Is it that much of a stretch to imagine that Clancy is Grace's little brother
Yes. Yes it is. We have no idea who is talking to Clancy in the second strip because she's drawn as a plausibly older woman, a woman old enough to have a son named Clancy. Neither of the earlier-in-time strips (1 and 3) make any reference to a younger brother. An equally valid interpretation (at this point) is that Dad remarried and has a son named Clancy with his new wife.
edit: The claim that the girl in comic 2 could be anyone else than Grace? Really? She has the same colored text bubbles/speech as Grace from the 1st comic, and the entire run of comics is titled Grace.
Looking merely at comics 1 and 2, if Grace had aged enough to have children her father would have also aged proportionally.
if the father had remarried i sincerely doubt he'd be in a studio filled with paintings of his deceased wife sobbing without at least the new wife there in some fashion to comfort him
there are potential other scenarios that could explain this turn of events depicted in the comics, true, but people over the last couple of days act like everything is completely disjointed and fragmented and that seems silly
Well, I had similar issues at first, because I don't remember details from the comic 2 days earlier such as what color the text bubbles were, or what exactly her dad looked like. Especially now that he's clearly a broken man.
Regarding the spider referenced in strip 1. I think that is a real spider. I think the bed "spiders" just got called that because when Grace's mom would come to kill them she'd describe them as something Grace would understand and be less horrified of than "monsters". Hence spider.
why would a father be asking his elementary aged daughter to kill a real spider.
Two things:
First, does this parallel the strip Nightlight? If so I would like to see where this goes as much as I would like to see more Thorn Watch.
Secondly, Does anybody see a comic version of the Little Fears rpg happening here?
MichaelLCIn what furnace was thy brain?ChicagoRegistered Userregular
Regarding the spider referenced in strip 1. I think that is a real spider. I think the bed "spiders" just got called that because when Grace's mom would come to kill them she'd describe them as something Grace would understand and be less horrified of than "monsters". Hence spider.
why would a father be asking his elementary aged daughter to kill a real spider.
Because the best gift you can give your child is how to face the monsters, of this world and others.
I don't like "Grace". These short art stories have never impressed me. It feels like a betrayal. Like going to see your favorite stand up comedian and instead of a comedy show he reads you a bunch of unfinished poems.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
KoopahTroopahThe koopas, the troopas.Philadelphia, PARegistered Userregular
I don't like "Grace". These short art stories have never impressed me. It feels like a betrayal. Like going to see your favorite stand up comedian and instead of a comedy show he reads you a bunch of unfinished poems.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
Don't get me wrong I respect your opinion and your feedback, but man I could not disagree more. I like constant three-panel dick and poop jokes as much as the rest of us, but these side stories are nothing short of awesome. Even if I didn't like the stories, I think respecting the artists enough to allow them to do what makes them happy is far more important than if I actually enjoyed the content.
I don't like "Grace". These short art stories have never impressed me. It feels like a betrayal. Like going to see your favorite stand up comedian and instead of a comedy show he reads you a bunch of unfinished poems.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
if this counts as a betrayal to you and this is your proportionate response i honestly have to wonder how you react when you and a friend agree to meet for lunch and then he texts you "sorry man I can't make it"
@Consumio I hope Mike and Jerry do a lot more of these, if only to keep people like yourself away. I'll take whatever you consider "amateurish and petty" over actual "ignorant and offensively pretentious" any day of the week.
I don't like "Grace". These short art stories have never impressed me. It feels like a betrayal. Like going to see your favorite stand up comedian and instead of a comedy show he reads you a bunch of unfinished poems.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
I don't like "Grace". These short art stories have never impressed me. It feels like a betrayal. Like going to see your favorite stand up comedian and instead of a comedy show he reads you a bunch of unfinished poems.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
I, for one, and super happy that you are in the vast vast minority with your goosey opinion. It's usually argued that subjective opinions can't be objectively wrong, but I applaud you for giving it the ol' college try. I do have a question, though. How is it even physically possible for these extended stories to be "petty"? Either we understand the term to mean completely different things, or you used the wrong word. Because it literally doesn't make any literary sense to use that work in that context. This is feedback.
Not to mention that the fact that you just posted some semantic bullcrap, while neither acknowledging or rebutting any of his arguments/opinions.
And what arguments might those have been? All I saw was someone misusing words in an effort to sound smart and edgy. That doesn't warrant a reasoned rebuttal- it's not even possible, really. The best that gets is a sincere "fuck off".
I don't agree with his choice of words or hints of entitlement, but i do agree with the way these comics rub him the wrong way.
Orphanerivers of redthat run to seaRegistered Userregular
edited July 2015
Then he could have just stopped after his first sentence
For the record, I think it's perfectly fine to not like or enjoy the current run of comics. There is no problem in saying that you don't like it either. But don't attempt to escalate this from "comic you don't like" into someing absolutely ridiculous.
Well, I had similar issues at first, because I don't remember details from the comic 2 days earlier such as what color the text bubbles were, or what exactly her dad looked like. Especially now that he's clearly a broken man.
Because she's going to grow up to kill "spiders".
First, does this parallel the strip Nightlight? If so I would like to see where this goes as much as I would like to see more Thorn Watch.
Secondly, Does anybody see a comic version of the Little Fears rpg happening here?
Because the best gift you can give your child is how to face the monsters, of this world and others.
Because some adults are scared of spiders. Adults are scared of lots of things.
The harder the rain, honey, the sweeter the sun.
Because that's what parents do. They make minimal scenarios out to be huge helps in an effort to boost their kids' confidence- or just to play around.
I am actually really surprised you'd even ask the question.
If you're going tell a story then finish the story before you start showing it off. These are just ideas that you find intriguing, but are then presented and then abandoned before they ever serve their purpose in the creation of a narrative. I say this because every time I come across these, especially 5 in a row, I chide myself for even visiting your site. It makes you come across as amateurish and petty as an artist. I assume you want people visiting your site. This is feedback.
Don't get me wrong I respect your opinion and your feedback, but man I could not disagree more. I like constant three-panel dick and poop jokes as much as the rest of us, but these side stories are nothing short of awesome. Even if I didn't like the stories, I think respecting the artists enough to allow them to do what makes them happy is far more important than if I actually enjoyed the content.
if this counts as a betrayal to you and this is your proportionate response i honestly have to wonder how you react when you and a friend agree to meet for lunch and then he texts you "sorry man I can't make it"
You need to get some.
Steam: adamjnet
I, for one, and super happy that you are in the vast vast minority with your goosey opinion. It's usually argued that subjective opinions can't be objectively wrong, but I applaud you for giving it the ol' college try. I do have a question, though. How is it even physically possible for these extended stories to be "petty"? Either we understand the term to mean completely different things, or you used the wrong word. Because it literally doesn't make any literary sense to use that work in that context. This is feedback.
Not to mention that the fact that you just posted some semantic bullcrap, while neither acknowledging or rebutting any of his arguments/opinions.
edit: Geth stop it, this is getting emberrasing.
What arguments exactly?
And what arguments might those have been? All I saw was someone misusing words in an effort to sound smart and edgy. That doesn't warrant a reasoned rebuttal- it's not even possible, really. The best that gets is a sincere "fuck off".
For the record, I think it's perfectly fine to not like or enjoy the current run of comics. There is no problem in saying that you don't like it either. But don't attempt to escalate this from "comic you don't like" into someing absolutely ridiculous.
You'll find it easy to identify with how the creators feel about yours then.