One of the most common requests we’ve heard ever since introducing Timewalking was for there to be some way to obtain an Infinite Dragonflight mount, since it’d fit perfectly with the theme of time manipulation, aside from being just plain cool-looking. We agree. Inspired by Murozond, the final boss of the End Time dungeon that is included in the Cataclysm Timewalking rotation, the Infinite Timereaver will be a rare drop from any dungeon boss during all of the Timewalking events.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
Guys paladin tanking...
What the fuck did they do to this? There are procs for fucking DAYS, I never ever die because I get 5% HP of absorb every single fucking GCD it feels like with Avenger's Shield resetting, and on top of that I don't even have 4pc tier yet!
One of the most common requests we’ve heard ever since introducing Timewalking was for there to be some way to obtain an Infinite Dragonflight mount, since it’d fit perfectly with the theme of time manipulation, aside from being just plain cool-looking. We agree. Inspired by Murozond, the final boss of the End Time dungeon that is included in the Cataclysm Timewalking rotation, the Infinite Timereaver will be a rare drop from any dungeon boss during all of the Timewalking events.
That thing is baller as fuck.
Finally got a hold of my raid leader over the weekend, and confirmed he's done with the game; at least for the time being. Which sucks. I did need a short time away, to take a deep breath.
@Styrofoam Sammich I have a fairly high ilvl, but I was able to solo MSV 10 Normal; at least up to/through Elegon. Even 10H is too much damage, etc going out for me to get past the puppies as a solo. The third boss can be a dick punch if you don't have the burst+sustainability to get him down before the unseen adds damage you too much.
I haven't tried ToT, but I feel it's a bit more receptive to soloing than early MSV. I could be completely wrong, though.
What the fuck did they do to this? There are procs for fucking DAYS, I never ever die because I get 5% HP of absorb every single fucking GCD it feels like with Avenger's Shield resetting, and on top of that I don't even have 4pc tier yet!
I pissed off a DK friday because I threw on SoR, popped the tank ring, then fucking spammed avengers shield for 40 seconds.
I think I had something like 180k dps at the end of it.
not a doctor, not a lawyer, examples I use may not be fully researched so don't take out of context plz, don't @ me
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
Woo, guild killed Normal Archi last night. Crazy how much improvement we made just from the start of the night to the end. Ragtag group of old heads coming back to the game after various long periods off, but it's been a fun couple of weeks plowing into HFC. On to heroic.
Person I knew in the guild, the only person I really knew, has quit WoW to focus on RL stuff. So I'll probably be following suit until maybe Legion, but maybe not depending on how it looks at Blizzcon. Been thinking about it for a while, since I've only ever been brought to progression on Mythic Kormrok and sat until a fight's on farm everywhere else. Not to mention being passed over for loot because the other two DK's did more DPS than I did because they got more gear because yada yada yada. So I'm not happy with the guild and now I have nothing to keep me there.
More time to focus on writing and other games I suppose.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
I don't know why you didn't leave for a different Mythic guild.
I don't know why you didn't leave for a different Mythic guild.
It would require switching servers or factions, neither of which I want to do. I would also need to be treating it like a job and seeking out guilds to write applications for, when I'm already burning out on WoW in general.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
I mean ages ago, when the problems were peaking, really.
I mean ages ago, when the problems were peaking, really.
Because treating WoW like a job is how I burned out the first time. I had already told myself after lucking into my friend's guild that if it didn't work out then that would be it, I would not continue past that out of stubborness in the sunk cost.
HalfmexI mock your value systemYou also appear foolish in the eyes of othersRegistered Userregular
edited October 2015
That's basically what has prevented me from doing anything beyond LFR in Pandaria and WoD. My raid group in our guild fell apart in Cataclysm and the guild as a whole all but stopped raiding toward the end of Pandaria, so I just made the decision to roll solo from then on. I just don't have it in me to join yet another guild, not just for the bureaucracy of the application and review process but going out and attempting to forge and establish new bonds with more people who will eventually stop playing anyway.
That's what sort of bums me out about the genre as a whole, because while I love the whole 'persistent world' aspect of MMOs, the social requirements have proven to be really troublesome to maintain, at least in my experience (both as a member and as a leader). Frankly I'm not sure how to get around that issue without really changing or outright eliminating the social aspect as a whole though.
like we're 11/13 and had to cancel raid(s) again this week due to attendance; I assure you, the process of apping to moderately progressed guilds is really not anything more than 'oh you want to do mythics with us? Well either transfer and you're in next week, or come to an alt raid if you wanna make sure we aren't awful'
hold your head high soldier, it ain't over yet
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
Yeah the applicant forms are really just an idiot test to weed out chuckle fucks who write one word answers and clearly have no brain. If you show the slightest hint of being a functional human being it's a done deal
Still costs money to transfer though. If the guild is going to foot the bill then hell yeah but if you're starting to feel burnt out, don't really want to play without your friend, and don't want to spend money to change servers/spend the time to level a new character up to raiding level on the new server then you're just going to say "fuck it."
not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're in the thick of mythic raiding, you are way too close to the whole thing to get why application forms become the nail in the coffin of "fuck man, this is just becoming a chore"
'treating it like a job' is sticking in a meh situation with people you don't really like because at least you're getting a 'paycheck.'
