Square Enix Confirms FFXIII Is Not Exclusive To PS3
by Michal Birecki on 17/04/2007 Views: 9537
In news that is sure to rock the gaming world it has been confirmed that Final Fantasy XIII, the blockbuster RPG highly anticipated by millions of fans of the series, will not be an exclusive game for the PlayStation 3 console.
The Final Fantasy XIII project as of right now consists of two games for the PlayStation 3 as well as a mobile game. Motomu Toriyama of Square Enix has come out and made the confirmation that other consoles will be receiving Final Fantasy XIII on top of the PlayStation 3.
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This is pretty big news and could lead to speculation as to which Final Fantasy XIII games are going where. The obvious rumors are going to be that FFXIII is heading to the Xbox 360 as well as the PlayStation 3.
This quote though could also mean that the series could be heading to the Nintendo DS handheld and or the Nintendo WII as well since Square Enix has been very impressed and pleased with the progression and installed user base of the Wii, with the DS already receiving the Final Fantasy treatment a few times.
Let the rumors begin. Either way though the fact that Final Fantasy XIII will not be a PS3-exclusive has to make any Sony fan cringe in their gaming chairs.
I'll leave you guys to start speculating how legit this article is.
I have strong reservations myself and am waiting for other bigger sites to report on it if true.
Yeah that's what most people figure so far
Seriously, if true, this an additional straw on the PS3's back.
I believe honesty is the best policy, besides I contributed to the thread after that.
It's like the PS3 is trying to see if random less popular franchises can carry it.
Which basically says FF13 main game is PS3, spinoffs are not.
Seriously though R&C, Heavenly Sword, MGS4, and Lair will hopefully justify my purchase.
If anyone thinks they would've announced a 360 port of FFXIII in a random interview, I'd say they're an idiot. Especially coming from Square Enix, who are really tight lipped on their games.
..because Revenant Wings is on the DS...
Exact same deal here.
(Preferably a Wii, but I really don't see that happening.)
Basically this.
If this is true, I will continue to give square-enix my money for the rest of my life, no matter what game it is they're releasing.
World of Warcraft - Calbert, Azjol-Nerub (PvE)
What the fuck is "One left?" supposed to mean?
someone post the list
Come on, baby!
You asked for it by making an asshole title like that, and you know it.
Remember the whole "MS targeting MGS4 and FFXIII" thread after DMC4 went multiplatform with the guy from Microsoft saying "One down, two to go"? It's referencing that.
Yup yup yup.
and apparently I continue to be an asshole by not telling you straight up.
actually the truth is you're not down with the gaming scene and somehow missed any and all discussion there's ever been about PS3 exclusives
am I an asshole? or are you a cave dwelling cockgobbler? HINT: it's the latter.
it's a witty title and 99% of everyone else got and WILL GET it.
Slightly more permissible, but still taking the basic Fox News approach to drama.
Man, what?
If this was true, the thread title would not only be very accurate, but wouldn't really asking for "drama" or anything like that. If the 360 got all 3 of those games it wouldn't matter for people with PS3s. They'd still get to play them.
Did I call you an asshole, or are you just a beligerent cunt? HINT: It's the latter.
You know, the sheer concentration of absolute twats on these boards really is astounding. I'm not "down with the gaming scene" because I don't like blatant trolling and olol sony threads that exist with the sole purpose of antagonizing the PS3 and its owners?
The thread title says "One left?" In what way is that accurate?
... Obviously you need it spelled out for you.
Microsoft guy says they're targeting 3 games, DMC4, FFXIII, and MGS4. DMC4 is multiplatform. If FFXIII went multiplatform, there would be one game left that they were targeting. That is accurate. They wouldn't be left targeting 2 or 3 games, but one. 3 - 2 = 1. If I'm shooting at 3 cans, and I shoot 2 of them, there is one left. There will be 3 Pirates of the Caribbean movies. There is one left to come out.
Basically, if the news in the thread were true, there would be one game left that MS would be targeting.
I accepted that, but neither the OP nor the material in question mention Microsoft in any way. What it instead implies is that there is only one exclusive left for the PS3, making it incorrect and antagonistic.
Look, if you want to take it in a totally different way so that you can be angry, go ahead. However, I can almost guarantee that most of the people who read the title got what it was saying. I mean, if FFXIII goes multiplatform what console do you think it's going to? The 360s the only other console that could push Square's crazy graphics.
If it's supposed to be so fucking clear that this is referencing that thing from Microsoft, then make it fucking clear and edit the god damned OP so it's not just some dipshit troll beating his chest. I remember that, and it didn't even occur to me. Does that make me deficient? No, it makes the OP deficient for not even trying to imply that he's specifically talking about Microsoft's aims.
Besides, we don't even know if this is some different iteration of FFXIII or the original game itself, or if it's a reputable source at all. You like being a complete fucktwat, and that's fine, but don't imply that I'm stupid for not immediately tapping in to the gaming zeitgeist or collective unconcious and knowing exactly what the fuck he's talking about when it looks like he's making reference to the PS3 library in general.
It already is clear and you are being stupid for acting like this is some personal attack on you. Ok, so you didn't realize what it was referencing. Instead of just going "oh" and moving on you're going to bitch and bitch and throw around insults until someone either changes the original post or tells you to stop trolling.
Seriously, I didn't think you were deficient for not realizing what it was immediately, but once I told you what it was referencing what was the point of continuing to bitch about it?
Boo hoo, you didn't get a reference. Take it like a man and stop whining. Everyone else is fine with it.
I am not specifically talking about MSFT's aims - although they do happen to be the same ideas/considerations anyways.
If this is true (hence the "?" mark) then there would be only one major PS3 exclusive left from the initial list. Far and away most people are going to get that. Not you. But that's ok.
Also I find it hilarious that I'm being called a troll... supposedly against Sony. I feel I'm one of the more or most decidedly anti-partisan people on these boards. I'm only partial to good games, and will post news against or for any company if it hasnt been posted here yet.
Whether talking about from the perspective of gamers just looking at major PS3 exclusives and knocking them off as they are no longer exclusive
or from the perspective of MSFT actively targetting 3 specific games (which would all be on such a list from the above perspective) and knocking them off as they are no longer exclusive
the reference applies to both. there is a .jpg out there of the list itself and the names crossed out as they happen - I don't think microsoft made it