It seems like about once a week the executive branch unveils some fairly massive policy shift that dramatically moves the country towards justice. Last week's was the massive increase in workers who are eligible for mandatory time and a half overtime pay.
This week:
segregation in housing policy. Which you may have heard something about if you read
Coates. The way I read it it will still take a long time for things to actually be fixed, but this policy should force us to at least reckon with the problem.
Things done by the executive branch since the midterms and Obama "became a lame duck:"
Net neutrality
Climate deal with China
EPA rule limiting ozone emissions
Normalizing relations with Cuba
Rejects Keystone XL
Overtime pay hike
HUD housing segregation effort
Iran breakthrough (maybe)
A whole bunch of other stuff. He also gave a hell of a speech about race and grace:
This is partly to discuss today's news and partly to discuss how the President has turned the conventional lame duck narrative on its ear. I think it's pretty fascinating, personally!
EDIT: Also apparently they've ordered Medicare to start paying doctors to discuss end of life care.
The idea that your vote is a moral statement about you or who you vote for is some backwards ass libertarian nonsense. Your vote is about society. Vote to protect the vulnerable.
With nothing to personally lose, might as well push for stuf