Forbidden Stars puts you in command of massive armies battling to claim the Herakon Cluster at any cost. In every game, you and your opponents build up your forces, expand your strategic options, and clash on the field of glorious battle. You’ll deliver orders to your troops on a strategic level and command your armies through tense tactical battles as you fight to claim your objectives. The first player to capture his objective tokens is the victor, but your opponents will undoubtedly defend them against you. You’ll need all your strategic skill to outwit and outmaneuver your opponents and claim the Herakon Cluster!
Space Marines
Starting combat cards:
Ambush - Offence - Gain 2 Offence tokens. | Scout/Strike Cruiser: When an enemy unit is routed during this execution round, it is destroyed unless your opponent spends 1 Morale die.
Blessed Power Armour - Defence - Gain 2 Defence tokens. | Bastion/Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Convert up to 2 of your dice into Defence dice.
Faith in the Emperor - Morale - Gain 1 die. | Scout/Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Either rally 1 of your units or gain 1 Morale die.
Fury of the Ultramar - Offence - Your opponent rerolls 1 Defence die. Then you may reroll 1 Defence die. | Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Force your opponent to lose either 1 Defence die or 2 Defence tokens.
Reconnaissance - Defence - If you are attacking, look at your opponent's facedown combat card. Gain either 2 Offence tokens or 2 Defence tokens. | Scout/Strike Cruiser: Spend 1 Morale die to retreat 1 of your units.
Combat cards:
Drop Pod Assault - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Defence - Gain 1 die. | Space Marine: Spend 1 Morale die to take either 1 Scout or 1 Space Marine from any world and place it on this world.
Glory and Death - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Morale - Gain 2 Offence tokens. If you are attacking, rally 1 of your units.| Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Force your opponent to lose either 1 Defence die or 1 Morale die.
Hold the Line - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Defence, Morale - Gain 2 Defence tokens. If you are defending, rally 1 of your units.| Bastion/Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Gain 1 Defence die or 1 Morale die.
Veteran Scouts - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Morale - For each Morale die you have, gain either 1 Offence token or 1 Defence token. | Scout/Strike Cruiser: Spend any number of Morale dice. For each Morale die you spend, retreat 1 of your units.
Show No Fear - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Defence, Defence, Morale - During this execution round, your units cannot become routed. | Bastion/Space Marine/Strike Cruiser: Spend 1 Morale die to rally all of your units.
Armoured Advance - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Defence - Gain 1 die. | Land Raider/Battle Barge: Resolve 1 additional assess damage step during this execution round.
Break the Line - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Defence - Spend up to 3 Morale dice. For each Morale die you spend gain either Offence die or Defence die. | Land Raider/Battle Barge: Your opponent chooses and discards one of his faceup combat cards.
Emperor's Glory - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Defence, Defence, Morale, Morale - Gain 2 dice. | Warlord Titan/Battle Barge: Rally all of your units. Then convert any of your dice into Morale dice.
Emperor's Might - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Offence - Gain 2 dice. | Warlord Titan/Battle Barge: Spend any number of Offence dice. For each Offence die you spend gain 2 Offence tokens.
Crusade - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Advance - When you start a combat with this order in a system in which you have no friendly worlds, gain 1 reinforcement token.
Direct The Faithful - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Strategize - When you reveal this order, you may replace 1 of your structures in this system with a different structure.
Drop Pods - Level 2, 3 Materiels - Orbital Strike - Enemy bastions do not prevent this orbital strike. During this orbital strike, you may spend 2 Defence dice to place 1 free Space Marine on the world. This can start a combat after this orbital strike.
Rain Of Fire - Level 0, 1 Materiel - Orbital Strike - During this orbital strike, gain 1 die, and you may convert 1 of your Morale die into 1 Offence die.
Recruitment Worlds - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Deploy - When resolving this order, you may treat all your bastions in the active system as factories, reducing your deploy limit by 1 for each bastion you have in this system.
Starting combat cards:
Dark Faith - Morale - Gain 1 Morale die. | Cultist/Iconoclast: If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, place 1 free Cultist on another friendly or uncontrolled world in this system.