I really wonder what types of jobs people are applying for that spending 5-10 minutes on a webform seems like such a burdensome process
Treating it like a job as in applying to all sorts of guilds while:
-Researching my class on my own time. Did you know Skullflower isn't updating anymore so there is no major authority on DK's to straighten out various things? I sure do.
-Being raid ready on my own time. I did daily quests in Tanaan to get that infinite rune from Exalted with the Prophet faction, maxed Cooking, maxed Fishing, made 125 stat food from fishing (which I hate), maxed Alchemy on another toon, maxed JC, maxed Enchanting on a different toon, and otherwise made sure I had the materials/recipes needed to be self-sustaining for raid pots/flasks/food/enchants.
-Researching raid fights on my own time. Yes there's Fatboss stuff, but I need to pause and rewind every so often to absorb all of what's happening in the fight. And I had to watch all videos for Heroic and then start watching all videos for Mythic.
-Running Heroic over and over and over and over again to get that ring upgrade off Archi weekly and a shot at the Horn from Mannoroth (which went to the new DK who bumped me out of Mythic progression even though he had one but this one was Warforged).
-Raiding for three nights a week for three hours a night with one break in those three hours.
-While dealing with the clowns in Mumble who got a special channel called the Cone of Shame because they wouldn't shut up during fights.
-Being willing to wipe over and over and over again because people are treating Heroic as a joke and slacking on mechanics and I can't say a thing about it.
-Being willing to sit outside the raid for three hours on the bench because Mythic Council demands five healers and melee are first to be cut, then not being brought back in for Kilrogg.
-Being willing to be the "trial" in any new guild I start over in, where I do work for no reward for an indeterminate amount of time.
That's what I mean by treating it like a job. It consumes too much of my free time already and would consume even more if I were to transfer to another server to raid.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're in the thick of mythic raiding, you are way too close to the whole thing to get why application forms become the nail in the coffin of "fuck man, this is just becoming a chore"
I raid Heroic once a week and have not touched mythic. I'm not in the thick of anything.
not to put too fine a point on it, but if you're in the thick of mythic raiding, you are way too close to the whole thing to get why application forms become the nail in the coffin of "fuck man, this is just becoming a chore"
It's not at all. What would be a chore is wasting a spot and time with a trial that turns out to either be a bad player mechanically, or just have a horrible and offensive personality and poisons the morale of the group all because they didn't take 5 minutes just to tell us about their self in a quick application first.
I'm also in a 11/13M guild and our application form is basically
"How did you hear about us and why do you want to join?"
"If you're leaving a guild tell us about them and what made you choose to leave"
"Describe your on tier raiding experience and which classes/roles you played."
"Tell us more about yourself personally, crack a joke, mention any other interests or hobbies, just give us an idea of the person behind the character."
Like, that's it. You can link a parse from a log you're proud of, but we don't require it.
Correct me if I'm wrong. Aren't cross-server Mythic runs supposed to start in 6.2.3? So then it just comes down to whether you can make the raid time and the Mumble/Vent chatter doesn't make your ears bleed.
I would actually be interested in a Heroic farm raid, if it didn't take place on a weekend.
Kai_SanCommonly known as Klineshrike!Registered Userregular
I think the thing many people are downplaying with how hard it is to find a new guild, is the fact that you likely aren't going to find the one you join right off the bat. It is going to take research to find looking guilds, then research within the guild to see how they are, and possibly even trials to REALLY see how they are. And it still might fail and be WORSE than the one you just left. So more wasted time.
I can easily see how someone wavering on the edge of interest could find that a little too much to add on to everything.
I will put zero effort into finding groups and will only queue, but once I'm in I will do my best to pull my weight or otherwise ensure everyone's success. Nothing will ever change that, so even a "5 minute application" is subjectively too much. Who I am means nothing if I don't plan to talk or otherwise interact with anyone.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
I will put zero effort into finding groups and will only queue, but once I'm in I will do my best to pull my weight or otherwise ensure everyone's success. Nothing will ever change that, so even a "5 minute application" is subjectively too much. Who I am means nothing if I don't plan to talk or otherwise interact with anyone.
