Sorry, Australia
Hello and welcome to Secret Santa, also known as Clue-Free Christmas, Hidden Holidays or X-Filed Xmas! It's coming up to that time of year where society paradoxically compells us to flex our "think of others" brain meats and our "buy stuff" brain meats. These brain meats can come into conflict if we don't exercise them properly. So what better way to get some practice in!
Want to be classy but are struggling to make ends meet? That's what Cryptic Cards are for! You can arrange to get someone to send a cheerful card to instead! Not that you can't send a card to your Santee as well.
After reviewing how last year went, the rules will be updated a bit. First of all, I'm removing the NSFW question. You can send people NC-17 movies and
Lolita and stuff if you want, but in general don't send things with the sole intent of titillation. Also of course, nothing illegal or dangerous. And no Bitcoins. Impressive Artistic Renditions of Bitcoins are acceptable though.
Second of all, you
must post some kind of wishlist here. Some enjoy the thrill of forum stalking, but others don't have the time. Also, if possible, assemble a wishlist for a website in your homeland or for digital wares, so if necessary your Santa can avail of that. The reason for this is in the next revision.
In the past, I've allowed people to ask to be assigned a Santee in the same country as them, because International Postage is a troublesome expense. This has been super stressful to work around, so this year I'm declaring that by signing up, you agree to send internationally if necessary. To all Santees, this is why or or Steam or what have you should be availed of, to allow your Santa to send you things without spending a fortune on postage. So please put thought into that. Cryptic Card will continue to be exclusively international as well.
Finally, you
must have a record of your gifts being posted. Amazon/Steam emails, recorded delivery receipt, what have you. It's a busy period and the postal system has failed before. You don't have to send them to your Santee unless there's a problem though.
So how do you sign up for replacing leg day with classy day? PM me. In the past I've allowed signups just in the thread, and had to chase down folk for their details separately. If I haven't received a PM by the closing date, that's tough cookies. Your PM should include:
-Your real name and address
-Whether you're being a Secret Santa and/or Cryptic Carder.
-Whether you wish to be on the reserve list for ungifted Santees (see below)
How much should you spend on your Santee? There are no hard limits. D&D has a huge spread of incomes, putting hard limits wouldn't be fair. If you feel artsy,
homemade arts and crafts are a totally classy gift. All that matters is that you've put thought into what you're sending. Another option may be a charity donation in your Santee's name.
You'll have until
November 8th 15th to sign up, where concerns like All Hallow's Eve have concluded, but the opportunity to net some classy presents without busting your wallet at the likes of Black Friday has not passed you by. It will take me a few days to get everyone assigned, so I may be open to some last minute additions, but keep this date in mind.
If enough people need it to make sure they can commit, I can punt this date out a week, which I have done.
There are some restrictions to qualify for joining the Secret Santa, but hopefully aren't too onerous. In general, you should have been posting since January 2015. This isn't iron clad though, and I'll consider younger posters on a case by case basis, especially if someone vouches for them. That being said, I reserve the right to refuse the admission of anyone for any other reason. In addition the Mods have the final say over who can take part, and can veto any admission. Any such refusal should be taken up with them.
Ideally I'd like to have all the assignments sent to their Santas before Thanksgiving, which should give everyone around a month to figure out how best to be classy to your fellow man before the agreed upon date of Christmas. Problems can happen however, and I'll understand if by Christmas Eve your gift has not reached its recipient, especially if you've explained this to your Santee and myself. I advise you all to use tracking numbers when you send them in case something goes wrong. If you have failed to send me notification of any actions you have taken by January 20th, I shall be in contact with the Mods. They understand the importance of being classy, and frown upon those who ask for the responsibility and then shun it. You WILL be banned if you fail to live up to your obligation without good reason. Also, never display disappointment in what you receive. People are being classy and sending you gifts, and it is bad form to complain about what you receive and forget the reason behind the gift. In the event a Santee goes without gift, I will be asking someone on the reserve list to make it up to them, preferably by the end of February.
Remember, it's now what you give or get, but how classy you are in doing it.
