Alright, so, there is this one map that I cannot for the life of me remember the name of, and it's irritating the hell out of me, because I loved that map dearly.
It was an asymmetrical map, fairly large, with both bases on either end a forested canyon with dark grey/black rock walls, with a 'hill' in the middle. The red base was more like a bunker, while the blue base was mostly above ground.
I want to say it had some kind of pretentious name (think The Last Command in the vanilla game), but I can't say for certain.
I played a lot of UT in college, but I don't have a great recall of most individual maps.
Look through this:
I downloaded Disposable Heroes but it's waaay too wintery. It was green, lush, and narrow as I recall.
EDIT: If it helps I remember it being dimly lit, with a starry skybox.
Not really seeing much unfortunately.
How about CTF River's Bend?
but they're listening to every word I say