymcchilla Registered User regular
    Do you or any of the moderation staff ever look outside the forum (either at other forums or at articles/discussions on moderation) for new tools/ideas, or is it pretty much an internal affair?

    Does the nature of our specific community affect mod policy; for example if you were admining a different forum would your rules for bans/punishments be different?

    I have a podcast about Power Rangers:Teenagers With Attitude | TWA Facebook Group
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    RadiusRadius Registered User regular
    Tube, How useful is Geth? Or is it just fun to have around?

    Everyday we stray further from God's light
    Steam Switch FC: 2799-7909-4852
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    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Pinfeldorf wrote: »
    What does "jailed" actually mean and what are the criteria for getting jailed and/or broken out?

    It's halfway to being banned. It restricts your account in some relatively minor ways and serves as an obvious signifier that you're on thin ice. A jailed user who is infracted again is banned. It wears off after a certain period of time.
    Is the Whining Forum gone for good?

    Yeah probably. It had its day
    what made you decide to hold a Q&A?

    It's a healthy thing for the community to do every so often. The end of the recent trans thread was when I decided to do so imminently.
    Kwoaru wrote: »
    Are you going to make an announcement about this thread in the other subforums so people who don't frequent SE can come ask questions or is there a reason for posting this just in SE?

    Probably not, depends how busy it gets. I'm sure someone will mention it in the D&D chat and I doubt anyone elsewhere is interested. If there's demand, I'll do another in G&T some time.

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    EncEnc A Fool with Compassion Pronouns: He, Him, HisRegistered User regular
    Will we see a return of interesting alternative post voting options in the near future?

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    MadicanMadican No face Registered User regular
    Why does Geth randomly show up with a reaction to a post? Sometimes it's a default reaction and other times it's monitoring or watching.

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    JasconiusJasconius sword criminal mad onlineRegistered User regular
    Seems like mod activity/the need for mods actively beating people is way down since I started posting, especially in the past 3-4 years, is this true, measurable, what do you attribute it to?

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    Death of RatsDeath of Rats Registered User regular
    What recent trend on the forums do you like the least and why?

    No I don't.
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    Al_watAl_wat Registered User regular
    are you ever going to do the flip a coin name changing game with porn influenced naming conventions again

    or something similar?

    i dont even want my name changed. that shit is hilarious to watch

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    DoobhDoobh She/Her, Ace Pan/Bisexual 8-) What's up, bootlickers?Registered User regular
    do you have a good rule of thumb for deciding if someone's getting heated vs. they need to be reported?

    Miss me? Find me on:

    Twitch (I stream most days of the week)
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  • Options
    TubeTube Registered User admin
    Enc wrote: »
    Will we see a return of interesting alternative post voting options in the near future?

    Probably? We don't do many polls, I'm not sure if users have that permission or not. There's nothing stopping it certainly.
    Madican wrote: »
    Why does Geth randomly show up with a reaction to a post? Sometimes it's a default reaction and other times it's monitoring or watching.

    It's totally random, and just for funsies. I believe it's weighted on certain criteria, but those are secret.
    Jasconius wrote: »
    Seems like mod activity/the need for mods actively beating people is way down since I started posting, especially in the past 3-4 years, is this true, measurable, what do you attribute it to?

    True, measurable and not measured. It's due to the fruition of a lot of long term management policies intended to make the community less toxic and requiring of micro management.

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    JavenJaven Registered User regular
    Can you go into a little detail about how the decision was made to go with Vanilla instead of other forum software? What aspects of vanilla do you believe are most beneficial to this forum in particular?

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    ZayZay yes i am zay Registered User regular
    Tube wrote: »
    Zay wrote: »
    Can you (read all the mods) stop booting people from threads? It only seems to be either a dumb joke or just stifles a voice by tone policing

    Nope. It's one of the most effective tools we have. If you got kicked out of a thread, you deserved it.

    Well I disagree. Twice I've seen tal be booted from a thread for making completely legitimate posts. All it does is shut the kicked user down from engaging in any more conversation about a topic, and it makes even less sense when you consider that the current topic in any thread could be vastly different in a day, but now they are not allowed to interact in any meaningful way.

This discussion has been closed.