Those Being Secretive:
21st Century
Blameless Cleric
Captain Marcus
Dark Raven X
Donkey Kong
Element Brian
RMS Oceanic
So It Goes
Those Being Cryptic:
Dark Raven X
RMS Oceanic
Satanic Jesus
The stalking begins.
For ease of
stalking historical reference:
NB: As I am a filthy Socialist European, if you are interested in purchasing things of an electronic bent, please keep regional compatability in mind. My computer can play Region 1 DVDs however.
Electronic Gaming - I roll with a PS3/4, PS Vita and a PC. Highlights of my collection are the Assassins Creed, Uncharteds, inFamouses (inFamii?), GTAs, Gods of War and Final Fantasy. Those recent HD Classic collections are pretty spiffy too. If my Santa wants to send me gifts by Steam or, let me know and I'll relay my details. If you're stuck, PSN funding is nice.
Comics - I'm interested in reading some of the more interesting one off stories, like Dark Knight Returns (which I have). I'm also interested in graphic novel series like Scott Pilgrim (which I also have). EXCEPTIONS: I'm not interested in reading Y: The Last Man or Walking Dead. I greatly enjoyed Matt Fraction's Hawkguy so other successful collected comic runs are welcome too.
Classic Cartoons - In the interest of expanding my Godson's and Nephew's cultural experience, I have been collecting classic cartoons, i.e. Cartoons made prior to 1970. I currently have Disney Treasures, Looney Tunes Golden Collections and the Complete Droopy and Tom & Jerry, but there are others I'd like to assemble.
"Art Of" Books - Know those books which are full of concept sketches and art for major movies and games? I like those, especially for recent animated films.
Other Books - Comedy mostly, especially satire and/or parody. If you have any interesting history books I won't say no. Don't be afraid to send something that is neither of these. I'm also trying to bolster my literature cred too!
Webcomic Stuff - I read stuff like Nedroid, Hark! A Vagrant!, Bad Machinery and such. Books or non-clothing merchandise from such places are welcome.
TV Boxsets - Feel free to broaden my horizons. I have or am getting all Doctor Who and most classic British Comedy.
Soundtracks - Think a popular movie/game/TV show sounds awesome? You're free to send some of that my way.
Arts & Crafts - Skilled with a brush or pencil or tablet or knitting needle and want to give something original? I'm down with that.
Clothes - I'm well stocked for non-nudity. EXCEPTION: Interesting Hats, although my head is rather big.
Model Kits - I don't have neither the time or skill to assemble them.
MMORPG subscriptions - I don't know how likely receiving this is, but I don't play any MMORPGs.
These are the wild if-my-Santa-is-a-generous-millionaire type wishes, which I shall spoil for fear of appearing greedy.
The actual-millionaire-or-outright-has-divine-powers wishes
-Fund the installation of Photovoltaic Solar Panels on my roof
-A Fiat 500 L, 1.6 Diesel engine Lounge, Beatbox Green
-Peace on Earth
-Perpetual Energy becomes viable, widespread and cheap
-Alzheimers and other conditions that degenerate a person's mental condition are cured
-A cure for Diabetes
If these are hopelessly vague, I have a cheat sheet you can reference.
I'm quotin' in my list from last year while I come up with updates.
I have both Steam and Amazon wishlists
My Amazon one is a bit weak at the moment as it was just my birthday and I haven't reloaded it
My Christmas wishlist rarely alters, so this is almost a straight cut and paste job from two three years ago, updated to include boardgames purchased in the interim.
I like Lego (I like the DC/Marvel/Modular building stuff, and have a ton already, though nothing from the latest batches except the Green Lantern one) and boardgames (I have TI3, 7 Wonders, Rex, Alien Frontiers, Arkham Horror, Quarriors, Quantum, Dead of Winter, Pandemic, Tokaido, Star Trek: Fleet Captains, Netrunner, Dice Duels, Coup, Eclipse, Eldritch Horror, King of New York, Cthulhu Wars, Sherlock Holmes: Consulting Detective, Spyfall (plus expansions for all) and my buds I always play with have Android: Infiltration, Munchkin, BSG, Dominion, Spartacus, Ticket to Ride, Ghost Stories, Android, Forbidden Suns, Race For The Galaxy and Dixit). I am obsessed with Netrunner, but need no cards unless they're old and rare alt-art and already have mats and deckboxes aplenty. You could get some funky tokens, I guess. Classy and unusual movie posters (for good movies) delight my cold heart. I am a size medium if you cannot be swayed from buying me a t-shirt. I like real ale and good food. I am in my late thirties forty, married, no kids and no pets.
