Hey guys, Q again.
So I've got a ton of pins I don't need...spares, fodder, back up...whatever you want to call it. Old stuff, new stuff, rare stuff, stuff of all kinds. I'm looking to trade all this stuff away, or at least as much as I can. I'm not looking to "trade up", or invest in future trades, I just want to not have to buy everything at Prime this year. So new collectors and old, be on the look out for me, and I'll take just about any deal for upcoming prime pins, especially purchased ones. My pinny pals isn't really up to date, but some of it is. Help me save time at PAX and get yourself some pins to fill in gaps in your collection!
I'm definitely going to be in the merch line day one, that's for certain. Beyond that, I go where the pins are lol. Don't know if you're in the whatsapp chat at all, but a lot of us pin folk use that during PAX for meeting up and sharing information about what's going on during the show.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
It was fun to do.
A lot of pin traders will do that.
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
So... would you trade me your extra DSB Merch for a complete Prime 2015 set? I guess that would be 38 pins. I don't know how I'll do it, but I'm pretty sure I can get them all.
I thought you traded all of yours...
Another year of Prime gone by... commence the struggle!
It means I get to breathe at my home PAX.
I got my DLC, I'm happy.
If you're serious, I'll make that trade.
I think so - it's slightly crazy, since the purchase pins might be over $300, but it'll make a good story.
PM me, I'll even sweeten the deal.
Given the DSB Merch is limited to 500, in time it's likely to be worth at least that much.
Would definitely have wanted to take it, but it looks like happendy has you taken care of! Best of luck!
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Q I'll be looking for you. I have no problem getting some of the pins and trading up
Always looking to trade.
Alot of us are trying to unload are extras.
Best place to catch us all. Line in the morning for merch, Pinny panel and Trading event.
You will see alot of us with a pin bag. Also if you're new. Just ask anyone questions. We are friendly and don't bite. I only get hungry for new pins :pop:
Pinny Pal since PAX Prime 2013
If you see @SerpicoBC and me in the same place, count your lucky stars cuz that's a lot of awesome in a small area.
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
Same goes for the rest of the con too, I'd gladly trade pins to save some cash.
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
OH MY GOD IT'S A FIRE... sale.
You've all seen me try to hock this stuff previously, but this time for real -- everything must go.
EDIT: Going fast, only the DVDs are unclaimed as of now.
http://pinmash.info - Two pins enter, one pins leaves... then the other pin leaves with a lower Elo rating
Trade me pins! - https://pinnypals.com/pals/TheAggroCraig
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)