Well, at that point, guilds aren't for you anyway, so it is probably something that's never going to be of much relevance for you.
I will put zero effort into finding groups and will only queue, but once I'm in I will do my best to pull my weight or otherwise ensure everyone's success. Nothing will ever change that, so even a "5 minute application" is subjectively too much. Who I am means nothing if I don't plan to talk or otherwise interact with anyone.
Well, at that point, guilds aren't for you anyway, so it is probably something that's never going to be of much relevance for you.
If I ever want to raid it will matter, because I'd either have to app to a guild or "app" to some random person in the group finder. This is made worse and worse every time they make LFR less desirable. I really hope Legion isn't more 'raid or die' like WoD was after MoP awesomely wasn't.
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
edited October 2015
Keep in mind that apping to a guild can mean a lot of different things. The last person we accepted to our guild (a one-night-per-week Heroic clearing guild) didn't even get around to doing a written app. We chatted briefly in whispers after I advertised in trade chat, I explained what our guild was about, he talked about what he was looking for, he came along on our next Sunday raid and performed well. We extended an invite and he's been here for the last two weeks since then.
If you want to do mythic raiding, then by necessity the guilds doing that content are going to be a little more selective (usually). But below that, there's all sorts, so I'm not sure why you're so ready to dismiss every guild.
Sorry, I definitely understand cutting edge guilds apping. That makes total sense. And yes, there are exceptions. I just personally don't want to spend a second trying to decide if a guild is "right for me." I just want to group up with people pulling their weight and kill stuff, and until you've spent some time with a guild there's no way to personally know if they are worth your time (or if you are worth theirs). So I just entirely abstain and content keeps getting taken from me more or less =/. Or rather, added less than in the past.
SteevLWhat can I do for you?Registered Userregular
Finally! According to the wowwiki, Hallow's End has been in the game for 10 years now. I was definitely there for the first few, but I didn't play WoW as much in recent years and missed a few. So glad I'm done with trying to get this particular mount.
Sorry, I definitely understand cutting edge guilds apping. That makes total sense. And yes, there are exceptions. I just personally don't want to spend a second trying to decide if a guild is "right for me." I just want to group up with people pulling their weight and kill stuff, and until you've spent some time with a guild there's no way to personally know if they are worth your time (or if you are worth theirs). So I just entirely abstain and content keeps getting taken from me more or less =/. Or rather, added less than in the past.
If you want to group up reliably with people pulling their weight, then that is never in a million years going to happen in any content that involves randomly queuing for it. It just won't. And as a result, content you can queue for must always be trivial in difficulty so that you can still clear it even if half the group is moronic.
And then, logically, it follows on that adding substantial rewards to trivial content is not reasonable.
I personally think LFR needs to go back to MoP levels of difficulty, where wiping on LFR fights was commonplace and it often required some semblance of coordination to kill. It was a lot better of an introduction to real raiding. If Blizzard does that, then adding proper rewards back to LFR makes sense. But with it being as easy as it is currently, it'd just be absurd to offer any sort of meaningful reward because at that point you may as well just mail the gear to players. LFR is a time sink, not any sort of challenging activity.
Dhalphir on
Dhalphirdon't you open that trapdooryou're a fool if you dareRegistered Userregular
Is the Horseman's Mount just a flying version of the Fiery Warhorse, or is it different?
There's the Infinite Dragonflight mount.
Nah, that was confirmed as a random drop from any timewalking event.
Well that's even better.
What the fuck did they do to this? There are procs for fucking DAYS, I never ever die because I get 5% HP of absorb every single fucking GCD it feels like with Avenger's Shield resetting, and on top of that I don't even have 4pc tier yet!
That thing is baller as fuck.
Finally got a hold of my raid leader over the weekend, and confirmed he's done with the game; at least for the time being. Which sucks. I did need a short time away, to take a deep breath.
@Styrofoam Sammich I have a fairly high ilvl, but I was able to solo MSV 10 Normal; at least up to/through Elegon. Even 10H is too much damage, etc going out for me to get past the puppies as a solo. The third boss can be a dick punch if you don't have the burst+sustainability to get him down before the unseen adds damage you too much.
I haven't tried ToT, but I feel it's a bit more receptive to soloing than early MSV. I could be completely wrong, though.
I read the words but cannot comprehend their meaning when strung together in this sequence.
I pissed off a DK friday because I threw on SoR, popped the tank ring, then fucking spammed avengers shield for 40 seconds.
I think I had something like 180k dps at the end of it.
You'll take whatever random heals the new dumb smart heals give you and you'll like it.
More time to focus on writing and other games I suppose.
It would require switching servers or factions, neither of which I want to do. I would also need to be treating it like a job and seeking out guilds to write applications for, when I'm already burning out on WoW in general.