Just get me whatever. Last birthday my mum got me slippers at my request. That's the guy you're gifting.
I don't watch the animes or read manga, and find figurines and geeky nick-nacks to be pointless clutter. NSFW presents are funny for about two seconds max, so don't bother. Music is always tricky when buying blind, so probably not.
Choose Your Own Chat 1 Choose Your Own Chat 2 Choose Your Own Chat 3
Can we get a sticky on this @Jacobkosh @Elki
Redx sign up!
Flow toys. Poi and the like? Stupid awesome things you see people on drugs playing with and staring at agog?
Clothes. Medium, 32/30, 6-8.
Not a fan of t-shirts. Like boldish, intricate, (frankly psychedelic) prints. Shirts, pants, leggings, skirts, scarves, onsies, overalls. Largish floppy legs are a nice touch. Think, "if I was twisted on substances, would this make me stop and stare?"
Stuff for camping.
Books. Stuff from authors like but not, cause I own all the things, Ian Banks, Terry Pratchett, Hunter Thompson, Ann Leckie... ehh... and you're going to have to get a certain distance from standard geek fair, because I have read most of the reasonably common things. Need more science nonfiction, but if an author is really famous(like it has entered pop culture) for a given work, I've probably read it.
Games, I have a decent pc. I'm a big fan of running shadows and Xing Coms. I own the ones that exist, but would be down for other turn based and real time strategy stuff. I like stompy mech games, but own none currently.
I am learning to make clothes. More sewing than knitting.
I like anime. But, I have specific tastes and I'm not really allowed to talk about anime here. Shonnen? I really kinda dislike it a bunch. I own no DVD or bluray player. So... like... I'd love something surprising anime related I won't hate. Good luck. Probably a bad idea. Unless it is Kaiba merch or something... ( or you know my tastes well. Or madoka(I suppose, hypothetically, a set of familiar plushie world be appreciated) or nanoha swag.
Getting into android:netrunner some.
I like cooking and coffee and non-irish/non-canadian whiskey and beer. Don't really have space to homebrew.
Also. I like tea.
I like kinda nice tools and gadgets for making things. Like tea and cocktails and nice clean solders and seams and twists of citrus peal.
I vape. I also like nice flavored cigarettes. Cloves and vanilla and whatnot. These are not legally sold in the US. They sell terrible flavored little cigars here, and they are gross. I don't want little filtered cigars. If you are in another country though...
Any comics by Jhonen Vasquez, or like Maxx or Tank Girl trades, or other comics I don't know... but maybe this helps in terms of 'taste'.
Ehh... Still more to come.
but i am otherwise excited and appreciate your effort in pulling this together RMS
NNID: Hakkekage
Uncanny Magazine!
The Mad Writers Union
yay nerds
okay, updated list
stuff I like
--cooking (a cookbook or cooking stuff or a subscription to some sort of food-related thingie would be cool)
--body modification (tattoos and piercings and other, wilder stuff)
--gadgetry (I am p close to switching over to being a programmer so stuff to play with in the internet of things or programmable whatevers would be fun)
--local stuff from where you are that is cool or different
--maybe a fun lego build thing (like one of the architecture sets? or if you are made of money the haunted house?)
--sawyer (3.5 yr), emerson (1 yr)
--I would like to get into camping/hiking after I graduate in the spring
--reading things (maybe a book or comic book that I should love but I am not reading)
--letterpress (posters/art? maybe something portland-related?)
--things that are small, grumpy, cute, retro or weird
stuff I don't really like
--the sun
--you probably shouldn't get me clothes, music, movies, video games
It's my favorite thread of all threads! Even surpassing the conspiracy theory thread!