Foul Worship - Defence - Gain 1 die. | Cultist/Iconclast: If your opponent has at least 1 routed unit, gain 1 Defence token for each unrouted Cultist or Iconclast.
Impure Zeal - Offence, Defence - If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, rally 1 of your units. | Cultist/Iconclast: Gain 1 Offence token for each unrouted Cultist or Iconclast unless your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units.
Khorne's Rage - Offence - Spend 1 Offence die to gain 3 Offence tokens. | Chaos Space Marine/Iconclast: Your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units unless he spends 1 Defence die.
Lure of Chaos - Morale - Your opponent may choose and rout 1 of his units to gain 1 die. If he does not, place 1 free Cultist or Iconclast in this area. | Cultist/Iconclast: Gain either 2 Offence tokens or 2 Defence tokens.
Combat cards:
Mark of Khorne - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Offence - Spend either 1 Offence die or 1 Morale die to gain 3 Offence tokens. | Chaos Space Marine/Iconclast: Your opponent chooses and destroys 1 of his routed units unless he spends 1 Defence die.
Mark of Nurgle - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Defence, Defence - Spend either 1 Defence die or 1 Morale die to gain 3 Defence tokens. | Chaos Space Marine/Iconclast: Gain 2 Defence tokens unless your opponent chooses and destroys 1 of his routed units.
Mark of Slaanesh - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Defence - Gain 1 die. If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units. | Chaos Space Marine: If your opponent has at least 1 routed unit, place 1 free Cultist on this world.
Mark of Tzeentch - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Morale, Morale - Gain 1 Morale die. If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, replace 1 of your Cultists on this world with 1 free Chaos Space Marine. | Chaos Space Marine/Iconclast: Spend up to 2 Morale dice. For each Morale die you spend, gain either 1 Offence token or 1 Defence token.
Chaos United - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Morale -Your opponent may choose and rout 1 of his units. If he does not, gain 1 Offence die, 1 Defence die or 1 Morale die. | Cultist/Chaos Space Marine/Helbrute: Take 1 of your units from any world and place it on this world. This unit's command level cannot exceed the number of Cultists in this system.
Daemonic Resilience - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Defence, Defence, Morale - Gain either 1 Defence die or 1 Morale die. | Helbrute/Grand Cruiser: Gain 4 Defence tokens unless your opponent chooses and destroys 1 of his units.
Inhuman Strength - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Morale - Gain either 1 Offence die or 1 Morale die. | Helbrute/Grand Cruiser: Destroy 1 of your units to gain 4 Offence tokens.
Chaos Victorious - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Morale - Gain 2 dice. If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, rout all of his command level 0 units. | Chaos Titan/Grand Cruiser: Rout 1 of your opponent units.
Death and Despair - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Morale - Gain either 2 Offence dice or 2 Morale dice. Spend any number of Morale dice. For each Modale die you spend, destroy 1 command level 0 unit. | Chaos Titan/Grand Cruiser: If you have more Morale dice than your opponent, destroy 1 of your opponent's routed units.
Complete Destruction - Level 2, 3 Materiels - Orbital Strike - Enemy bastions do not prevent this orbital strike. During this orbital strike, you may spend 2 Defence die to force your opponent to choose and destroy either 1 structure or 1 unit on this world.
Dread Ritual - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Deploy - After you resolve this order, you may purchase 1 unit of command level 2 or less, reducing its materiel cost by 1 for each Cultist in the active system.
Favour Of The Dark Gods - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Strategize - When you reveal this order token, you may place 2 of your order tokens from your play area onto the top or your event deck.
Fear From Above - Level 0, 1 Materiel - Orbital Strike - During this orbital strike, gain 1 die, and you may spend 1 Morale die to force your opponent to rout any unit that suffers damage during this orbital strike.
From The Warp - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Advance - While resolving this order, your ships can move through Warp Storms.
Starting combat cards:
ard Boyz - Defence, Defence - You must reroll all of your Offence dice. | Ork Boyz: Your opponent must reroll 1 Offence die for each unrouted Ork Boyz.
