Nobody else has made a thread so now I will use a draft from way back when;
In our time, weapons technology has taken a number of astounding leaps forward! Let's look at the latest developments, shall we?
Starktech's new Iron Man range features advanced defensive and offensive properties, including Repulsor Beams, Shoulder and Arm rockets, a Uni-Blaster, enhanced strength, laser beams and whatever the fuck gave Tony Stark a semi this week. From a man who no longer makes weapon! Looks cool and flies, though, so who can blame him?
Captain America's shield. Indestructible! Invincible! Exceeded only by the courage of the man who wields it! Not just a symbol of freedom that can take a wallop from Ultron, it also bounces off all surfaces including the face of INJUSTICE. For a more skill based defender of liberty, very nice.
Mjolnir! It can fly! It's indestructible! It can shoot lightning and summon storms! In the comics, it can pretty much do whatever the fuck it's wielder likes. Force fields, energy absorption, the Godblast, Anti-Force, even fucking
Time Travel. A traditional weapon for a traditional warrior, who also likes being able to shoot cosmic laser blasts at their foolish foes. Note: Not suitable for those with a villainous persona.
The Smasher suit! Makes you strong! Makes you fast! Lasers! Space! Quite popular aren't they? Of course, it was made by aliens, so who the hell knows what else it can do. All I know is that the previous wearers of the suit tended to die horribly. Let's hope that the current wearer doesn't, because she's pretty cool. Nice costume design as well!
They're sharp and aerodynamic. When you are basically a ninja,
that's all you need.
Some superheroes are weapons themselves! The Nazis made them, and then the Allies made them too. When they fight, it's incredibly violent and harrowing! I am the only person who reads this comic other than, like, two people here! But it's my OP so I can talk about whatever I want!
Guns that shoot love, with heart shaped muzzle flair! For the discerning and stylish spirit of truth, these are an excellent tool for those who want to spread peace and happiness with a high rate of fire and low recoil.
Reed Richards' brain. THE DEADLIEST WEAPON OF ALL?
Oh no wait. That's the Ultimate Nullifier. Nullifies owt, it does. No stains, no fuss.