I don't have Steam or even a PC for that matter. Console wise I'm getting by with a PS3. I buy very few games and the ones I want to play, I buy.
I recently read The Player of Games and would be interested in more Culture books.
Webcomics I like: Gunnerkrigg Court, Unsounded, Whomp!, Penny Arcade. Nimona, Breaking Cat News, and others. I post a lot in the Webcomic thread so that might give ideas.
Random stuff:
Legos (any kind, I don't have much)
Cool toys
LEDs (for crafting and making things with)
Do you make things? I like handmade stuff
Knitting- I have plenty of needles and tools, but I can always use yarn. Or pattern books.
Cooking- I love to cook, but I don't have many cookbooks beyond the most basic. Interesting spices, hot sauces, dry ingredients, tea, or weird snacks are welcome. Just as long as it ships.
Homebrewing- kits or brewing spices are welcome
Other booze- bourbon and scotch are my main boozes, although I will drink pretty much anything.
Woodworking- just getting into this, still trying to learn
Coloring books- like those "therapy" coloring books that have become more prevalent in the last few years. The more intricate the better. Also need as many colored pencils and/or pens as I can get.
Clothing: I'm a big dude, I wear Tshirts sized 3xl and 4 XL. i can always use warm socks because I don't make those.
I do have an Amazon wish list but there's not a lot on it at the moment. I also use the kindle app on my iPad so any book available on kindle is available to me.
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
If my Santa wishes to send me a thematic card tailored to my tastes, I am currently into:
Darkest Dungeon
Kerbal Space Program
Cool sci-fi or fantasy art that is not necessarily tied to a given franchise
I will be gifting one of your fine people all over your face.
Get ready to experience the joy that can be brought to you on the income of a graduate student who recently got a raise that put him over the federal poverty line.
"We believe in the people and their 'wisdom' as if there was some special secret entrance to knowledge that barred to anyone who had ever learned anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
got that significant income bump! bout to make it rain IOUs printed on the back of dissertation drafts
"We believe in the people and their 'wisdom' as if there was some special secret entrance to knowledge that barred to anyone who had ever learned anything." - Friedrich Nietzsche
I'm also going to use the ranking system of RMS Oceanic, 2015, with modifications. Rankings will increase in both desirability and/or price, and the list will be updated as I think of things.
Ranking: :bzz:
Video games would probably be a less-optimal choice for me, given grad school time constraints means I can only play them sparingly, despite making poast on video game forums.
Books are pretty good! I like things about bugs, mushrooms, and evolution, although I've read or own most Pop-Sci books on evolution. I prefer actual "primary" sources (i.e. Origin of Species over a Dawkins book). I like sci-fi, urban fantasy, and steampunk stuff. Recent books I've read and loved have been Railsea, Boneshaker
, and The Court of the Air. I also looooove Dune, it's probably my favorite book, so anything Dune-related (aside from the godawful sequels) is great!
I also like LEGO stuff!
Alcohol-wise I like bourbons and Scotches.
Ranking: :bzz: :bzz:
....Obviously I like bug things. I have some cool dung beetle candle holders and a scarab paperweight as room decor, and a few posters of anatomical insect drawings, for example.
I like comic books! Sex Criminals seems cool! Squirrel Girl is my favorite super hero, and I love Rat Queens.
I've gotten into Warhammer/Warmachine/Age of Sigmar, and generally like board games and miniatures games.
In terms of Warhammer I play dwarves and Skaven (see posts in Critical Failures painting thread)
I have March of the Ants and Hive and prefer co-op games. I'm interested in Malifaux, and people can probably guess which sets or factions from most games (or game themes) I would like (hint: sciencey guys or buggy guys).
I like to cook, and mostly try and eat vegetarian food, so cooking supplies/books (particularly funny ones) are great!
