“Now is the Winter of our discontent
Made glorious Summer by this sun of York."
The Life and Death of Richard the Third
(Act 1, Scene 1)
Welcome to
War of the Roses, a multi-player RPG/strategy game set in 15th Century England (1455-1485). Players are the current leading Heir of their House, representing one of the four rival royal houses vying for control of the throne of England. They will use their noble retainers to bring the enemy to battle, influence nobles to vote their way in Parliament, and wield their influence to gain the support of the landed gentry.
This will be a homegrown, experimental game based on the
GMT game, Crown of Roses. Certain current PC games got me thinking about overlaying an RPG onto a wargame. After mulling over which time period to choose, from Rome to the future of space, I fondly remembered how I loved executing other Houses' Royal Heirs in my bid to rule England and how this war lends itself so well to deceit and backstabbing.
I have basically stripped the game down to a skeleton of core concepts and hid them behind my GM curtain. The players will not be overly exposed to rules and number crunching, as in most wargames, but will be freer to concentrate on the strategies and interactions that real-life leaders deal with. Fog of war, uncertain alliances, untrustworthy underlings and fortuitous, or disastrous, events will be the feast upon the table. The majority of RP will occur between the players. I will, of course, control the other Nobles but will not fully RP some 30 characters. They will be very short on interactions and discussions. Expect many "Aye, M'Lord" & "Ney, M'Lord" responses.
Turns will represent 1-2 years of game world time and I believe the game will go 20 turns. The game may last anywhere from a number of weeks to a number of months of real time, depending on player activity and host brain damage.
As to whether this will work or not is anyone's guess but I believe it will at least be fun.
Now grab that sword, kiss your maiden and ride like hell to the sound of battle!
The usurpers must be crushed!
The Crown of England is at stake!!!This will be a Play-By-Post Game for 4 players, participants determined from sign-ups.
Please sign-up in red.
You may also post which House you may wish to play or not.
(See document below)
Participants will be determined randomly.
PM's are allowed, if not required, between players.
All messages between players must include the host.[PLAYER DOC]
The Roll of Parliament
Bonus Influence represents which Houses that Noble leans toward. The more roses, the more he favors that House. Some do favor more than one House.
Red roses favor Lancaster.
White roses favor York.
Yellow roses favor Buckingham.
Blue roses favor Warwick.
Influence Threshold represents that Noble's ease at which he can be swayed. The lower, the easier. The higher, the tougher.
Command represents how adept a military leader that Noble is. The higher, the better.
Rank represents how politically influential that Noble is. The higher, the better.
Nobles that become Royal Heirs cannot be Influenced away from their House.
All Royal Heirs are Nobles but not all Nobles are Royal Heirs.
Clarence, a Yorkist Noble, can become an Heir later in the game, if the situation is right, namely a number dead Yorkist Heirs. He may be Intrigued or Influenced by any player until he becomes the Senior Yorkist Heir.
Heirs, Nobles and Offices
The images above represent the strength and quality of the troops each Heir, Noble and Office carries. The top of each block is the full strength of that participant. As they take losses, the weaker strengths clockwise on the block are used.
Note, some have more available steps around their block, representing more troops. Eg. Norfolk has 4 steps while Scrope has only 2.
The color of the dice represent the quality of the troops. Red dice are the strongest, (hitting on a 4-6), blue are the middle, (hitting on a 5 or 6) and green are the weakest, (hitting on a 6 only).
The numbers on the bottom of the blocks are the same as the Command and Rank mentioned in The Roll of Parliament spoiler above.
Crown of Roses Board
We will use this board as a reference as to where units are currently positioned, where Home Estates are located and which Shires are held by which Houses. The color of the numbered box in each Shire represents to which House that Shire belongs. Colors are defined in The Roll of Parliament spoiler above as well as on the board legend. This is important for determining Economic Victory; i.e. holding Shires during the game.
Please ignore the tracks on the map, as we will not be using them.
Estate Locations of Nobles Highlighted on Map
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Though I will have very limited internet from the 26th-16th
Hell yes to this, partly because I love this type of game, partly because I love this era of history. (Research of potential ancestry often points to this era, there are a few chancellors and knights of my surname originating/living in places I know my family live/originate from).
PSN: TheBrayster_92
I was just about to roll for Houses when The Brayster signed up.
Since Houses may have 2 active Heirs, a senior and a junior, I suppose we could have 2 players for one of the Houses, with those players conferring on actions, or, just 4 players selected from the 5 by die rolls.
Actually, I think 4 players would be best.