Gretchin - no icons - Gain 1 Offence token and 1 Defence token. Your opponent rerolls 1 die of your choice. | Onslaught: Destroy 1 Onslaught to force your opponent to choose and destroy 1 of his units.
Mek Boyz - Morale - Gain 1 die. | Ork Boyz/Onslaught: Your opponent discards the top card of his combat deck. You gain that card's combat icons until the end of this execution round.
Shoota Boyz - Offence, Offence - You must reroll all of your Defence dice. | Ork Boyz: Your opponent must reroll 1 Defence die for each unrouted Ork Boyz.
Slugga Boyz - Offence, Defence - You and your opponent must reroll all of Morale dice. | Ork Boyz: Rally 1 of your units.
Combat cards:
Waaagh!!!! - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Morale, Morale, Morale - Rally 1 of your units. | Ork Boyz/Onslaught: Gain 1 Offence token for each unrouted Ork Boyz or Onslaught.
Biker Nobz - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Defence - Your opponent must reroll all Offence dice. | Nob/Onslaught: Gain 1 Offence token.
Sea of Green - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Defence - Place 1 free reinforcement token in this area. If you have more unrouted units than your opponent, your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units unless he spends 1 Morale die.
Mega Nobz - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Defence - Your opponent must reroll all Defence dice. | Nob/Onslaught: Gain 1 Defence token.
Weirdboyz - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Morale -You and your opponent must rerol all dice | Ork Boyz/Onslaught: During this combat, each time your opponent gains Offence tokens, you gain an equal number of Offence tokens. Each time your opponent gains Defence tokens, you gain an equal number of Defence tokens.
Party Wagon - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Defence - Place 1 free reinforcement token in this area. | Battle Wagon/Kill Kroozer: If you have more unrouted units than your opponent, gain 2 Offence tokens and 2 Defence tokens.
Rokkit Wagon - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Offence -Battle Wagon/Kill Krooser: Gain 3 Offence tokens. Your opponent may retreat 1 of his units.
Smasher Gargant - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Defence, Defence, Defence - Gargant/Kill Kroozer: Choose 1 of your opponent's units. Destroy that unit unless your opponent spends dice equal to the chosen unit's command level.
Snapper Gargant - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Offence, Offence, Defence - Gargant/Kill Kroozer: Discard 1 of your opponent's faceup combat cards.
Lootin'! - Level 0, 1 Materiel - Orbital Strike - During this orbital strike, gain 1 die, and you may spend 1 die of your choice to gain 1 materiel and force your opponent to lose 1 materiel.
Ork Roks - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Advance - While resolving this order, you may move up to 2 of your units through 1 uncontrolled void as if it were a friendly area.
Stealin'! - Level 2, 3 Materiels - Orbital Strike - Enemy bastions do not prevent this orbital strike. During this orbital strike, you may spend 1 Morale die to choose and discard 1 of your opponent's asset tokens. Then you gain that asset token.
The Green Tide - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Strategize - When you reveal this order, you may resolve it as if it were an Advance, Dominate, or Deploy Order instead.
Werk Fasta! - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Deploy - When resolving this order, you may purchase your structure before purchasing any units.
Starting combat cards:
Command of the Autarch - no icons - Either rally 1 of your units or gain 1 Morale die. Play 1 combat card from your hand. Do not resolve its abilities, but gain its combat icons during this combat.
Hit and Run - Offence - Gain 2 Offence tokens. | Aspect Warrior/Frigate: Spend 1 Morale die to move 1 of your units to an ajacent friendly or uncontrolled area.
Howling Banshees - Offence - Gain 1 die. | Aspect Warrior/Frigate: Spend 1 Morale die to force your opponent to choose and rout 1 of his units.
Ranger Support - Defence, Morale - If you are attacking, gain 1 Offence token and 1 Defence token. If you are defending, you may retreat 1 of your units.
Striking Scorpions - Defence - Gain 1 die. | Aspect Warrior/Frigate: Your opponent loses 1 die of his choice.
