There has been some debate over the past few days about switching from WhatsApp to Slack. The consensus is we should stop debating and have a vote.
If you have used the community chat you are familiar with WhatsApp and if you would like to investigate Slack you can get an auto invite here:
WhatsApp Vs Slack Comparison
- Price -
WhatsApp - Free Year Trial then $1
Slack - Free
- Device Support -
WhatsApp - Android/iOS/Windows Phone
Slack - Android/iOS/Widows Phone(via IM+)/PC/Mac/Web/IRC/XMPP
- Notifications -
WhatsApp - All or nothing
Slack - Configurable notifications based on user mentions, custom keywords, or every message
- Group Limit -
WhatsApp - 100 (we are currently very close to this number)
Slack - Unlimited
- Search -
WhatsApp - None
Slack - Full Text
- Custom Emoji -
WhatsApp - No
Slack - Yes (Kemper Emoji Anyone?)
- Privacy -
WhatsApp - Requires phone number
Slack - Requires Email
- Outside Integrations -
WhatsApp - No
Slack - Allows custom integrations (Could allow the community members to build out tools that interface with twitter, pinmash, eBay, etc.)
Check out my YouTube Pinny Arcade Videos!
I would rather solicit suggestions on the best client to use. One that is ideally free, cross platform, doesn't display phone numbers, has admins (or controls so people don't wander in), and eliminates the fear of posting in something you already use for work.
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
He's only done that twice to me, and the first time didn't even hurt that much. You can barely see the scars anymore.
How about
- Where is everyone right now? -
WhatsApp - Here
Slack - Not here
- Do you require any of that other stuff? -
Not really
Although I still have to look at Slack.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
In a very serious note, what positives does Whatsapp offer other than "we're here already"? I feel like the "if it's not broke, don't fix it" kind of falls apart here because while it's true we don't REQUIRE the ability to do the stuff Slack offers, it would make it a much more convenient app for some of the people who use it.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
It's okay guys, downloading a new app will NOT, contrary to popular belief, cause the earth to splinter and collapse.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Umm, I have admin privileges? Much like the 2 people who awesome'd my last post do!
We should have made this a public poll so we would know who should be the first against the wall when the revolution happens.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
2015 PAX Prime Omeganaut (I will forever hate Katamari)
I am biased but would love to here about slack drawbacks.
I'm more than willing to make you a mod.
Pinny Pals Lanyard
My big question is about data. Does Slack suck up less data usage than WhatsApp?
You don't need to use slack on your phone, so anytime you're around a computer and want to use it, that will chew up less data. I don't know about strictly data vs data on mobile phones.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I'm in multiple active slack teams and only use whatsapp for Pinny pals.
This month they are both round 10mb of cellular data usage. YMMV
My only gripe with swapping over is the idea of dividing us in any way. I know of a community member, remaining nameless, who already uses slack during work hours and is not allowed to swap to pinny pals during work hours. They will essentially miss out on the time of day most of us are on and talking.
Maybe an odd case, but this may not be the only incident. The argument of "if it aint broke..." means exactly what it says; it aint broke . If we can get everyone over hassle free then im all for it, otherwise, these are my reservations.
Whatsapp web does not work on iOS.
Do we have a third party candidate? Oh no!
In this case, privacy is a valid concern and I completely understand the hesitation for why someone would not want their digits be made public.
I think this has already been resolved, but Slack can be used with ANY XMPP client.
Also, In a months time, we will have to make a decision anyway, because the WhatsApp group will be at 100. What will we do then?
My Digital Pin Lanyard
By the time Prime passes, the WhatsApp group is going to be at max capacity, so we're either going to have to not allow anyone else to be able to chat with us, create some sort of silly waiting list, OR just move to an app that doesn't restrict how many members can be in a group. If the sole purpose of the group is to chat, then we would have to move anyway to include more people!
My Digital Pin Lanyard
I also have regrets about giving out my number. Sure, everyone in the group now has been good folk, but it only takes one rotten apple. When I first joined at south... honestly I probably would have been like "oh, then... no thanks, I don't feel comfortable giving that out" when asked for my phone # if it wasn't Happendy vouching for the group, (I've had problems, and so now I have trust issues. C'est la vie.)
I do also like the idea of something that can be used on a PC - my arthritis is starting to affect my hands and so using the phone keyboards, i find it to be a lot more difficult to type some days than I do on a physical keyboard. And on other days, it's the exact opposite. Plus this doesn't limit people to one or the other, if they don't want to use a PC, they don't have to, or if they don't want to use a mobile device, again that option would be open
Telegram sounds like a competitor, but I have a couple of concerns:
But then your handle is searchable, findable, and spammable by everyone, or so the FAQ seems to imply. Can we set public and private usernames? that is, username is dsbb1234 but it displays only in the group as sary?
Additionally, Telegram has a limit of 200. The additional 100 people will probably last us until next year, sure... but then we'd have to have this conversation again, no?
PAX East 2012 Omeganaut. Awesomest. Time. Ever.
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Aside from that, the #1 thing I prefer about Slack is that it can be accessed from just about anywhere using whatever method you like.
I may be mistaken, but the person who cannot use it, there is actually a workaround using other XMPP clients!
My Digital Pin Lanyard
Just use a different email address and they won't be linked in any way at all. If you use gmail, you can put a + after your email to solve this problem
xyz@gmail and xyz+pinnypals@gmail will go to the same place, but separates them in the systems apps use to connect accounts
edit: although I'm now thinking about this and is the problem that they use slack on their phone for work and that would be the thing that's hard to swap?
edit again: I now get that I am probably right with my previous edit! hooray for other xmpp clients!
Pfft, these things never last. Like pirates vs ninjas, cake vs pie, and vi vs emacs before it, people will identify the proper choice and everyone will be happy.
But I'll join whatever is decided upon eventually probably
I think XMPP support also makes it significantly more inclusive, since there's clients for every platform. You can probably run it on your toaster.
Hah! How does it feel!?
Pinny Pals Lanyard