Because treating WoW like a job is how I burned out the first time. I had already told myself after lucking into my friend's guild that if it didn't work out then that would be it, I would not continue past that out of stubborness in the sunk cost.
That's what sort of bums me out about the genre as a whole, because while I love the whole 'persistent world' aspect of MMOs, the social requirements have proven to be really troublesome to maintain, at least in my experience (both as a member and as a leader). Frankly I'm not sure how to get around that issue without really changing or outright eliminating the social aspect as a whole though.
I really wonder what types of jobs people are applying for that spending 5-10 minutes on a webform seems like such a burdensome process
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
that's why we call it the struggle, you're supposed to sweat
Treating it like a job as in applying to all sorts of guilds while:
-Researching my class on my own time. Did you know Skullflower isn't updating anymore so there is no major authority on DK's to straighten out various things? I sure do.
-Being raid ready on my own time. I did daily quests in Tanaan to get that infinite rune from Exalted with the Prophet faction, maxed Cooking, maxed Fishing, made 125 stat food from fishing (which I hate), maxed Alchemy on another toon, maxed JC, maxed Enchanting on a different toon, and otherwise made sure I had the materials/recipes needed to be self-sustaining for raid pots/flasks/food/enchants.
-Researching raid fights on my own time. Yes there's Fatboss stuff, but I need to pause and rewind every so often to absorb all of what's happening in the fight. And I had to watch all videos for Heroic and then start watching all videos for Mythic.
-Running Heroic over and over and over and over again to get that ring upgrade off Archi weekly and a shot at the Horn from Mannoroth (which went to the new DK who bumped me out of Mythic progression even though he had one but this one was Warforged).
-Raiding for three nights a week for three hours a night with one break in those three hours.
-While dealing with the clowns in Mumble who got a special channel called the Cone of Shame because they wouldn't shut up during fights.
-Being willing to wipe over and over and over again because people are treating Heroic as a joke and slacking on mechanics and I can't say a thing about it.
-Being willing to sit outside the raid for three hours on the bench because Mythic Council demands five healers and melee are first to be cut, then not being brought back in for Kilrogg.
-Being willing to be the "trial" in any new guild I start over in, where I do work for no reward for an indeterminate amount of time.
That's what I mean by treating it like a job. It consumes too much of my free time already and would consume even more if I were to transfer to another server to raid.
I raid Heroic once a week and have not touched mythic. I'm not in the thick of anything.
It's not at all. What would be a chore is wasting a spot and time with a trial that turns out to either be a bad player mechanically, or just have a horrible and offensive personality and poisons the morale of the group all because they didn't take 5 minutes just to tell us about their self in a quick application first.
I'm also in a 11/13M guild and our application form is basically
"How did you hear about us and why do you want to join?"
"If you're leaving a guild tell us about them and what made you choose to leave"
"Describe your on tier raiding experience and which classes/roles you played."
"Tell us more about yourself personally, crack a joke, mention any other interests or hobbies, just give us an idea of the person behind the character."
Like, that's it. You can link a parse from a log you're proud of, but we don't require it.
I would actually be interested in a Heroic farm raid, if it didn't take place on a weekend.
I can easily see how someone wavering on the edge of interest could find that a little too much to add on to everything.
Well, at that point, guilds aren't for you anyway, so it is probably something that's never going to be of much relevance for you.
If I ever want to raid it will matter, because I'd either have to app to a guild or "app" to some random person in the group finder. This is made worse and worse every time they make LFR less desirable. I really hope Legion isn't more 'raid or die' like WoD was after MoP awesomely wasn't.
If you want to do mythic raiding, then by necessity the guilds doing that content are going to be a little more selective (usually). But below that, there's all sorts, so I'm not sure why you're so ready to dismiss every guild.
Finally! According to the wowwiki, Hallow's End has been in the game for 10 years now. I was definitely there for the first few, but I didn't play WoW as much in recent years and missed a few. So glad I'm done with trying to get this particular mount.
My Backloggery
If you want to group up reliably with people pulling their weight, then that is never in a million years going to happen in any content that involves randomly queuing for it. It just won't. And as a result, content you can queue for must always be trivial in difficulty so that you can still clear it even if half the group is moronic.
And then, logically, it follows on that adding substantial rewards to trivial content is not reasonable.
I personally think LFR needs to go back to MoP levels of difficulty, where wiping on LFR fights was commonplace and it often required some semblance of coordination to kill. It was a lot better of an introduction to real raiding. If Blizzard does that, then adding proper rewards back to LFR makes sense. But with it being as easy as it is currently, it'd just be absurd to offer any sort of meaningful reward because at that point you may as well just mail the gear to players. LFR is a time sink, not any sort of challenging activity.