Combat cards:
Fire Dragon's Vengeance - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Offence - If you are attacking, your opponent cannot gain Defence tokens during this execution round. | Aspect Warrior/Frigate: Gain 2 Defence tokens.
Swooping Hawks - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Defence, Defence - If you are defending, your opponent loses 3 Offence tokens. | Aspect Warrior/Frigate: Spend 1 Morale die to gain 2 Offence tokens.
Wraithguard Advance - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Offence, Morale - Gain either 1 die or 1 Morale die. Convert up to 2 of your Defence dice into Offence dice. | Wraithguard/Frigate/Void Stalker: Your opponent chooses and routs 1 of his units unless he spends 1 Morale die.
Wraithguard Support - Level 0, 2 Materiels - Defence, Morale - Gain either 1 die or 1 Morale die. Convert up to 2 of your Offence dice into Defence dice. | Wraithguard/Frigate/Void Stalker: Spend 1 Morale die to rally 1 of your units.
Fire Prism - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Offence, Defence - Convert any number of Morale dice into Offence dice. | Falcon/Void Stalker: If you are attacking, gain 2 Offence tokens. If you are defending, force your opponent to lose 5 Defence tokens.
Spiritseer's Guidance - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Morale - Gain 1 Morale die. Rout 1 of your units. If you do, units cannot suffer any damage during this execution round.
Wave Serpent - Level 2, 4 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Defence - Gain 1 die. Gain 3 Defence tokens unless your opponent spends 1 Morale die. | Falcon/Void Stalker: Spend 1 Morale die to move any number of your command level 0 and command level 1 units to an ajacent area. This can start a new combat after resolving this combat.
Holofield Emitter - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence, Defence, Defence, Morale - Gain 1 die. Draw 1 combat card. | Warlock Titan/Void Stalker: Play 1 combat card from your hand. Do not resolve its abilities, but gain its combat icons during this combat.
Psychic Lance - Level 3, 6 Materiels - Offence,Offence, Defence - Gain 1 die. Your opponent discards 1 random combat card from his hand. | Warlock Titan/Void Stalker: Gain 4 Offence tokens unless your opponent allows you to choose and discard 1 of his faceup combat cards.
Corsair Raid - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Advance - After you resolve a combat while resolving this order, you may perform 1 orbital strike in the active system.
Farseers - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Strategize - You may resolve this order even if you do not have any units in the active system.
Strafing Run - Level 2, 3 Materiels - Orbital Strike - Enemy bastions do not prevent this orbital strike. During this orbital strike, you may spend 2 Defence die to move any of your ships in the active system to 1 friendly or uncontrolled void in an ajacent system.
Tactical Strike - Level 0, 1 Materiel - Orbital Strike - During this orbital strike, gain 1 die, and you may spend 1 Morale die to choose 1 enemy unit on the world. That unit must suffer damage first during this orbital strike.
Wraithbone Singers - Level 1, 2 Materiels - Deploy - When you purchase a structure while resolving this order, you may place that structure on a friendly world that contains exactly 1 different structure.
The game uses custom combat dice. We will use the forum dice roller treating its results as below:
1-3: Offence
4-5: Defence
6: Morale
If you wish to play, please sign up. State the faction preference and if you wish to use the recommended first game board setup or wish to build the sector youself.
Note that I've not played the game and not sure how it will work if PBP format. Sign up on your own risk
Preferential Eldar Sign UP!
Now I'll go see the rules...
I'll totally give up my spot if someone else wants in.
Preferences: Eldar, Chaos, Orcs, Space Marines.
Any faction
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
@Preda as Eldar
@JusticeforPluto as Space Marines
@jakobagger as Chaos
@stever777 as Orks
I assume everyone wish to build the sector
Now I'm rolling d100 to determine the turn order.
Geth roll 1d100 for JusticeForPluto
Geth roll 1d100 for jakobagger
Geth roll 1d100 for stever777
Preda is the first player.