I love Hannah Hart and the Thug Kitchen guy
LEGO stuff will also go under two bees, because it can get pricey as well. Ditto for Alcohol
Ranking :bzz: :bzz: :bzz:
Referencing RMS, this is stuff that I pretty much don't expect unless you are some sort of crazy generous/wealthy person
Ranking: :bzz: :bzz: :bzz: :bzz: . As per RMS' ranking system, this tier is reserved for someone who is an actual-millionaire-or-outright-has-divine-powers.
-A new car
-Peace on Earth
-Make my dissertation write itself
-Give me a Nobel Prize
My wish list is below, and will be updated as I get to it
HOWEVER- I would be MUCH MORE EXCITED about something personal, or something funny, or something that represents something you care about and want to share with me than anything on this list. If you send me some of your homebrew, or some candy/snack/food particular to your country or region with a funny card, or something else you want to share with me that you like, that's probably better! You don't have to know me at all, if your present helps me get to know you!
EDIT: For Our Glorious Pet Monkey: "You are captain of the Frogrammer, the first ship of it's kind"
SECOND EDIT: So, I've recently learned that I'll be moving at the end of January, so gifts should preferably be easily portable, or easily consumed/hidden in orifices
Uh i mean
Ok so I am also gonna use the RMS ranking system because it is quality!
So! In order of desire:
Also I have an xbox 360 and a laptop but they neither of them are great for gaming unfortunately.
Games I would like that would probably also run:
:hydra: :hydra:
I really like flowers and earrings
THESE SICK PERIOD UNDIES ("hiphugger" or "cheeky" styles acceptable)
It may seem weird to buy me underwear, but I promise it's not. These things are an investment!
I am a size M in shirts and L/10 in bottoms generally (which means an L/10 in dresses and skirts as well)
Also I love cute tights. Cute tights forever.
ALSO I would REALLY LIKE ONE OF THOSE BEARD HATS. Y'know, the ones where it's a knit hat with a knit beard on it too. MY FACE GETS COLD IN THE FROZEN NORTH. As viking-y as possible
Your Art
Are you an artist? So am I! There is nothing cooler than art. I'd love to have some of yours
As per the system, the following tier is stuff I really do not expect anyone to even consider unless, and honestly even if, they're very wealthy
:hydra: :hydra: :hydra:
Aaand these are for people who are actually like billionaire philanthropists or something
:hydra: :hydra: :hydra: :hydra:
My amazon wish list is HERE
Really though, like Arch said, funny things and personal stuff that comes from you is A+. Really excited to participate in this this year!!
Also I love European candy >>
Steam name: Blameless Cleric
Same for Origin
I'd love it if you took a look at my art and my PATREON!
i will participate for the first year ever. FYI, i'm in Canada.
List of general likes:
So, things i'd like to get ( )
Things i would really like to get but might be a bit expensive. ( )
Things to get me if you're stumped
Things i don't want:( )
Supplementary Reading Material:
Lastly, if a Programming Ape gets me, Here's a 1-sentence game pitch:
"You are two kids in an adult trenchcoat trying to do as many adult things as possible without getting caught."
Sorry if this got a bit long, haha.
Check out my site, the Bismuth Heart | My Twitter
I definitely enjoy movie and TV show paraphernalia, like prop replicas and stuff (For example, Malcolm Reynold's pistol from Firefly, Agent Coulson's bloodied Captain America trading cards are two things previous Santas have gotten me that were cool). I'm big into the MCU these days, How To Train Your Dragon, Castle, Person of Interest and Mythbusters. I don't have any Blu-rays for Castle or Person of Interest, but I have all the MCU stuff.
One thing I've been interested in getting into are comics. Some of the recent Marvel stuff is supposed to be great and I'm interested in the new lady Thor stuff. Heard good things about She-Hulk as well. And I loved Telltale's The Wolf Among Us and Fables is supposed to be really good. I own literally no comics since 1992 (Except for a couple of mangas), so that's a safe bet if someone has a series they think I'd like.
Actually, speaking of Manga, I only have one Battle Angel book and I have been meaning to get those (Tears of an Angel is the one I have) I have the big Akira books they released a few years ago, 1-4 although I know there's a bunch more that's another series that's just sort of been waiting for me to get back to.
I love games, and my Steam name is Nova_C if you want to have a look at my Steam Wishlist.