I'll roll them soon.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Geth, roll 1d1000 for Phyphor
Geth, roll 1d1000 for Kirindal
Geth, roll 1d1000 for Dex Dynamo
Geth, roll 1d1000 for The Brayster
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Brayster as Lancaster
Phyphor as York
Dex Dynamo as Buckingham
Kirindal as Warwick
Sorry, JusticeforPluto.
I'll PM players with info soon.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Lancaster - red
York - grey
Buckingham - goldenrod
Warwick - dodgerblue
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Awfully nice of you, Dex!
JusticeforPluto is Buckingham.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Nobles and Heirs with multiple estates have been placed randomly.
Office blocks are placed slightly under the possessing Noble.
The color of the blocks isn't necessarily the House to which they belong.
The border outline, which also has the House crest, is what shows to which House they are currently pledged.
Red = Lancaster; White = York; Yellow = Buckingham; Blue = Warwick.
Shrewsbury is not available during Turn 1 for any targeted activities or actions, as indicated by being placed in the Vacant Offices area.
I will begin Turn 1 with any events that may occur.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Since Crown of Roses is a 2 to 4 player game, 2 being Lancaster vs York, they put Buckingham's Heirs and Warwick's Heirs in the Roll, as they could be Influenced if they weren't controlled by a Human player. Since we are playing with 4, those marked with "Senior Heir" or "Heir" are locked into that House.
Clarence, a Yorkist Noble, can become an Heir later in the game, if the situation is right, namely a number dead Yorkist Heirs. He may be Intrigued or Influenced by any player until he becomes the Senior Yorkist Heir.
E - Richard of York can no more be moved from his House than Henry can from his, so there is no need to show them.
EE - Stafford is in waiting on the Buckingham side and is not available to be acted upon.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
If they're not on the map, (including on the Roll), and listed in the Roll, they can't be acted upon.
Consider them too young to be important, as of now.
E - Clarence is in waiting on the Yorkist side and is not available to be acted upon, until he enters the game, unless he enters as an Heir.
Currently, only Nobles that have their block on the map or Roll can be acted upon; eg. Montague & Rivers.
Tan background ("Neutral") Nobles can always be acted upon.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
It's a bit messy.
Here goes.
Rule #1 - If they're not on the Roll, they can't be acted upon.
Rule #2 - If their block is not on the map or the Roll, they can't be acted upon. (Eg. Southwick)
Nobles marked with "Senior Heir" or "Heir" are locked into that House for the game. They represent a single personage and only leave the game at death of some sort.
Nobles of House-colored backgrounds with the Crown marking, (upper-right in their boxes), are available to be acted upon until they become an Heir of that House, once a vacancy becomes available, and are then locked into that House for the game. They will be marked as such. Even if they are under another House's control, they will revert to their original House's cause upon becoming an Heir. They, also, represent a single personage and only leave the game at death of some sort.
No Noble with an Heir counter on his box ever leaves his House's cause, except Clarence, who only is locked in when he becomes the Yorkist Senior Heir.
Nobles of House-colored backgrounds without the Crown marking are heavy-leaners that start alligned with those Houses. They are available to be acted upon always, at a penalty indicated by the roses in their box. They represent a family lineage and do not leave the game at death, (as the son becomes available), although they do become unaligned at that time. They still retain their favoring of certain Houses.
All tan background ("Neutral") Nobles can always be acted upon. They represent a family lineage and do not leave the game at death, (as the son becomes available), although they do become unaligned at that time. They, also, retain their favoring of certain Houses.
Shrewsbury is not available during Turn 1 for any targeted activities or actions, as indicated by being placed in the Vacant Offices area.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Opening events tonight.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Sir Andrew Trollope, a minor noble, pledges to the Lancastrian cause, offering political pull & a few military resources.
(Not represented on the map.)
The Archbishop of Canterbury makes known his favor for the cause of Warwick, offering political assistance.
Turn 1 Orders
Players now may set up their orders for Turn 1.
Inter-player discussion and questions to the GM are, of course, encouraged.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
If one player has blocks in a shire, he controls it.
If multiple players have blocks in a shire, no one controls it.
If no player has blocks in a shire it is controlled by the player whose color is in the shire box, unless it's black. Then no one controls it.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Blocks are the units, at least in the physical game.
Not to get too picky...
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Revisited Influence rules.
Rule #1 - If they're not on the Roll, they can't be acted upon.
Rule #2 - If their block is not on the map or the Roll, they can't be acted upon. (Eg. Southwick)
Rule #3 - Ignore Rule #2!
All Nobles on the Roll can be acted upon, unless they are marked "Senior Heir" or "Heir".
So, Southwick, and others, are available to be talked to until they become an actual Heir.
