A little late this year, but WHATEVER
@Moe Fwacky and I have done in the past, I have set up a map for us to put our points on and discuss where we are from.
http://www.maptive.com/ver3/paxprime2015For checking in your area: If people are in the same place very close to one another they sometimes get put on top of one another. Click on your own placemark and see if there is a "1 of X" with an arrow in the bottom right corner of the popup. This means there is more than one placemark on top of each other in that spot. Click the arrow to cycle through them to find people REALLY close to you!
To get a placemark added to the map
0) Check the map to make sure you aren't already on there! Many people submit early and then forget about it.. then they submit again closer to the show
http://www.latlong.net/ and get the decimal latitude and longitude of where you want your marker to go. You do this by dragging the map around and clicking to move the marker. You don't need to make this your actual residence or anything
that close to where you live, this is just to get a general idea of who is near who. I personally put in the center of the suburb in which I live.
Note: There are other places to get your lat/long, this one is just super easy and straightforward.
Copy the decimal Lat/Long somewhere, or write it down. Make sure you include any minus signs that may be present... this matters A LOT.
3) please submit this handy dandy
google form.
I'll be compiling the submissions about once per week... ish... into the map itself.
I heard the great thing about Pittsburgh is that if you want to get anywhere, it's just across the bridge.
I never finish anyth
Alas, I am probably the only person here going.
Edit: Apparently about 10 minutes too late .
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
Also a computer scientist and a streamer.
Prime: '10, '11, '12, '13, '14, '15
West: '16, '17
East: '14, '15, '16, '17
South: '15, '16, '17, '18
PSN: L00nyEclip
Steam: Loony Eclipse
Twitter: @Loonyeclipse
Just a nerd into anything Nintendo, anime, MCU, Star Wars, and board games/card games.
Also a computer scientist and a streamer.
Hotel Booked: check!
Sitter for the kids: check!
Excitement level rising: check, check and triple check!
I believe it's been officially said the solid majority are local. But on the forums that is going to skew further out. Also, I people people traveling are more likely to bother to get put on the map instead of being the umpteenth overlapping Seattle pin.