3 Aspect Warriors
1 Wraithguard
2 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
6 Materiel
Space Marines
4 Scouts
1 Space Marine
1 Strike Cruiser
1 Factory
6 Materiel
4 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
1 Reinforcement token
6 Materiel
2 Cultists
2 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
6 Materiel
3 tiles
3 Aspect Warriors
1 Wraithguard
2 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Space Marines Space Marines Orks Orks Chaos Chaos
Space Marines
3 tiles
4 Scouts
1 Space Marine
1 Strike Cruiser
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Orks Orks Chaos Chaos
3 tiles
4 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Chaos Chaos
3 tiles
2 Cultists
2 Chaos Space Marines
1 Ironclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Orks Orks
Now, starting with @Preda, we build the sector. On your turn you:
- Place a tile (indicate which side and orientation)
- You MAY place some of your forces/buildings on it
- You MUST place objective on every free space on it
I place 7B.
Than I place one Space Marine objective on Therall and a Chaos Objective on Aymaan. No forces.
@JusticeforPluto to place next. Your system bust be next to mine in any direction you like.
I've added starting combat cards and upgrades for each faction to the starting post. FYI.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Play 6A to the South of 7B
Place an Eldar objective on Annieth and a Chaos objective on Kaunas.
Place an Ork Boy on each world.
Make some Chaos!
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
2 tiles
3 Aspect Warriors
1 Wraithguard
2 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Space Marines Orks Orks Chaos
Space Marines
2 tiles
2 Scouts
1 Space Marine
1 Strike Cruiser
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Orks Chaos Chaos
2 tiles
2 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Chaos
3 tiles
2 Cultists
2 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Orks Orks
Place 2A east of 6A
Place a Chaos Marine, a cultist and aSpace Marine objective on. . .Pergam? The bigger planet. Place an ork objective on Laodicea.
Things to place:
2 tiles
3 Aspect Warriors
1 Wraithguard
2 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Space Marines Orks Orks Chaos
Space Marines
2 tiles
2 Scouts
1 Space Marine
1 Strike Cruiser
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Orks Chaos Chaos
2 tiles
2 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Chaos
2 tiles
1 Cultists
1 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Orks
Island. Being on fire.
I have had two practice games of FS so far. Still havn't seen Eldar played, so will be following the game
Island. Being on fire.
Ork objective and Aspect warior on Zialja Space Marine Objective and Aspect warior on Savarga. Hellebore Frigate on upper /right void.
@JusticeforPluto to place next. You can't place south of 4B or north of 5B, we've already reached the limit of the sector.
Things to place:
1 tile
1 Aspect Warrior
1 Wraithguard
1 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Orks Chaos
Space Marines
2 tiles
2 Scouts
1 Space Marine
1 Strike Cruiser
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Orks Chaos Chaos
2 tiles
2 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Chaos
2 tiles
1 Cultists
1 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Orks
There will be a grid system as soon as we define actual borders of the sector. Currenlty you may reference tiles by their numbers.
Things to place:
1 tile
1 Aspect Warrior
1 Wraithguard
1 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Orks Chaos
Space Marines
1 tile
Objective tokens: Orks Chaos
2 tiles
2 Ork Boyz
1 Nob
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Space Marines Space Marines Chaos
2 tiles
1 Cultists
1 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Orks
Play 11A to the North of 6A, not rotating.
Place an Eldar objective on Vimur and a Space Marines objective on Gelsenkirchen.
Place Factory & a Nob on Vimur and an Ork Boy on Gelsenkirchen.
The Black Hole of Cygnus X-1
Things to place:
1 tile
1 Aspect Warrior
1 Wraithguard
1 Helebore Frigates
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Orks Chaos
Space Marines
1 tile
Objective tokens: Orks Chaos
1 tile
1 Ork Boyz
Objective tokens: Space Marines Chaos
2 tiles
1 Cultists
1 Chaos Space Marines
1 Iconclast Destroyer
1 Factory
Objective tokens: Eldar Eldar Space Marines Orks
Place factory and chaos marine on Saronne, Cultist on Nebiru, Iconoclast destroyer in void. Orc objective on Lux, Eldar objective on Nebiru.