Clothes are a tough one, but I'm a 3XL t-shirt. Anything else is too variable for proper fitting.
I recently moved into a new place and only have a few things up on the walls! Posters or similar are welcome!
One thing I don't want any more of is physical books. I have boxes full of them and much prefer the simplicity of my Kindle e-reader. I love books but please don't get me any more. :P
And if there's something local to you that you don't know if I'd be into or not, go for it! Something unique that nobody would know to ask for is awesome!
EDIT: I guess that wasn't too short. :P
-Indiana Solo, runner of blades
Well, i'd like to think I am a simple person with simple interests. My wife however informs me, I am not.
General interests
These are not listed in any particular order.
I'll break it down based on rankings like others have.
:bro: Simple things list, (I think)
:bro: :bro: Moneybags Mcgee List
:bro: :bro: :bro: Making it rain all day rich list
Ok, maybe it's not that simple. Let the Funstivities commence?!
Please, no NSFW stuff, I can only imagine opening a box, and my kids there with me, and then I have to answer more awkward questions than I do already with them.
Edit; (Santa, if you are international, don't ship anything unless you are burning cash to stay warm, shits expensive.)
and every year people don't send me sex toys.
Like the most NSFW thing I have received was a Masamune Shirow art book.
I'll just post my amazon wishlist, but I'm not really someone who needs extravagant gifts.
Also, Apple Store gift cards never go out of style.
BF3 Battlelog | Twitter | World of Warships | World of Tanks | Wishlist
So as far as wishlists go, my first preference would be for something cool that YOU like!
Is that a cop out answer? It IS actually true, but Iwill go ahead and list stuff of my own that I like.
In no particular order:
-makeup products, particularly eyeliner or lipstick/gloss
-clothing things! (Size M)
-knee high rad socks (stripes are awesome!)(size 9 women)
-cyberpunk type stuff
-gothy type stuff
-punk rock
-horror type stuff
If that is still too vague, there is always Steam! I am NecoVS there. I will try and put up a wishlist over there too.
Also sex toys. I have a fairly small butthole and that doesn't really need to change too much.
This is my 4th year of doing this? Previous threads graciously linked will show some thoughtful Santa's giving me dope ass things, but to summerize:
- Awesome learning books on cool and interesting shit. I've read books on the history of the banana, to material sciences, to ancient computers unearthed in Greek oceans, to even the lives of drug lords in South American cartels. They were all great reads, and mind blowing in their own ways. Basically, any kind of book that would be awesome to learn from, and you could totally drop a knowledge bomb on someone. Learning new things is awesome.
- Anything topical to your area, and can't be obtained elsewhere. Local beers, foods, cool crafts! Anything that your region is famous for, other than like, rare diseases and fish poached in urine and toxic waste.
- Anything geeky and sci-fi too!
- Kick ass art and things to hang on walls or shelves that are neat. Props for geeky or unique art/shelf stuff.
- Worst case, a steam gift card won't go awry. (3lwap0 is steam ID)
- Clothing/Music/Media - too picky
- NSFW stuff - I mean, you can, but I wouldn't know what to do with a battery powered reciprocating sex toy.
Richy's list:
* Strange foreign foods, spices, ingredients, or alcohol that I can't get elsewhere. These days I'm starting to develop an interest in molecular gastronomy, but you can safely assume I'm a beginner-level beginner in the area. I have no food allergies or dislikes whatsoever, except to vegemite. (shakes fist towards Australia) VEGEMITE!
* Nerd stuff for my nerd shelf. It currently holds Grimlock, Mal's gun, a BttF DeLorean, Vulcan ears, a sonic screwdriver, a mini-Mario, a Mario mushroom, a Mr Spock figurine, two TARDIS mugs.
* Some home-made stuff you made that I can display proudly in my nerd shelf.
* Board games. I currently own Carcasone, Thurns and Taxis, 3D scrabble, Citadels, Agricola, Battlestar Galactica, Monopoly City, Taboo, Settlers of Catan, Blokus, Super Munchkin, Zombies!, Horus, the Back to the Future card game, Cards Against Humanity w/ the first Canadian expansion, Apples 2 Apples, Chrononauts. I've been craving Ticket 2 Ride and some CAH extensions.