He likes to chat with others!
Sorry for the confusion.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The Influence/Intrigue "currency" is the same that is used to vote for who gets which of the seven non-Royal Offices.
The more spent here, the less available there.
There will be Parliament this turn, as there is the vacant Office of Lord Treasurer.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Militarily, you basically are ordering your units to move and/or possibly fight, to take Shires or kill enemy units, as well as protect each other and the Heirs. No need to mention defense, as units will defend automatically.
All units of one House in a Shire are considered as one force.
Name the Nobles/Heirs, where you may want them to go and what they may do if they encounter other forces. You may be after a certain enemy Noble or just trying to get to friendlier lands. Intent is what I'm after here. Results occur in the Resolution Phase.
For Influence & Intrigue, you are either trying to convince enemy Nobles to join your side or friendly Nobles to stay on your side.
These are the easier orders.
Just name the Noble target and put an effort level to it, eg. medium.
The Influence/Intrigue "currency" is the same that is used to vote for who gets which of the seven non-Royal Offices. The more spent here, the less available there.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Forgive your court jester's sloth, M'Lords!
Too much strong ale over the weekend...
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Military Orders
Lancaster Moves - Clifford moved to Cumberland and Exeter moved to Buckingham.
York Moves - York moved to Chester and Essex moved to Hertford.
Buckingham Moves - None
Warwick Moves - None
Earl of March joins the York cause in Ireland as the Junior Heir.
Lord Southwick joins the Buckingham cause in Wiltshire as the Junior Heir, (and should/will have an Heir marker on his Roll box.)
Influence & Intrigues
Kent switches to the Lancaster cause in Flint.
Worcester joins the York cause in Hampshire.
Somerset switches to the Warwick cause in Dorset.
The King now chooses the location of Parliament, which is required, as the Office of Treasurer is open.
Players will then list which of their Nobles will attend.
The vote for King is the first order of business.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
In these troubled times, we require strong leadership. I, as son of the senior house of Plantagenet, pledge to you, my loyal retainers, that I will provide the strong leadership required to pull England through these troubled times.
Our Plantagenet Empire in France will not be forgotten. Once we have our own house in order, we will regain the glory of the realm.
I would like to call a parliament in London, and expect all lords to attend as necessary.
PSN: TheBrayster_92
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Henry VI - Senior Heir - King
Exeter - Admiral
Northumberland - Warden
York - Senior Heir - Lt of Ireland
March - Junior Heir
Norfolk - Marshal
Buckingham - Senior Heir - Chancellor
Southwick - Junior Heir
Salisbury - Senior Heir
Warwick - Junior Heir - Cpt of Calais
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
A Senior Heir must be attending Parliament to be considered for The Kingship.
If only one Senior Heir of all four attends, he will be declared King without a vote.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
The gaining of supporters by Influence, Intrigue & Events takes place after the counting of Economic VPs, (total Shires controlled), and the movement to Parliament. This is to ensure that the faction holding shires by Nobles get that credit before they may be turned to another cause. The Player Doc has been adjusted.
What this means for this turn is March - York Junior Heir & Southwick - Buckingham Junior Heir are not in the game yet. They will not be at Parliament and will be placed in their Home Estates afterwards.
The Nobles which switched sides, Kent, Worcester & Somerset, arrive at Parliament, and then announce their changes of heart.
Victory Status
Turns As King
Lancaster = 0
York = 0
Buckingham = 0
Warwick = 0
Economic VPs
Lancaster = 6
York = 10
Buckingham = 7
Warwick = 6
Parliament in London
Lancaster Attending
Henry VI - Senior Heir - King
Lancaster Not Attending
Exeter - Admiral
Northumberland - Warden
York Attending
York - Senior Heir - Lt of Ireland
Norfolk - Marshal
York Not Attending
Buckingham Attending
Buckingham - Senior Heir - Chancellor
Buckingham Not Attending
Warwick Attending
Warwick - Junior Heir - Cpt of Calais
Warwick Not Attending
Salisbury - Senior Heir
Time to vote for King!
Please PM me your selection for a Senior Heir in attendance to act as or remain King.
E - Ties are resolved by the current King.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
With the most support of both Nobles and Commoners, including Warwick's, Richard of York is named Lord Protector!
(King for game purposes.)
Lancaster & Buckingham supported their own Senior Heirs.
York will be giving up his Office of Lt of Ireland.
Voting for Offices is the next point of business.
First up is the Office of Lord Treasurer.
Please PM me the House you will support to claim this Office and how much of your Influence you will put behind it, remembering there are 2 other Offices to vote on, Lt of Ireland & one other to be determined randomly.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1