* Almost anything from ThinkGeek or This Is Why I'm Broke. I do like functional stuff that make my life nerdier, and I seldom buy myself any on account of I already have functional non-nerdy versions of everything and do not replace working stuff. I have a short Thinkgeek wishlist if you lack imagination.
* I love cooking & baking, DIY, cosplay, watercolour painting.
Richy's list
* Clothes, jewellery
* Car stuff
* Pet stuff
* Sport stuff
* Music / TV / Movie DVDs
* Books / comics / manga
* Videogames
* Wall art and posters
* NSFW stuff
* Dust collectors (excluding cool home-made stuff you made for me or nerd shelf stuff)
- Tech stuff
- Martial Arts stuff (recently received my black belt in Haidong Gumdo but love watching other martial arts.)
- Workout stuff (Underarmour, McDavid, Reebok, Nike, Adidas, anything that is good for a workout!)
- Decorative stuff (Posters, prints, pictures for my nerdy computer room/office at my house)
- Transformers! I might have a bit of a collecting problem that my wife seems adamant about allowing me to pursue and encourage >_> and not the movies (slagging pieces of scrap!). G1, Beast Wars, etc are all good for anything at all. And probably not Beast Machines. Beast Machines and Bayformers don't exist to me. :P
- Dog/Cat stuff as I have my beagle (Samantha) as well as two cats (Teddy and Moogle)
- Hand made things! (I still have a handmade card from @Hakkekage from my very first Secret Santa because it is awesome!)
- Games are all good as we've got all the consoles covered (XBone and PS4) as well as my pc (mah baby!) and I love being able to play games with PA folks! But normally I am too cheap to get something when it's popular/new so I miss out when everyone is playing it.
- Also! I've started getting into podcasting recently and while I love my headset I find that for this I should probably look into getting a dedicated condenser mic and pop filter of some sort so if someone can get a decent one for the cheap on a black Friday or something and save a bit on shipping that would be awesome too because is ridiculous when it comes to pricing at times.
With regards to the nerdy stuff and workout stuff I suppose I should mention that I am cool with clothes and accessories. I have a few compression shirts and wrist/headbands that I always wear for my classes but more are always welcome (large for that sort of stuff and probably 2x for shirts and the like).
- Booze (Don't want to complicate things for people with shipping plus I don't drink a ton as it is)
:biggrin: :biggrin:
Totally not expecting any of this but if some generous millionaire playboy philanthropist happens to get my name.
- World peace!
- A new motherboard for my 4790k!
- A new video card!
I'll try and come up with an Amazon wishlist this year as that might make some searching easier for people. As well if anything else comes to mind I'll update ahead of time.
EDIT** And here it is! Still a work in progress though.
Yes pls:
- Anything to do with Buffy the Vampire Slayer or Angel (except the Buffy DVDs, as I have the box set. I do not have Angel edited because I'm fairly sure my mom is buying me the Angel box set)
- Anything to do with Hellboy, comics or movies. I have both films on blu-ray and volumes 1-12 of the trades plus a couple of BPRD things, but posters/figures/t-shirts/etc are welcome. I take a men's small for a t-shirt.
- Anything Firefly, barring the series and Serenity on blu-ray as I have the discs already
- Anything Final Fantasy VII. I literally own the game 5 times and Advent Children twice. Figures, art, t-shirts, etc. all welcome
- PSN gift cards. I play Rock Band, so
- Candy that I cannot get in Canada, but probably only enough to sample, not too much
- cat toys for my little jerk of a cat who likes to chew on things
- cool books on like folkore and urban legends and things like that. bonus points if dealing with Canadian legends
No thanks:
- anything NSFW
- anything XBox or Nintendo
- anything anime
- alcohol. I don't drink at all
- anything Supernatural. i kind of hate the show now and am getting rid of what merch I do still have
Do... Re... Mi... So... Fa.... Do... Re.... Do...
Forget it...